Crime is Not Funny

April 16, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

But this is hilarious.

For the second time in several weeks, thieves have stolen the wheels off of Jackson [Mississippi] Police Department cars.

This time they got two cars, parked behind a museum in downtown Jackson.

In March, the last time it happened, the car was parked outside the west Jackson police training academy.  They took the tires and rims.



Thanks to Ted in Austin for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Crime is Not Funny”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Amateurs. Those cars were parked. Vehicles must be in motion or momentarily stopped (like at a traffic light or crosswalk) to establish street cred.

  2. Hmmm, actually in this case crime is pretty funny.

  3. To the thieves:

    Next time at a Krispy Kreme, please!

  4. What’s parked in Jackson, Mississippi, stays parked in Jackson, Mississippi.

  5. Funny! Just hope the perps don’t get caught!

  6. twocrows says:

    OMG. I feel picked on.

    I was born in Louisiana [NOLA] and lived out my infancy and toddlerhood in Jackson, Mississippi. So what do you do, JJ? You feature two stories, in quick succession, that have to do with those benighted locales.

    Poor, poor me.
