Rainy Sunday Afternoon Fun

April 05, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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0 Comments to “Rainy Sunday Afternoon Fun”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    Perhaps “I’m going to wash those Trumps right out of my hair” can be a good campaign song…

  2. Mike in MO says:

    That has been my plan for several years now.

  3. Grandma Ada says:

    January 19th is my birthday – y’all go vote so I get my birthday wish of watching his majesty leave the White House.

  4. Yes.
    Perhaps by the end of 2020 we’ll wash our hands of two viral infections. Something to look forward to.

  5. Rick @ 4,
    Especially the ones that are infecting the WH and Senate.

  6. Sam in Superior says:

    Once again the GOP is committing election fraud in Wisconsin. We’re under a stay at home order yet being told to go out and vote on Tuesday. All absentee ballots have to be witnessed so if you don’t have a witness to validate your signature, your vote could be disallowed.

    It’s unAmerican and it makes me feel homicidal.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Sam in Superior, Republicon rat-foolery certainly explains RoJo and Lyin’ Ryan. That Ryan faded away suggests he knew that the gig is up and Wisconsinites were on to the fraud. But it is a good reminder to all of us to insist that our Congress varmints pass safe election vote by mail legislation by June 1st, at the latest. It’s not rocket science. A few states have done this successfully for several election cycles. So all they need to do is select from the successful models to adapt one for the 2020 national election. No excuses!

    Grandma Ada it is very appropriate that your birthday should be cause for a national celebration in 2021. Should we be able to remove Covidiot* 45 or he* removes himself at an earlier date, we can use the occasion as a practice run for January 19th!

  8. Health Care in 2020 and onward.
    2 things that go even further into the realm of insane cognitive dissonance
    1) Rural areas who are most likely to refuse to obey any social distancing or stay at home orders, while protected by “constitutional county sheriffs”. Coupled that with their insane beliefs in inane cults ( catholic, odinism, protestant, jewish, islam, scientology whatever they are all cults) that demand their attendance at churches etc to facilitate picking their pockets and social customs of funerals will be like a wildfire.
    Add to that the closing of small rural hospitals, as a sacrifice to neo-liberal economics, will be devastated with the virus and no where to go.
    We all know that these greedy hypocrites will then demand that urban hospitals use resources to treat them rather than the urban citizens since they are entitled.
    2) Not only are thuglicans still pushing lawsuit to kill ObamaCare but the health insurers are already telling public policy minions that they will need an estimated 40% increase in health insurance costs to cover loses from this virus.
    So a wasteland of rural corpse’s because of lack of local hospitals, ObamaCare killed by the dishonorable majority obeying thuglicans bidding and a, at least, 40% increase of health care premiums.
    If that combination doesn’t push universal health care over the resistance we might as well give it up.

    ps Wonder if someone somewhere is in the hills writing a modern “Decameron” for this plague?

  9. Oops
    forgot to type sctus after dishonorable
    “ObamaCare killed by the dishonorable SCOTUS majority obeying thuglicans bidding

  10. slipstream says:

    k: funny, ain’t it? The Constitution does not mention either “county” or “sheriff.” How can county sheriffs be constitutional?

    The Constitution also does not mention either “slipstream” or “bring him free beer.” But that’s about as constitutional as county sheriffs.

  11. Yeah and the Constitition specifically makes mention of the Postal service yet the thuglicans are ready to let that one go as soon as June.

  12. texas SOS says OK to EVERYBODY voting by mail. request a vote by mail ballot, check the 6a “disabled” box (part of the definition of “disability” is “likelihood of getting sick from voting”), and send to your county clerk.

    it’s not just for seniors anymore! get on it, texans!

  13. Yes, ma’am!

  14. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Sam in Superior, I don’t know what the point is. Presumably Dotard is running unopposed — do they want WI’s Democratic delegates to be uncommitted because nobody could vote? I know the GOP hates democracy — trump admitted it last week– but this is a new level of dumb even for them.

  15. Sam in Superior says:

    @Buttermilk Sky

    This election is about picking local races and more importantly a Supreme Court seat. The GOP controls 5-7 of the Supreme Court. One justice, a Scott Walker appointee, is up for reelection. He’s a graduate of Pat Robertson’s law school and has only worked for the Republican Party his entire career.
