Barr Grows a Pair

February 13, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, Trump

In an interview with ABC News today, Bill Barr said Trump’s tweets are making it “impossible to do my job,” and that he won’t be bullied into doing anything.  He also said, “I think it’s time to stop the tweeting about Department of Justice criminal cases,” and that he’s prepared for any consequences of crossing Trump.  He continued saying he can’t do his job with a continuous background of commentary from Trump on criminal cases.

It’s a rare split from His Orangeness; Barr’s sudden reversal is just one sign of the chaos at DOJ and the FBI that Trump has created.  A mutiny is certainly underway and Barr had to step in.

A little ray of sunshine in the dark abyss of Trump corruption.

Oh, and a message to Ted Cruz and John Cornyn…This is all on you.

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0 Comments to “Barr Grows a Pair”

  1. There are a number of ways to read this but at this point I am not inclined to the more optimistic ones.

    The best thing you can say is it appears that Bill Barr doesn’t really consider himself to be a minion of Trump; he has his own agenda.

    The worst thing you can say is it appears that Bill Barr doesn’t really consider himself to be a minion of Trump; he has his own agenda.

    Minion or not these two evil clowns do have their interests pretty much tied together so it is perfectly believable that Barr meddled in the Stone prosecution just to please the annoying orange guy. Without talking about it with him first.

  2. Bill, Bill, Bill. Do the right thing; show your disgust;

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Billy Bob Barr and a pair means two jokers or blanks from the average deck. Of course he and Donnie* don’t communicate. As if either of them needs prompting to do the corrupt thing. No words for the guy who makes Jeff Sessions have the appearance of possessing ethics.

    As much as we’d like to see Bitsy DeVile hit the road, we have no lack of faith that Donnie* can go lower with her replacement. For those who want Barr gone, are you sure? Alan Futerfas, Dick DeGuerin, Rudy Giuliani, …

  4. I know this is off subject but worth reading
    This article citing Rachel Bitecofer’s work cite statistics on how milquetoast centrist, that I interpret as biden, buttigieg and specifically amy klobacher, are a formula for defeat.
    Amy in specific with her legitimizing christianist anti-choice dunderheads. Statistically she loses more votes then she gains by this.
    Please read

  5. Window dressing in the Boss Tweet “Little Shop Of Horrors”.

    The gaslight enablers will carry the Dear Leader’s line till they drop…

  6. I think a good “translation” of what he is saying is. “I can’t keep doing the dirty work for you if you talk about it. Be quiet so I can keep subverting he Constitution for you”

  7. Mary is quite correct. It’s also the feeling over at LG&M. Trump’s biggest problem, and the biggest problem for those around him, is that he is incapable of shutting up.

  8. Texas Expat in CA says:

    What Mary said. Barr is full of it, and his past and recent actions mean much, much more than this attempted smokescreen.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    K, who are the religious left to whom Bitecofer refers? We’re the secular demons in any political debate to the left of corporate Democrats. While most of her premise is highly accurate, that article of faith leaves a few questions. By the ‘standards’ of Republicons today, can one articulate the separation of church and state without coming under attack as a heretic?

    The goat of this particular story, Bill Barr, does a righteous tap dance about “militant secularism.” Guess that’s what a Republicon must do to gloss over their disregard for the Ten Suggestions in which “thou shalt not bear false witness” isn’t even a distant cousin to lying. Their ‘English’ not mine.

  10. Sounds like a diva, eyeing an exit strategy.

  11. Texas Expat in CA says:

    I agree with Mary. As this article on Raw Story advises, “Attorney General Bill Barr’s record and not his remarks should govern how the people and the press perceive the Justice Dept. chief…. Journalist Judd Legum, who founded ThinkProgress and, warns that Barr should not be taken at face value, because what he really wants is plausible deniability.”

  12. No. This is all a set up.

    Barr said nothing that he hadn’t already told Trump he would say. Its bull that the WH knew nothing about this interview until it aired.

    To think anything positive about Barr–the evil Yogi Bear creature, means people truly are not aware that it is almost too late to do anything about the rule of law plummeting into the toilet in this country.

    Remember The Mueller Report, Barr being questioned by Kamala Harris, him declaring the FBI could not go after any candidates if they have corrupt campaigns without his say so–meaning, Trump can be as dirty as he wants or him taking Rudy’s crap for gospel about Biden . . . .

