The Darwin Award Goes To Texas Woman

April 06, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Karen Sehlke died this weekend.  The cause of death – Karen Sehlke.

Karen lived in Tomball, supported Donald Trump, and held a firm belief that the Coronavirus is a hoax.  Here’s some excerpts from her last Facebook rant.




You know, Trump has some brand of courage.  I mean, it takes something to get all your supporters killed when you suggest they take a pill for malaria because “it couldn’t hurt.”  It’s hurting, you sumbitch.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Darwin Award Goes To Texas Woman”

  1. “Stupidity is the only universal capital crime and sentence is carried out immediately, with no hope of appeal.”

  2. I had not considered using guns against coronavirus. I guess buckshot would work best.

  3. Unfortunately, she already reproduced.

  4. thatotherjean says:

    What’s that quote from “Jurassic Park”? “Life will find a way.” So will death, unfortunately. It does not favor the foolish.

  5. Chloe Bear says:

    Wonder how many other voters he will lose. I am sure she was in his thoughts and prayers.

  6. RepubAnon says:

    We’ll be seeing lots more of these deaths, especially among the mega-church flocks. Pity that they’ll blame Obama’s tan suit and use of Grey Poupon mustard.

  7. Marcia in CO says:

    I believe what Trump said or something similar is this: “Go ahead and try it. What have you got to lose?”
    Obviously anyone stupid enough to try the aquarium scum cleaner will LOSE THEIR LIVES! Republicans … bah!
    I guess “they” actually think Stump gives a rat’s ass about any of them … SMH

  8. van heldorf says:

    Following reports of trump’s handling of the flu since Jan., with ‘no big deal’, golfing, rallies, over by Easter, unverified medical medicine, silencing Dr. Fauzi, not wearing a mask himself, what makes sense of this?
    IMO, it’s all done to protect the value of his wealth; ie, hotels and golf courses which likely are not doing quite so well at this time.
    How long would this take to seriously, even permanently, damage him financially to where he could no longer obtain financial rescuing? Not sure since this is only part of his total ineptness.
    The pain needs to be great enough and last long enough to be in voters minds in Nov.

  9. Where and when did Trump get his training as a medical doctor and pharmacist? He needs to self treat since he suffers from diarrhea of the mouth and is delusional as well. Watching the briefings is damaging to our medical health.

    There are cures for this, you know.

  10. Suzanne Melton says:

    Also includes the GoFundMe info.

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    I do agree that “they” are leading with fear, causing panic, however my understanding of “they” is his majesty and his court. And now that the young prince is in charge, I’m feeling extra fearful and panicky!

  12. I couldn’t find any mention of Karen Sehlke anywhere except Patheos and DK, and the DK article is based on the Patheos article. Patheos is a blog. So, I’m gonna take this story with a grain of salt until it shows up elsewhere.

  13. Sandridge says:

    It’s amazing how all the RWNJs work from the same talking point propaganda at the same time. Naw, not really amazing, they all get their ‘reality’ from the same well-coordinated wrong-wing propaganda sources: the Republican Party apparatus, Fox’News’, and RW radio, press, and think tanks.

    As a prime example I give you a link [below] to a small part of this pervasive propaganda-disinformation chain.
    Written by the editor-publisher of an influential local newspaper in one rural-exurban county in S Central Texas, who is/has been a master at polishing and parroting the “Party line”.
    One editorial among many, stretching back decades, that skillfully distorts the reality of this latest issue.

    This is how the ‘minds’ of people like Karen Sehlke are precisely controlled in our current proto-fascist state.

    I urge you to follow this link back to this papers’ Editorial section, and then peruse any of the many editorial screeds contained therein. Both by the editor, and the many radical RW columnists given space there; many of them far more extreme than this mild example.
    A small window into a world most of y’all may not be familiar with.

    “It is as much about the panic as it is the coronavirus”:

    Example: “People are panicked, and they do not think straight when they are panicked. How else do you explain that 20 minutes after H-E-B opens on a Sunday morning, the shelves are stripped bare of all paper products.

