A Great Way To Start a Week

December 02, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Customer Michele sent us a great way to start a week.

Click right here. And don’t forget the picture at the bottom.

Rick Perry calls him the Kickback Kid.

Have fun!


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0 Comments to “A Great Way To Start a Week”

  1. Larry from Colorado says:

    Hits the nail square on the head. 🙂

  2. I call him the Tangerine Wankmaggot.

  3. Wait for it.

    “Trump is the most corrupt since Republican Warren G. Harding — who was elected in 1920 and died in 1923.”

    Edit: …while only 36% of Americans wanted President Donald Trump impeached and removed from office in March, that number increased to 50% in October and late November. According to presidential historian Douglas Brinkley (who teaches at Rice University), that 50% is terrible for a president who is seeking reelection.

    During a November 29 appearance on CNN, Brinkley explained, “Once the vote is taken by Congress to impeach him and he’s wearing the ‘i’ on his chest, you’re going to see that movement grow even more.

    It tells you he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s a base politician. He doesn’t know how to turn this around.

    read more:

  4. The Surly Professor says:

    OK, this is really long but I started saving the names folks used for Trump back before he was elected. Some come from our ever-helpful cousins in Britain, and some come from this fine establishment itself. None come from me directly, but I’m in jealous awe of those who came up with them:

    Manchurian Combover
    Empty Popcorn Bag Rotting in the Sun
    Orange Foolius
    Seagull dipped in tikka masala
    Bursting landfill of municipal solid waste
    Mountain of rotting whale blubber
    Sputum-filled Orange Julius
    Gangrenous gaping wound
    Racist, sexist block of rancid Cheddar
    Oversized wasp exoskeleton stuffed with old mustard
    Neo-fascist real estate golem
    Abandoned roadside ham hock
    Bewildered, golden-helmeted astronaut who’s just landed on this planet from distant galaxy Kloolus
    Monument to human hubris crafted out of rotting Spam
    A walking pile of reanimated roadkill
    Heaving carcass
    Stately hot dog casing
    Flatulent stained leather couch
    Swollen earthworm gizzard
    Narcissistic bowl of rotten gazpacho
    Yellowing hunk of masticated gristle
    A human/Komodo dragon hybrid
    Blackening scab artfully hiding in your Raisin Bran
    The first hobgoblin to enter the White House
    A pair of chapped lips superglued to a hairball
    Horsehair mattress stuffed with molding copies of Hustler
    Malignant corn chip
    Human Kinder Egg whose inner surprise is a rat turd
    The sculpture your three-year-old made out of soggy ground-up goldfish snacks
    A man with the hair of a radioactive skunk
    Roiling Cheez Whiz mass
    Cryogenically frozen bog man
    A glistening, shouting gristle mass with a history of saying terrible and stupid things
    Screaming giant cheese wedge
    250-pound accumulation of rancid beef
    Day-Glo roadside billboard about jock itch
    Temperamental gelatinous sponge
    Sentient hate-balloon
    A Rumpelstiltskin inflated with a bike pump and filled with bacteria
    Sun-kissed ass plug
    An enraged, bewigged fetus blown up to nightmarish size
    Parental pile of burnt organic material
    Human-shaped wad of Gak
    Walking irradiated tumor
    Uncooked chicken breast
    KKK rally port-a-potty holding tank
    A plentiful field of dung piled into the shape of a president
    Malfunctioning wind turbine
    Seeping fleabag
    Sloshing styrofoam takeout container filled with three-day-old mac and cheese
    A sticky, grabby, Cheeto-hued toddler
    Figurative rubber, and also literal rubber
    A carnivorous plant watered with irradiated bat urine
    Sentient waste disposal plant
    Poorly-drawn fascist
    Racist teratoma
    Lamprey eel spray-painted gold
    Nacho cheese golem
    Undead tangerine
    A cartoon representation of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    Fossilized meatball
    Horking mole-creature suffering from radioactive spray-tan
    Tattered Craigslist sofa
    A dog carefully balancing a spongecake atop his head
    Play-Doh factory explosion
    A new superfood made of finely-ground clown wigs
    Unkempt troll doll found floating facedown in a tub of rancid caviar
    Orange asshat
    Four-time bankruptcy filer and seething hernia mass
    Adult blobfish
    Deflated football
    Fart-infused lump of raw meat
    Melting pig carcass
    Cheeto-dusted bloviator
    Aggressively stupid
    Soggy burlap sack
    Bag of toxic sludge
    Your next president and ruler for life
    A brightly burning trash fire
    Man-sized sebaceous cyst
    Enlarged pee-splattered Sno Cone
    Hair plug swollen with rancid egg whites
    Inside-out lower intestine
    Dusty barrel of fermented peepee
    Hairpiece come to life
    Decomposing pumpkin pie inhabited by vicious albino squirrels
    A dishrag that on closer inspection is alive with maggots
    Poorly-trained circus orangutan

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    … and yes, I’ve just now added Mike@2’s contribution to the list (thanks, Mike!). One thing you can say about Trump: he inspires creativity among his opponents.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    That picture need a maggot on his nose!

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    IQ4.5 represented by fake cheese, something passing as meat on what is probably a stale bun loaded with salt, sugar, and other nutritional assault chemicals. Have already named a drink about Donnie: Orange Foolius.

    The Surly Professor@4, there are so many names for this st00pid traitor, but Rexxon Drillerson still holds the title with ***king moron.

  8. Surly Professor, my favorite remains Orange S**tgibbon. I think the Scots came up with that one.

  9. Well, the idiots at Facebook can ban me too because I made a point of spreading this cartoon as much as I could.

    Compared to the innuendos, lies and insults made by the buffoon himself, this little cartoon is pretty inoffensive.

    Shame on Zuckerberg. He’s a little shit who’s too big for his breeches. He should grow up and grow a conscience too before he becomes a willing participant in the downfall of Ameti

  10. slipstream says:

    Surly Professor, please. We are discussing the President of the United States. Please show President Pussygrabber the respect which he is due.
