A Mess

January 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember seeing the long lines for Trump’s rally where people spent the night waiting?



Click here to see it in all its glory.

A friend reminded me that F. Scott Fitzgerald had some thoughts about Daisy and Tom, who are now the Trump supporters.

“They were careless people.  They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

Perfect fit for Trump.

By the way, it came out today that 50 soldiers got brain injuries in the Iran strike.  This is math.  You’d think they could get math right.


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0 Comments to “A Mess”

  1. Dark’s Pandemonium Carnival… Act 2

    Hatchet Act – Something wicked this way comes …
    80, count ’em, Trump surrogates descending on the Iowa caucuses.

    Edit: The Trump campaign says it will dispatch high-level government appointees to stump in Iowa ahead of the state’s Monday caucuses, setting up potential pitfalls for Cabinet secretaries and other officials bound by ethics restrictions on their politicking.“This goes above and beyond anything I’ve ever seen when it comes to the White House deploying its resources on the campaign trail,” said Democratic consultant Jim Manley, once an aide to then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.
    “On the one hand, it’s not surprising because this White House really hasn’t been following the ethics rules,” he added, “but it’s so brazen and outrageous that there’s got to be some accountability.”Though Trump administration officials previously have flouted ethics requirements and the Hatch Act, which puts limits on the campaign activities of nearly all federal employees, the Trump campaign’s announcement of the upcoming political tour avoided a common mistake, ethics experts said. The campaign did not use the official titles of Cabinet secretaries Wilbur Ross, who leads the Commerce Department; Health and Human Services’ Alex Azar; Ben Carson of Housing and Urban Development; Betsy DeVos of the Education Department; Interior’s David Bernhardt; and Robert Wilkie of Veterans Affairs. Instead, the campaign simply used the word “honorable” in front of each name. Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, and Jovita Carranza, who runs the Small Business Administration, also will head to Iowa, the Trump campaign said. Ditto for numerous members of Congress including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California and GOP Reps. Elise Stefanik of New York, Rodney Davis of Illinois and numerous federal and state Iowa lawmakers.


  2. Jane & PKM says:

    megasoid@1, any hope that group of maladministration misfits will also descend on NV for another of their “hold my beer” moments? Seriously. A whole 80 of them in the midst of a Democratic caucus. Already calling dibs on Mulvaney, Azar and McCarthy.

  3. The Trump reelection campaign makes the swamp look better every day.

  4. WATCH LIVE: The Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump | January 29


  5. Buttermilk Sky says:

    He’s slurring his words again, and somebody at Fox News thought it was funny:


  6. “50 soldiers got brain injuries”
    1) Since statistically they were demented donnies supporters anyway they obviously had brain injuries beforehand ( military voted for demented donnie)
    2) Now the thuglicans have ensured at least 50 more votes into perpetuity

  7. Why are cities allowing the rallies without huge fees UPFRONT? He’s already stiffing cities and now add the money for clean up. Demanding cash upfront would stop most of the rallies.

  8. K said at 6:

    Statistically they were demented Donny’s supporters since they obviously had brain injuries before hand (military voted for demented donnie).

    My veteran butt and my wife with a TBI thank you for your ablist support.

    Second, that is not so. Military voted 50% for Hillary Clinton, 45% for Trump, and the balance for Gary Johnson.


    Veterans voted about two-to-one for Trump.

    Both groups in polling now have Trump upside down. Trump has never polled above 50% with active duty.

  9. Not surprised. After all, no matter the size of the paycheck, you will find entitled people everywhere. And the most Entitled has given them a real boost.

  10. James #8
    Next time please get facts straight.

    You misread your own reference.
    Veterans and military voted 61 % for demented donnie.
    The figures you cite are for non military (non veterans)

    Add the Military Times showing military favored the drooling idiot by 2 to 1 over Hillary. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/2016/05/09/military-times-survey-troops-prefer-trump-to-clinton-by-a-huge-margin/

    AOL exit polls of 2016 show same 2 to 1 ratio

    And yet another poll to show military support for draft dodger from a military.com.
