And the Hits Just Keep On Comin’

September 30, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Holy Crap, Impeachment


Mike Pompeo was in on the mob boss call with Zelensky and Trump.  Also, McConnell said if the House impeaches, there will be a trial.

Rudy Giuliani has been subpoenaed to disgorge all of his documents pertaining to his involvement with Ukraine.f

Another Republican, Chris Collins, has resigned from Congress, this time just before pleading guilty to insider trading.

Trump asked Australian prime minister to help determine origins of Mueller investigation.

Trump suggests civil war if he’s impeached.  Harvard law professors says that by itself is impeachable.

Whistle blower’s attorney says Trump is endangering his client’s life.

RNC sent fake census forms to solicit money for Trump reelection campaign.

BREAKING: Bill Barr solicited foreign governments in an effort to discredit US intelligence agencies’ findings that the Russians interfered with the 2016 election.



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0 Comments to “And the Hits Just Keep On Comin’”

  1. Oh and now the russians are telling demented donnie, and the US Gov., that he must ask nicely “mother may I” if he wishes to release any transcripts of conversations with demented donnies master puttie boy.

    So that sounds like a definitive definition that the russian’s consider the US as a vassal state now.

  2. I am finding it hard to keep up. PLEASE let it be Katie Porter or Warren or Kamala be the ones questioning Rudy. NOT Nadler.

  3. Turtle’s going to have a trial. Uh, who cares. 2020 will decide your fates.

    This is the treasure trove we’re after.

    Watergate Casualties and Convictions

    In the aftermath of Richard Nixon’s resignation, Watergate continued to claim victims.

    The final toll included:

    – one presidential resignation

    – one vice-presidential resignation – although Agnew’s crimes were unrelated to Watergate

    – 40 government officials indicted or jailed

    – H.R. Haldeman and John Erlichman (White House staff), resigned 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed

    – John Dean (White House legal counsel), sacked 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed

    – John Mitchell, Attorney-General and Chairman of the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), jailed

    – Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy (ex-White House staff), planned the Watergate break-in, both jailed

    – Charles Colson, special counsel to the President, jailed
    James McCord (Security Director of CREEP), jailed

  4. megasoid @ 2,

    I think the current list will be longer.

  5. That’s quite an impressive list.

    I can hardly wait until tomorrow, when the October Surprises start. Though I can’t imagine what would be surprising any more.

  6. Papa @ 3 More than a few states attorneys waiting for that legal action. I concur.

  7. mega @ 6 – Exactly. Not only will the federal charges list be long, the states (especially NY) will line up. They’ll go after Trump, his lawyers, as well as the kids who are involved in the Trump Organization and his “foundation”. He can extract a federal pardon from Pence (unless they get him, too), but that doesn’t affect state charges.

  8. Think about the DOJ alone. The unknown number of minor figures willing to flip for leniency could paint a field of wheat under the scythe. Now add the DHS, Cabinet members, FCC?

    Mr. Ajit Pai? you and your cronies have been served. Good day.

  9. It’s like that time in early 1964 when The Beatles had five songs in the top ten, so you just kept your AM radio on all the time because the hits were truly great and they did just keep on comin’.

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    I don’t trust McConnell no matter what he says.

  11. Question: What’s the quickest way to be purged from voter rolls?
    Answer: Be a Democrat and respond to the fake census honestly about your party affiliation.

    All nice and tidy, you’re out and you’re relieved of the tedium of voting for your representation in your state houses and DC. There — see how easy that was?

    iirc, this trick has been pulled before. I think it was in 2000 when the R’s sent out “census” documents that looked all official-like that were actually fund raisers for W. Apparently, they got away with it that time so – just like Trump, they figure they’ll just double down and do it again.

    They’d do it in decade years that start with an odd number, too — if presidential elections were held then.

  12. Even if McTurtle holds a trial, I’m purty certain he gets to set the rules. Which means it’ll be a travesty put on to be able to point to and claim that that the Senate did it’s constitutional duty in a completely bipartisan manner and justice was served.
    Whew! Glad we got er done boys, it’s Miller Time!

  13. Scotty in Indiana says:

    Can the next AG file a comprehensive criminal and civil RICO charge against the entire administration, as well as the Trump Organization.?

  14. Scotty in Indiana:
    Probably not. But I’m fairly certain that all individual crimes can prosecuted.
    One of the few things I fault Obama for is not pushing for Wall Street prosecutions, apparently to me to encourage bipartisanship cooperation on tackling the crisis.
    This is magnitudes of order beyond that. Prosecuting these usurpers of democracy is the only course of action. Not doing it condones everything they’ve done.
    And is already being blasted into the heads of his supporters as victory because it hasn’t already been done.

  15. Get your score cards here. Can’t tell the players without a score card.

  16. Buttermilk Sky says:

    And trump is still desperate to conceal his tax returns. That must be the Game Over item on the list.

  17. Linda Phipps says:

    Romney ain’t looking so squeeky clean, it’s his niece, Ronna, who is head of the RNC. I expect she allowed that fake census.

  18. Friends, here is how I see all this jazz.

    Damn the Trumpedos! Full speed ahead!

  19. I am with Papa on this one. The list is so long I think we all will be gone before the end!

    In my long life I have never seen the corruption that is now coming out!

    Ike, is there any chance of you being reincarnated? If not maybe Teddy could rise up to save the Party the mob boss and Grim Reaper,AKA, Moscow Mitch have destroyed?

    Lord have mercy they make Hot Tub Tom look good! Uh, well, maybe not. You guys know him better than I do.:)

  20. The Surly Professor says:

    Cheryl@2: your wish is granted. The subpoena to Gulliani was issued by the House Committee on Intelligence, not the Judiciary Committee. Because of Nadler’s foot-dragging, it seems Pelosi is letting Schiff do all the investigative work. That is extraordinary, but since the key indictables are for international screwing around, it makes sense.

    While McConnell has admitted that the U.S. Constitution does have some standing, my money is on him delaying the Senate trial as long as possible. Say, until after 3 November 2020. Unless the Republicans realize that the jig is up and want to dump Donnie in enough time to convince the electorate they never supported him and were always opposed to Trump.

  21. Caren Burke says:

    Its scary, remember what Mitch did with Garland.

  22. thatotherjean says:

    Mitch said the Constitution obliges him to hold a trial–but it doesn’t say how long it has to be. If the House sends it to the Senate in the morning, want to bet the trial’s over before lunch, and the verdict is “Not Guilty?” I really hope the House just investigates the heck out of Trump, spreads their findings over every media outlet they can find, and keeps it up until the election.

  23. Raise your hand if you think McConnell is capable of telling the truth about anything — especially Trump.

    Yeah, me neither.
