And What Does It Take?

February 02, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pete Buttigieg is a Rhodes Scholar and graduate of both Harvard and Oxford. He served his country in Afghanistan, as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and Navy Reserves.

Yet, 13 United States Senators voted against him being on the cabinet.

Scott (FL)
Scott (SC)
Not Voting: Toomey

These are the same senators who voted to approve Betsy DeVoss and Ben Carson.


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0 Comments to “And What Does It Take?”

  1. he scares them on a multitude of levels

  2. Coach Tommy and joss stick Hawley weren’t seated when Betsy Ross Devos and sleepy eyes entered the empty minded cabinet.

  3. thatotherjean says:

    Simple. It takes not being a gay Democrat. Against those disqualifications, nothing else matters.

  4. Most of those idiots would have voted against the sunrise if Biden wanted one. Just because!!

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    That’s so surprising- NOT. Just what you’d expect of the repugnican senate minority. And miss lindsey says he will obstruct the confirmation of Merrick Garland. Also just a shocking revelation. Oh, and this is the same “person” that’s giving taylor greene a pass because he claims he’s not heard or seen the evidence of her videos, comments or likes on crazy conspiracies and violence. I think he kind of likes her.

  6. easttxdem says:

    Gotta be sure your voters know you’re as bigoted as they are.

  7. I do believe that AL Sen Tubby hasn’t cast a Yes vote yet. Is he waiting for Auburn to win the National Championship ?

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    Frankly, I’m surprised any of them voted for him. They seem to still cling to the Party of No philosophy.

  9. It’s obvious what it takes. If he were a straight Republican who hadn’t graduated second grade, they’d be just fine with him.

  10. Hagerty wasn’t in office yet but yeah.

  11. AliceBeth says:

    Well, Blackburn and Hagerty are unable to think on their own, not a decent brain between them. They do as they are told.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Yee haw for Josh Hawley with the 100% Quack-a-Non rating. He’s voted against every Biden nominee while the other repukes have sporadically voted for one or two.

    Now Moscow Mitch is getting on his hind legs as to Merrick Garland. Again. A solid centrist jurist scares Mitch. Lordy if there’s an AG who actually does the job, there could be more than a few Congress varmints under indictment. A list that appropriately should be of major concern to Mitch, individual #2.

  13. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    Marshall Rubio? Who he?

  14. john in denver says:

    On usual Republican criteria …
    * Buttigieg had balanced city budgets for 8 years.
    * He backed the police on some questionable enforcement calls.
    * He didn’t endorse the extreme policy offerings as some other candidates did.
    * He’s already indicated he believes in the Jones Act, insuring corporate profits and higher costs to remote American states and territories.
    * He testified about being committed to maintaining and building roads. and
    * he’s not in favor of immediately shifting federal funds to advance alternate transportation.

    And come on … Transportation Secretary is a position that promising politicians go to for burial. Run down the list of Democratic Secretaries confirmed in Democratic administrations from Carter on. Recognize any who emerged with improved election accomplishments?

  15. Coach Tommy will vote no every time on anything that has not been directly sanctioned by the Dear Loser

  16. Most of them I can understand cuz they have already come out of their caves and identified themselves as Flat Earthers. Scott from South Carolina kinda puzzles me. this is a bit different for him.

  17. Litlhorn LLC says:

    Kinda Nice of them to Give Soon to be AG Garland an the Media a prepackaged list of Trumpest Traitors… The’ll be the ones sticking to the “Nays” on any and all things Biden. What Herr Trumpo Wants, Herr Trumpo Gets.I’d go ahead and get those investigations started. Nary a one of them have enough common sense to cover their tracks good enough to get past Nancy Drew, let alone a real 4th Estate, if we ever get one back, or a real AG.. which is a comin……

  18. AlanInAustin ... says:

    It’s no surprise the sedition caucus voted against him
