Me, Bitching

September 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, heads up.

So many times people use the Tell Juanita feature, which I appreciate because it helps me sort through all the crap junk mail I get.  Since the Tell Juanita feature comes with a special marking, it makes me easier for me to know it’s not junk.  It makes my life easier.

However, it happened again today. What appears to be a perfectly nice man named Steve sent me a Tell Juanita note about baseball.  It was short, to the point, and I enjoyed reading it.  When I tried to email him back, it’s a bad email address.  That makes me sad.  I’m sure he just mistyped it.

It happens far more often than you’d suspect. Sometimes I use time that I could be sitting by the pool in my bikini to send you an answer or just to say thanks.  When it bounces back, it makes me sad.

So, please dear readers, double check the email address you use and make sure it’s right.


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0 Comments to “Me, Bitching”

  1. Steven from Beaverton says:

    I’ve corrected my email, and may the best teams play in the World Series (your Astros and my Dodgers), and may the best team win, again! Enjoy laying by the pool. It’s tooo cold here.

  2. This crook was re-elected last fall AFTER he and his family were indicted. Tells you something about the people who live in his district.

  3. FRIENDLY suggestion; change both the comment and tell Juanita section to provide confirmation of email address.