    Some of this is the result of the hysterically hyped reporting from the media and the accompanying hateful political rhetoric as we move toward a November election. That being said, it’s too late to do anything about that. It is what it is and we have to deal with a crashed economy and public panic.”

    Right, dealing with a situation made exponentially worse by the Rethug Party apparatus that has denied, deflected, and disparaged since it surfaced, the legion of rational, medical and scientific, world-wide voices who predicted this pandemic months ago.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Most of you have heard of Orange County, CA and the regressive pockets of John Birch Society “small government” disciples of Koch-o-mania and Libertarianism. These are the spotty red districts in CA that produce and send Covidiots like Devin Nunes, Dana Rohrabacher, Kevin McCarthy and Duncan Hunter to Congress. Good news is that they’ve thrown themselves under the bus to support Covidiot* 45. Not just any bus, they’re taking the “Darwin Express” which should almost eliminate the Republicon Covidiots sent to Congress from CA.

    At least 70 people infected with coronavirus linked to a single church, health officials say

  15. thatotherjean says:

    Right-wing nutjobbery seems to be a creeping menace. I was horrified to find that Washington D.C.’s Channel 7, ABC, is now a Sinclair station. How Sinclair managed to buy it, in the midst of deep Blue DC and the surrounding MD and VA suburbs, I can’t imagine. That’s one I won’t be watching any more, ever.

  16. Nancy Wickman says:

    If–and it’s a big if–there are any sane members of this woman’s family, I would like to see them bring wrongful death suits against Fox News, her pastor, and anyone else who propagates this misinformation.

  17. I hope someone is keeping a file of these Fox folloing/ MAGA deaths for the law suit.

  18. You can find her obit by looking up Tomball,Texas and her name

  19. Linda, there isn’t one for her.

  20. Oops, I take it back Linda. There are several references with background. Age 45. They didn’t give cause of death though, just that she got sick and was admitted to the hospital. Will look some more.

  21. slipstream says:

    Well, those guns helped a lot, didn’t they?

  22. Thinda Herd says:

    I think this is all a good thing for humanity. We should strongly encourage the religious to attend their church, synagogue, mosque or whatever, have big funerals, not garb up, and continue to throw lots of parties. Until folks come to the realization that none of that is real, they will NEVER trust in science. RIP Ms. Sehike, and I’d say prepare to meet your family and friends in Heaven or Hell, but those aren’t real either…

  23. twocrows says:

    thatotherjean @15 [or anyone else who knows the answer] please explain —
    how do we learn if Sinclair has taken over a local station, please?

    The fact that they don’t have to announce the fact concerns me. How do I know who to stay away from?

    Thanks for any information.

  24. G Foresight says:

    twocrows —

    Wikipedia pages are often updated. Here is their list.

  25. Old Fart says:

    This is just God’s way of telling us we can’t protect some people from themselves.

    Now if God would just protect the rest of us from the guns and Tweets….

  26. The Surly Professor says:

    Charles Stross coined a great term for what these folks are doing: autodarwination.

    As for Fox getting sued, I’ll bet my last N95 mask that if this woman’s family sues anyone, it will be the DNC for (somehow) blocking her from getting the life-saving aquarium cleaners that Trump tried to get out to everyone. But he was blocked by the Deep State and libtards from carrying out his sworn oath to protect and defend the US.

  27. you have the right to attend church and large parties; however,you don’t have the right to leave said places and infect the rest of us. looking at you Liberty U. going into Lynchburg

  28. Sandridge says:

    Thinda Herd @23, Great user name!
    And I share the sentiment, let the MAGAots and kristotaliban congregate to their widdle heart’s content. Then let Darwin assist them on their merry way.

  29. Good riddance to bad rubbish

  30. Ormond Otvos says:

    Another VERY good reason to avoid Fundamentalists of all persuasions.

    Are Muslims doing this too?

  31. Harry Eagar says:

    I’m with you, sybil. I’ve been wishing I was a mayor so I could send a cop to these death-cult churches at the end of the service with this message:

    Well, you have every right to assemble, but no right to enter our community. Go back inside; hope you have plenty of communion crackers.

  32. You can’t fix stooopid. Well, maybe God can.