    I have a large piece of land near a major fault line I’m selling where there is fracking. Beautiful . . . Anyone who believes anything Barr says needs to get in on this deal—

  13. The religious left is according to Wikipedia
    “The Christian left is a range of centre-left and left-wing Christian political and social movements that largely embrace social justice viewpoints and uphold a social gospel.”
    Examples would be Moral Mondays led by William Barber.
    Any organization that bases its social views based upon delusional beliefs of a Magic Man in the Sky.
    i.e.The Center for Progressive Christianity

  14. Barr’s a con!

  15. Why hasn’t the Bar association moved to disbar him?
    they were certainally quick off the mark to disbar woman State AG in Pennslyvania.

  16. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Mary, you got a standing ovation at the beauty salon. Free hairspray with any perm!

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    K, thank you. To be honest Rev. Barber confuses me; he’s smart, educated, and has some great thoughts inconsistent with belief based faith. The Center for Progressive Christianity website also speaks of progressive Christians. So there really are Christian lefties despite the inherent contradiction in terms. However, if the progressive Christians can ignite another Civil Rights movement, peace and fortune be with them. Allies to the 14th Amendment unite!

    Sure beats believing Bill Barr and/or the impeached devil*.

  18. Jane & PKM says:

    k, Kathleen Kane, former PA AG, a woman and a Democrat disbarred. Pam Bondi, former FL AG, a woman and a Republicon not disbarred. Wrong state to be a woman and a Democrat?

  19. Barr says he won’t be bullied?
    Too late.
    Now he’s being bullied on both sides — one evil the other principled.

    And Barr would be in the middle — if he had any principles left.

  20. Jane & PKM says:

    Oops. Both Donnie* and Billy Bob Barr may feel the wrath of a magnificent woman, NY State Attorney General Leticia James.

    NY AG James

    When you stop violating the rights and liberties of all New Yorkers, we will stand down.

    Until then, we have a duty and responsibility to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

    BTW, I file the lawsuits, not the Governor.

    This in reference to Donnie* summoning Gov Andrew Cuomo to the WH to discuss Donnie* rescinding his BS freeze on New York’s Global Entry program, if Governor Cuomo would just give ICE access to their DMV database, with information about undocumented immigrants who have obtained drivers’ licenses. Could have been a ‘private’ convo but Donnie* feels an urge to confess via Twitter. Again.

  21. Buttermilk Sky says:

    This just in: Roger Stone did not get a fair trial because the jury foreperson is a Democrat, a woman and African American.

  22. NY Bar association just did their susan collins impersonation by writing a letter of disapproval to barr.
    No action.
    No disbarment.
    Just a pearl clutching attempt to salvage their reputation.

  23. Liberty Belle says:

    Sorry. This is pure theater. Barr is just laying the groundwork
    to testify that he didn’t talk to Trump and he wasn’t influenced
    by the tweets. Not believable. At all.

  24. Jane & PKM says:

    DC Chief U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell is not afraid of Donnie*.

    “The Judges of this Court base their sentencing decisions on careful consideration of the actual record in the case before them; the applicable sentencing guidelines and statutory factors; the submissions of the parties, the Probation Office and victims; and their own judgment and experience,” Judge Howell said in a decidedly rare and sure to be controversial statement.
    “Public criticism or pressure is not a factor,” she also said.

    Keep it up, Barr. You too can go down with the not so good ship Donnie*.

  25. Ray in Jerrytown says:

    Caca de Toro! He’s straight up lying.

  26. Harry Eagar says:

    He was lying. Move along, nothing to see.

  27. Smokescreen. Nothing but.

  28. Over at FOX Business, Lou Dobbs went after Bill Barr, calling him corrupt and part of the “deep state.”

    If FOX continues to go in on Barr, Team Idiotica’s voters will demand his head.

    Trump also lurves Lou Dobbs as much as he does Sean Hannity.

  29. K and Jane & PKM:
    IMHO The lead of that article is paragraph 4. While I’m not disagreeing with the last sentence, it’s worth noting that the writer is horrendously guilty of false equivalency comparing repugnantcans’ smear campaigns against Democrats with Democrats’ campaigning on the “incompetence” of the Bush “twit” administration.
    When did war crimes equal incompetence?

  30. Jane & PKM:
    The only contradiction in terms between lefties and Christians are the new reality generated by the right.
    In avalanches. Torrents of f**king lies. Rivers of hateful bullshit. But they don’t mind. According to the movies, rivers were the preferred destination for old time evangelical baptisms.
    If he existed,

    Jesus was the ultimate socialist.

