And Now Let’s All Play “Oops! With Rick Perry,” Starring Rick Perry

August 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, when you file with the Federal Elections Commission as a PAC, you have to fill out a very simple form to establish that PAC.  One of the questions they ask you is, “Are you affiliated with any other PAC or organization?”  You are expected to be able to answer that question without the use of a dictionary, google, notecards, or college algebra.

You got it …

Rick couldn’t answer it.   (This link opens a PDF from the FEC about the DOPE)  Here’s the meat of the matter:


Any affiliated or connected organization must be identified on your Statement of Organization. For further guidance on affiliated committees and connected organizations, please refer to 11 CFR §§100.5(g) and 100.6. If there are no other committees or organizations with which you share control or financing, please indicate “None” on Line 6.

So either Rick is hiding something or can’t spell N-O-N-E.  Hey, you in the back, quit giving him hints.

John sent us some Fun with Photoshop.




Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up and John for the art.


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