Yesterday’s Quotes

April 16, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

As Notre Dame cathedral burned yesterday in Paris, leaders around the world spoke from the heart about the tragedy.  Here are a few:

“Notre Dame is one of the world’s great treasures, and we’re thinking of the people of France in your time of grief. It’s in our nature to mourn when we see history lost – but it’s also in our nature to rebuild for tomorrow, as strong as we can.” – Barack Obama

“Notre Dame of Paris in flames. Emotion for a whole nation. Thoughts for all Catholics and for all French. Like all our countrymen, I’m sad tonight to see this part of us burn.” – French President Emmanuel Macron

“The burning of the Notre Dame cathedral has again made us aware that we are bound by something more important and more profound than treaties. Today, we understand better the essence of that, which is common, we know how much we can lose. And that we want to defend it – together.” – EU President Donald Tusk

“To the people of France, I would like to say that Notre Dame Cathedral was like a gift to the human race. We share in the pain but we also thank you for this gift to civilization.” – Mayor of South Bend Indiana Pete Buttigieg (spoken in French)

And then, there was this:

“It is one of the great treasures of the world. The greatest artists in the world. Probably, if you think about it, I would say it might be greater than almost any museum in the world and it’s burning very badly. Looks like it’s burning to the ground.  That is beyond countries, that is beyond anything. That is a part of our growing up. It’s a part of our culture. It’s a part of our lives. That’s a truly great cathedral. I have been there, I have seen it. It’s a terrible scene.  They think it was caused by, at this moment they don’t know, but they think it was caused by renovation. I hope that’s the reason. Renovation, what’s that all about? It’s a terrible sight to behold.” – Donald Trump, Babbler in Chief

To make matters worse, Trump had earlier Tweeted his advice for fighting the fire:

“So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!” – Twitterfingers

This advice was so stupid that the Civil Defense Agency of France actually responded:

“The drop of water by air on this type of building could result in the collapse of the entire structure along with the firefighters who are currently doing their best to save Notre Dame.” – Sécurité Civile France

Trump simply cannot stand any event occurring anywhere in the world that might divert attention from himself even if that attention shows him for the idiot that he is.


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0 Comments to “Yesterday’s Quotes”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    Why not detonate a small nukular device next door to blow the fire out? Make sure the detonation is on the upwind side to prevent dust getting in people’s eyes.

    On a homier note, Drumpf is seriously thinking about opening Florida’s gulf coast to oil drilling.

  2. We have often seen video of flying water tankers hitting the forest fires in our own country. Luckily, there weren’t any human being below to get the full brunt of that water which could knock down very, very thick 200 year old trees with great ease. Most people do not know that water can be measured by the pound! And its way past time that they learn such. Any time something has to be doused by a flying water tanker, any and all humans in the area have to do their damndest to cuck for cover or they could really, really get hurt.

  3. trump is consistent, a bumbling idiot….

  4. And Glen Beck (remember him? Who knew he still has a tv show?) says, “It may have been caused by Islamic terrorists. If it was, you’ll never hear about it.” Hard to argue with that.

  5. thatotherjean says:

    @ Maggie: There used to be a saying in Britain, before they went metric, about the weight of water:

    “A pint’s a pound, the world around.”

    Since a pint of water weighs a pound, you can imagine the damage a tanker-load of water dropped from a plane could do to a structure like Notre Dame. Not one of Donnie’s better ideas. Works for a forest fire, not so much for a burning building.

  6. I’m just waiting for one of those big-@ss-evangelical-church preachers to tell the media G-d was angry at the (in their opinion) “too secular” French and destroyed the Notre Dame or crap like it.

  7. thatotherjeans@5,

    Poor Donnie, the brain synapses have chronic lapses.

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Tons of water on an 800-year-old building — what could go wrong? Yesterday I read that he wanted marble sinks in the bathrooms of Trump Shuttle planes, when the point is to make planes as light as possible. Clueless.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Here is what an actual State Fire Chief had to say about Drumpf’s fire fighting expertise –

    Its got sciency stuff in it so Drumpf couldn’t understand it.