  31. Hit submit by accident.
    Check out John Pavlovitz’s site. Stuff That Needs To Be Said.

  32. joel hanes says:

    So there really are Christian lefties

    And have been for a long time.

    See Daniel and Philip Berrigan, for example.

  33. Secularists knocking progressive/left leaning Christians is a huge mistake and counterproductive to the justice we all seek. The reverse is also true though I can’t say I’ve seen it. Does it really matter where or how we get to our positions, values, aspirations? The Christian left as a whole embraces science. Embraces the separation of church and state. Is anti war. Tenders care for the hungry, the homeless, the elderly, for care of the natural world. I come from decades in that tradition though I’m not active in a congregation currently and question my faith (which is also ok). Bottom line: we need to work together to get out of this mess.

  34. As hopeful as it could sound, I don’t trust this Barr thing about suddenly getting a backbone. Wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t all scripted by the White House. To perdition with them all!

  35. Sadly, I agree with those who say this is ludicrous. He’s only concerned that tRump is saying the quiet part out loud too often. He’s so compromised there’s no way he has a glimmer of integrity.

  36. van heldorf says:

    As Yogi Berra stated, “It’s deja vu all over again.” In this case, referring to liberal vs conservative. What I have noted over time is that there does not seem to be any agreed definition of these types of terms. Eg., was Christ a conservative, liberal, communist, whatever else? What were the founders of this country? How about starting with an approved dictionary? Then how about calling out everyone using these terms to precisely define them? Of course, this approach likely won’t deal sufficiently with the venal, stupid, greedy, win-at-all-costs (these being just some of the good points ;>), etc. but it might be just enough to sway some elections.

  37. Linda Phipps says:

    My first thought is that when Trump sortabacks one of his minions, we should expect that Barr will be fired. It’s becoming a pattern.

  38. Mary has it right. Many of Trump’s other attorneys have been frustrated by Trumpski’s inability to shut up. Lawyers dread this type of client, as loudmouth clients turn winnable cases into losing cases.

    Trump’s the poster child for the type of client no competent lawyer wants.

  39. Nah – Ms Wilhelmina was taking the pee .

  40. El Jefe honey, it was staged. You’ve been played.

  41. Never forget he recommended to his boss GHW Bish to pardon the Iran Contra bastards.

    Some say he is deep into the CIA. So much for draining the swamp.

  42. The issue with delusions as a motivating force in human activity is that they are the “virus” that lowers the resistance to further delusions and fantasy’s.
    It is no accident that those who defended slavery used biblical verses and that the bible belt could be described as the lynching belt.
    Or that it appears that the qanon true believers overlap with the so called evangelics’.
    Cultism in any of its forms is the “virus” that weakens the intellectual/ sense of humanity that allows other delusions to enter.
    Just as a cold weakens the immune system and make one more vulnerable to pneumonia so does any fantastical thinking weakens ones resistance to other fantasies.
    If people wish to surrender their free agency to a fantastical magic man in the sky so be it but you cannot use your delusions to try and govern others behavior.
    Your blasphemy is not an offense to any but other true believers unwilling to be responsible for their own behavior.
    Keep your delusions to yourselves.
    No christianist should get any more respect or “credit” for their opinions, when trying to cite the scribblings of scared sheep herders from prehistory middle east, then a satanist/wiccan or any other set of delusions.
    In the case of christianist’s (only as example) their so called holy book has been used to justify slavery, murder, genocide, pollution and every other one of the banes that plague human existence.
    When called upon their bad behavior the rationalization that the “magic man in the sky” demanded and blessed inhumanity to fellow humans is not acceptable nor a legitimate excuse.
    So no to giving any credit to anyone just because they wear a costume to announce their delusions or hide behind, an often self ordained, meaningless title ( rev., etc)

  43. Right on, Mary……exactly my thoughts.

  44. Never trust anyone who would work for Trump. This is a ploy and nothing real.

  45. If the Democratic Party can refrain from nominating a known unelectable candidate next presidential election, there is a chance that the USofA can be saved from extinction!

  46. Bill Barr gives lip service to justice–once. He’s already back to kissing Trump’s more-than-ample behind and catering to his every wish. Besides, his message actually translates: “Shut up, Mr. President! You’re making the perversion of justice that you’re asking for so much more difficult for me to do than if you’d just keep quiet about it!”
