Oh Please. Fess Up. You Didn’t Go Before You Left Home.

January 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Steve Stockman, man of mystery locations, walked out of the State of the Union address last night.  Because he was raised in a damn barn.

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) said Tuesday night that he left President Obama’s State of the Union speech early after “hearing how the president is further abusing his Constitutional powers.”

“I could not bear to watch as he continued to cross the clearly-defined boundaries of the Constitutional separation of powers,” Stockman said in a press release shortly after Obama’s speech ended. “Needless to say, I am deeply disappointed in the tone and content of tonight’s address.”

Wait.  Wait.  If you walked out, how do you know what he said?  Steve, are you using those Superman powers of yours again?

Bless his heart, he walked out and nobody even missed him.

Thanks to Steve for the heads up.




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0 Comments to “Oh Please. Fess Up. You Didn’t Go Before You Left Home.”

  1. Attention-getting behavior at its worst.
    He had a prepared rant, as did all the Repugs, and needed a platform to spew.

  2. As if i his Fascistic pea-brain has any idea what , or for that matter, can even READ what is in the Constitution…..

  3. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I can’t believe it, but I watched the whole thing (well almost — I missed the first few minutes while Michigan State and Iowa went into overtime) and of course what the Republicans heard and what I heard were significantly different. The President did NOT say that he was going to usurp the authority of Congress but he DID say that if Congress failed to act that he would use his authority to do what he can do. Best example that comes to mind is saying that the minimum wage should be raised to $10.10 but regardless of what Congress does, he will ensure that people working on Federal contracts will have a minimum wage of $10.10. (My guess is that most people working on government contracts already get more than that because there are darn few contracts for fast-food workers and retail associates at WalMart/Target/etc.)

  4. Isn’t he paid by his constituents to sit and listen?
    Who the hell cares what he wants, he is paid to do a job and he should do it.

    I am constantly amazed at the lack of manners of republicans. Christian values? Spoiled brats!

  5. Wa Skeptic says:

    What that actually means: federal contractors will no longer be able to pay their employees less than minimum wage while charging Uncle Sugar for $35/hour. Good. It’s a start.

    Typical disrespectful attitude by little sockyard and the rest of the thugs–good riddance. Go, Texas Blues!!

  6. Sorry about my language.

    I’m sick to death of these antics. Do the job you are being paid to do, that you were elected to do and shut up.
    I know he is representing Texas, but his actions or lack of them affect me and mine in NY.
    He is a Congressman and should act like one.
    I think he is a desperate man and he is going to do something big before he is voted out of office.

  7. It’s too long ago to remember his quote exactly, but a man I know said that he got paid to do the part of his job he didn’t like, implying that the part he liked he would do anyway.

    I expect this is true for many who are working in a job that they have chosen. Maybe someone should remind him of this idea. Nobody made him (or anyone else) run for Congress so they all should do the job, whether it’s the part they like or the rest that needs to be done.

  8. You can say hell, Diane – that’s where they are all going.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    So far, President Obama has used his Executive Order options far less then Bush-1, Clinton, and Bush-2 … and whatever he does under that order is constitutional. He is a Constitutional Teacher/Lawyer … he knows what he can or cannot do. The Repukes just need one more thing to whine about.
    And I just caught a snip of Rand Paul’s whine after the SOTU speech: [in whiney voice] Where’s the jobs? Criminy, I’d like to slap the whine right out of his pubic-hair-covered head!

  10. Diane–

    Please don’t confuse “was sent to Congress by a majority vote of Texans” with “represents Texas.” This gohmert doesn’t in any way represent me (or a visibly growing number of other Texans, including some who voted for him), and I’ve been Texan all my life.

    These ja¢ka$$e$ mostly only represent themselves and their big-buck$ puppet masters, not Texas.

  11. @Litlhorn: beat me to it. Good on ya!

    @Susie: great insight and so true. The parts of our jobs we like we would do for free. It’s the nasty difficult parts that we need to get paid to do.

  12. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Let’s face it, he wasn’t missed. The whole country is better off when Steve Stockman disappears. Especially his constituents.
    Maybe they’ll vote for a better human being next time.

  13. How else was he going to get his name in the media?

    That’s what he, and most of the Repubs in Congress are all about now. I mean you, too, Randy Weber.

    Spin, sound bites, acting as childish as possible, gets you covered by people who have nothing much better to do than wait for the next outrageous statement, or quote, or walk out, or whatever it takes to show total lack of respect for The President of The United States, and our system of government.

    I’m going to quit reading this crap. Maybe the media will quit covering it.

  14. The only thing missing is Steve Stockman waving a sheet of paper over his head, which he claims is a list of the constitutional powers President Obama is abusing.

  15. Steve and his evil ilk conveniently edited this part out of the Constitution: “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To borrow money on the credit of the United States” etc.

  16. What Stockman heard: “I’m done playing a game you’ve rigged, I have work to do.”. Whiny fit of, “But you’re supposed to kick the ball when I hold it!”.

    Stop wasting my money and do your bleeping job.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    Many years ago I listened quietly as a mother of several children lectured them about how bad the government was and how they should do all they could not to be involved with the government. Small detail: their daddy earned their living working for the government. Anyway little kids grow up with those attitudes when they hear them all their lives.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    Oh, and that family lived in Ron Paul’s district.

  19. Don A, there are minimum-wage workers on federal contracts. Some of them serve food at the Pentagon and mop its floors at night, just as an example.

    Stockman and that Cuban-Canadian smirker– if the cameras and microphones disappeared, they’d dry up and blow away.

  20. Stockman is trying to get people to sign a petition to impeach President Obama. Stockman is losing to Cornyn and will try anything for attention

  21. dinsmorem says:

    Headlines read: “Stockman Walks Out on SOTUS–Rooms IQ Goes Up” !!!

  22. Kay Carrasco says:

    Actually, he was probably miffed beyond endurance when he realized that the Louisiana Congress-critter had snagged an actual DUCK DYNASTY GUY to sit with him and flounced out in a snit. Because Ted Nugent was just SO last year, you know. Try to keep up, Steve….

  23. Don’t worry, be happy He is not going to beat Cornyn and didn’t file to re-up for Congress, right? He’s done.

    This is a good thing because after 5 years he would be eligible for a fat pension at 62

  24. Marge Wood says:

    Bananas, I sure hope you’re right but I hate to say I do think that Gohmert represents a lot of his constituents and there’s more where he came from. Also, I forgive him for walking out. When you gotta go, you gotta go. Just imagine the alternative.

  25. Wasn’t he missing? Wherever he was, he should’ve stayed there.

  26. Terry Weldon says:

    One good thing about Stockman’s leaving the Floor: The average intelligence in the room went up appreciably.
