Being a Texas Congressman Qualifies You For the No Fly List / UPDATED

January 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Randy Weber is a southeast Texas Congressman is on a roll tonight before the SOTU. This used to be Ron Paul’s district.

Here’s a little better list of his tweets than the one I posted last night.


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And this morning, someone had some fun with his wiki page.  Click the little one to get the big one.

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0 Comments to “Being a Texas Congressman Qualifies You For the No Fly List / UPDATED”

  1. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Is that kind of dumb a requirement for TX Republicans or do they just pander to average Texans?

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy Gohmertz, and a double dose of Randy Weber. No relation to the grill, but due a thorough grilling, or maybe a decent burial in the word salad of the Gomertz Four, expected to expectorate later tonight.

    Have the TiVo set, out of respect to my tummies gohmert index.

    Loves my intelligent and beautiful wife. We’re going out for a nice evening of dinner and dancing. We enjoy a good movie, but are not big fans of train wrecks.

  3. A Re-Puke-ian opens its mouth and the pungent stink of BS rises around him.

  4. Braxton Braggart says:

    I am just so very, very sorry about this. At least Ron Paul had some interesting, if not exactly sane, ideas from time to time.

  5. Why oh why does he think it is so bright and good to sound like a 9 year old on a sugar high? Definitely not a man.

  6. What a jerk and an embarrassment to Texas? Vote him out!

  7. Braxton Braggart says:

    A couple of years ago the family genealogist took me aside at a family gathering and said, with considerable pride, that he thought we were distant cousins with Rep. Joe “You Lie” Wilson, of Florida. That idea bothered me, but not as much as Randy Weber from my own damned district.

  8. Sister Artemis says:

    Stay classy, Randy!

  9. I have the words that this person has earned, but they are not suitable for Momma.

    Although I’ll bet she’s muttered some of them, perhaps even while hearing/seeing this.

  10. Attila the Blond says:

    Was just gonna give a heads up in case you were busy and missed Randy’s ravings. I see ya all are on it. This one came across my twitter feed and I felt so bad for the good people in Texas. Texas deserves better than this hate filled clod.

    Randy Weber ‏@TXRandy14 3h

    On floor of house waitin on “Kommandant-In-Chef”… the Socialistic dictator who’s been feeding US a line or is it “A-Lying?”

  11. Makes me glad I’m this many years out of junior high school, where I had to get used to that sort of thing.

  12. Is he drunk or just dumb as a stick? I honestly can’t decide.

  13. My Gawd Weber is 60 years old. Are you kidding me?

  14. This is how you get attention from the media.

    Act like a jerk.

  15. None dare call it treason…..or even reason….

  16. Braxton Braggart says:

    @Micr says:

    > My Gawd Weber is 60 years old. Are you kidding me?

    That’s dog years. In people years, he’s 12.

  17. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Foaming at the mouth used to be a fatal disease. Now it is a political party.

  18. Sam in Kyle says:

    I lived in Pearland while Weber was a member of the city council. When the Baptist Church grew stronger politically than the Methodist church he attended, he had a “miraculous” conversion. He and other Baptist church members kept a city manager in office who was a church member and who: brought a gun to work, threatened to kill the city attorney, used city materials for his own development business, and used insider knowledge to purchase land.
    I’ve been to town hall meetings where I called Weber on his record and lies and never got a straight answer. When he was in the Texas legislature he claimed that women who used birth control were more likely to get pregnant. He’s as low as a snake’s belly and would lie when it’s easier to tell the truth. If you want to know what a cretin he is look up his former pastor, Rick Scarborough, a monument to bigotry.

  19. Unfortunately, we’ve come to expect this kind of raving from Texas Repugs, and BTW Stockman walked out on the State of the Union address. Just another way to get negative attention.

  20. I guess Stockman was afraid he might actually have some reality penetrate his pathetic brain.

  21. Sam in Kyle says:

    BTW, I did not put the link on how to get pregnant in my post. My wife took me aside several years ago and did a show and tell demonstration.

  22. I certainly didn’t vote for Weber. He is a disgrace to this whole district as well as the state. People from other areas think we are all like this. Thank God I can reason with some of them!

  23. Lorraine in Spring says:


    Yea, I heard Stockman walked out too. Notice he didn’t get any attention from it. The guy’s gotta be missing for at least 2 weeks before anyone notices. Bless his heart.

    Maybe he went back to missing, which makes him better at his job than when he shows up for work.

  24. RE:Weber and his teabag bubbas: “Do you have to talk like children? What is it that makes you so ashamed of being a grown-up?”

  25. Sorry to say his Wikipedia page has been changed back to the original statement… although it was more fitting with the change.

  26. Sam in Kyle: Rick Scarborough? That’s all that needs sayin’!

  27. Robin Frazier says:

    I knew Randy in high school. He was a cheerleader, seems to be a pattern there. Anyway he was also a class clown and serial class cutter. I have to say he has exceeded my expectations for him. Of course that is because the bar for the U.S. Congress has hit the ground and he can tunnel under it.

  28. I can’t look at him. His ears freak me out.
