Don’t Let Them Fool You!

April 17, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some people who call themselves scientists have done something weird with chemicals that restored brain activity in dead pigs.

This is not a good idea.

This is the recipe for zombies. It is. Look it up. (1) Get some dead pigs, (2) Get some chemicals … do stuff and you’ve got zombies.

Or maybe the crowd at a MAGA rally.

Either way, quit it.


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0 Comments to “Don’t Let Them Fool You!”

  1. Dead pigs? Brain activity?
    Let me play Devileds Ham advocate for a moment JJ, and suggest there might be a positive application.

    What if Trump voters, and Fox News viewers were given some of this concoction? What if suddenly they wake up, their newly restored brain activity allows them to think? They hear Trump speak, the Fox News chair and desk embellishments babble, and realize – – OH MY GOD – – they’re all crazy! Turn it off! Turn it off!

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    That answers one burning question: how MAGAts survive without a respirator in their absence of brain function. The living brain versus the cellularly active brain of a MAGAt makes perfect sense.

  3. megasoid says:

    MAD SCIENCE! Lets see:

    – Darpa project – military application gone awry?

    – NRA’s 2nd Amendment solution to humane procedures in Meat Packing plants?

    – GOPerverts resort to stacking the courts with conservative pig brains. Chaos ensues.

    No pig brains were harmed in the making of this film.

  4. Pig zombies…did not see that coming……sure hope Michonne, Carol and Darryl are ready!!

  5. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I don’t know what NPR said, but the article I read says it’s about restoring oxygen flow to damaged brains, not making them function again. They’re trying to find an effective therapy for stroke and Alzheimer’s, which is fine with me.

    (Of course, they couldn’t resist tagging it “Frankenswine.”)

  6. I agree with Buttermilk Sky: maybe not all bad if it helps with stroke and Alzheimer’s issues. Another thought is that it blurs the line between “living” and “not living.” I’m thinking about implications at the other end of the life cycle: If what we think we know about the difference in “alive” and “not alive” is wrong, is it right to charge women with murder for having abortions? Isn’t it more than heartbeat and brain activity that makes a person “alive”?

  7. The picture of Colin Clive or even Gene Wilder exulting, “It’s Partly Alive” just doesn’t work for me.

  8. Zombie pigs? Sounds like some frat at MIT or elsewhere is have a real trip!

  9. Zombie pigs? Frankenswine. MAGA hat wearing Republicans.
    Ya’ll are making a distinction without a difference.

  10. Could this be how we got Trump? Mad Dr. Putinstein gave Trump the “Abby Normal” brain, not the pig brain. Any pig has more brains and class than Rump. And we can be sure his gold-digging wife doesn’t sing “Sweet Mystery of Life” in the Lincohn bedroom.

    Jane & PKM @ 2,

    This procedure wouldn’t help the current herd of morally bankrupt, ethically defunct GOP porkers. Not one brain among them.

  11. Sam in St Paul says:

    Did they try measuring brain activity in Rick Perry while he was alive?

  12. Rick Stelter says:

    This means that there is hope that we can help Republicans understand that tax cuts to rich people won’t make us all rich?
