Because They Lie Sometime Just For Practice
To be honest, one of the most soul-busting things that I believe happened under Trump was Brett Kavanaugh. I saw first hand not only the slippery intelligence of the man they put on the Supreme Court but also his character. Both were just a shiver looking for a spine to run up.
Now comes the story of Amy Chau, the self-described Tiger-Mom, who defended Kavanaugh with all her might. At the time, her glowing recommendations for Kavanaugh gave rise to suspicions that she was doing it only to get a SCOTUS clerkship for her daughter should Kavanaugh be approved.
She denied it. Even her daughter, Sophia Chua Rubenfield, did. A year ago —
We silly liberals, seeing closed-door deal making behind every Republican insider event.
Both mother and daughter denied it was ever happening and we were all just crazy, wild crazy, to suspect it would.
So, when they deny something, write it down somewhere. It won’t stop them but it will help you keep your sanity and your Republican cynicism.
Thanks to Don A. for the heads up.