And Those Who Don’t Resign Get Hauled Away

September 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

New York Republican Representative Chris Collins was the first sitting congressman to endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States, and he served on Trump’s presidential transition team.

And for his encore, he’s going to prison.  And that’s how we drain the swamp.

Upstate US Rep. Chris Collins is expected to enter a guilty plea to charges relating to his alleged insider trading, according to court documents and a source familiar with the case.

His son and a friend are also involved and it appears they are copping to a plea, too.

Sadly, this is a very Republican district.


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0 Comments to “And Those Who Don’t Resign Get Hauled Away”

  1. A sense of entitlement will do that to you I guess.

  2. He had these charges hanging over him when the goobers voted him back in! Can’t fix stupid

  3. That’s my congressmoop. Good to see him go but his replacement will probably be worse.Andy Cuomo drew the district to corral as many GOP as possible.

  4. Isn’t it sad that despite the ongoing evidence of corruption and irresponsible spending across the Republican party, so many in the press think of them as the party of morality and frugal spending?

    They really need to stop writing “stories” confirming societal memes, and start writing fact-based articles.

  5. It is a very Republican district, deliberate redrawn that way some years ago. But, he only won last time by a very thin margin. Perhaps reasonable people in our district will get someone better next time.

    I cheered, clapped, and did a happy dance in my chair. I haven’t been happy since they redrew the district and took Brian Higgins away from he.

  6. You all may recall that this guy was a “portal” for Trump during the transition. If you wanted to see Trump personally, you could go through this guy. Could not figure out why Collins functioned that way. Well, now we know about that damn birds of a feather thing.
