This is a Test

January 05, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

This is a test to see if you are a radical partisan:

If you believe this video made in college of a now member of Congress dancing to a show tune is offensive and highly inappropriate,

And this picture of the “elegant and sophisticated” now First Lady doesn’t concern you in the slightest,

Then you are a radical partisan to whom truth means nothing.

YOu’re welcome.

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0 Comments to “This is a Test”

  1. Hypocrite and Republican are interchangeable terms.

  2. Unfortunately, the base are immune to irony.

  3. I fail to see why we can’t give Ocasio-Cortez and Raihta Tlaib the same sort of pass Beer Bro Kavanaugh got..

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    The scrooge party is having a problem with a young woman having fun, but no problem with the third lady of BLOTUS peddling her assets. OK. Will hang sort of with Justice Potter Stewart on what constitutes obscene, and neither of those photos is problematic to me. Children crying on our southern border is obscene. Rearview shots of Dotard45 in golf or tennis clothing; obscene. Any picture of Teddie Crooze; obscene.

    Let’s have a Congressional dance off. That would be fun. Bet Maxine Waters and NDP can still bust a move; Old Scratch McConnell probably not.

  5. Jane & PKM @ 3

    Please, let’s not have a congressional dance off. I don’t think there’s that much brain bleach in the world… even if Tom DeLay has “retired”.

  6. I am all for a rhythmic social ritual with a competitive final component so long as it involves ALL branches of government. Frat Boy K can DJ and float a keg. Notorious RBG can do whatever the He77 she wants to do. Even a Speaker and the Supremes line dance. And of course MM needs to show us the Turtle. No REALLY the Turtle. THEN THEN the ultra sophisticated First Couple could … sorry I had to suicide that brain cell before it infected my whole brain with political pornography.

  7. If anyone wants to do any dance shaming, you need look no further than this for fodder:

  8. Gee I hope Melania gets her free food taken away for doing porno shots.

  9. Charles R Phillips says:

    I defend both. Neither was breaking the law, nor is their youth something to berate them for. AOC was an exuberant dancer, still is, and it’s not disgraceful.

    Melania was a model, frequently modeled naked, as have most American supermodels. Again, part of her job, not disgraceful.

    Who are we to judge Melania for doing what Cindy Crawford and others have done?

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    oh for Gosh’s sake, Mark! That was AWFUL and even worse than that voice-enhanced earsore, I can’t even describe his fans thinking this was a great concert or something.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, Frat Boy K would have a tough time as DJ with his hands taped into boxing gloves and cuffed at the wrists since he can’t be trusted to keep his paws to himself. Then again, Democratic Congressional women are not naïve teens, so it might be fun to see Boofie bitch slapped; hard. Maybe this soiree should be a Democratic House invitational event. Inviting the Obamas as our last real First Couple would add class to the event. And the only way we’d want to see Old Scratch McConnell do the Turtle would be atop a fence post. snacilbupeR and party just do not fit in the same sentence. Last Con to have a glimmer was Aaron Schock and they kicked him out.

  12. @Jane & PKM

    I saw another piece about this bromance between Bill Walton and Prez O, in which Walton floats the idea that Prez O should be both the former Prez and the present head roundball poobah at UCLA. “Let’s get read to ruuumble.” Dragging UCLA kicking and screaming into the deep post-season gonna limit Prez O’s move bustin’ on the (dance) floor.

  13. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    The rabid rapt Trumpsters in the comment threads of Washington Times (yup, the Moonie’s newspaper is Trump Love central)…. insist that Melania, the porn magazine nude, is the first time EVER that the US has had a classy first lady. When others point out Melania’s nekkid dirty maganzine legacy….the Trumpster’s script “those were art photos” but all the other women who were not nekkid models who accused Trump of unwanted sexual assault are skanks/sluts + many ugly adjectives.

    Had to share!
    Remember Designing Women tv series? Julia Sugarbaker called Donald Trump:

  14. Charles R Phillips says:
    [i]Melania was a model, frequently modeled naked, as have most American supermodels. Again, part of her job…[/i]

    If all modeling requires showing up for work naked, like strippers and porn actresses, then Melania went into her profession with eyes wide open, knowing full well what was expected from her.

    Or, after high school graduation she could have enrolled at the Slovak Polytechnik Institute and University. I’m sure there was a local school with a full catalog of classes to choose from. Clothed.

    (Full disclosure: Melania is free to choose her profession, husband, etc without consulting me. I don’t mind. I don’t mind if Republicans are fine with it too. But not while demeaning a video of a young college woman, dancing, fully clothed, who did decide to pursue academic studies after high school.)

  15. @Rick #14 <—What he said.

  16. It is great that their is a new team of progressives who have a spine and stand up for themselves and our issues.
    The fact that they are women facing off a bunch of ossified misogynist old farts is just the cherry on the top.
    Time the thuglicans learned humility by being humiliated by women half their age.
    Pelosi’s comment when asked anout the impeachment comment by Mich. Congress woman was perfect.
    One thing that hasn’t been mentioned is that after the rash of incompetent speakers ( ryan, boehner, hassert etc) who couldn’t count votes musc less harvest them from a congress of ego’s it will be refreshing to see a professional take charge and show them how it is suppose to be done.

  17. (this may be a tad too darkly black for some…):

    AOC is Hispanic, right? If you’ve been to as many frontera bailes as I have you’d just know that that exuberance is natural (or genetic) (no, I didn’t watch the video, can’t at dialup speed).

    As far as Malaria in that pic above (if it is her), she’s from Slovenia, but looks there like it was Sobibor… Gives you an idea of what a ghoulish creep RAT45 is/was I guess.

  18. Why in the world is any one experiencing a freak out over somebody dancing? Alexandra is totally clad and moves like an athlete. The other one, not so much at all. And she isn’t even moving. If you want to gross out over someone dancing, you should see the videos of the way I do it. i dance like I’m invading Poland!

  19. @Mark #7, please. Republicans dancing are like elephants mating: it must happen, but is it something we really need to see?

    If there’s any footage of the Trumps dancing at an inaugural ball, please don’t show it to me, but just try to imagine the contrast with Barack and Michelle Obama….

  20. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    The fekking wall…. just a word prompt thought up by Roger Stone & Sam Nunberg….for a moron who claims he as the best memory but can’t remember the beginning of the sentence he’s speaking …. $5 billion wall money theatrics, $$$ in shut down damages, brutalized children in prisons paid over $700 per child per day, racists killing minorities week-after-week…

    All because he “can’t stay focused/on topic/remember: “The idea for the wall actually started as a trick by his campaign advisors – to keep Trump from forgetting to bash immigrants in speeches,” The New York Times reported Saturday.

  21. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie sure isn’t a load of chuckles, unless one is a cartoonist.

    Keep on dancing AOC, it’s alright by me…

  22. @Mark: Further evidence old white people can’t dance

  23. Them are bird legs.

  24. @ThrowCautiontotheWind

    Oh yeah? Watch me.

  25. Wht is it with thuglicans and nude models?
    Scott brown and melania bared it all in mass distribution magazines for fun, profit and a bit of ego satisfaction and thats OK.
    But AOC dances in a high schoole/college video that had an audience of what?
    A couple of thousand people saw it until this event and it was not done for profit, unlike scotty and melania, AOC showed no “skin”, again unlike melania and scotty boy, it looked like she was having fun, unlike melania and scot boy. Yet AOC dancing is scandal while melania and scotty used it to promote themselves. Getting naked in front of the world for profit is OK.
    A bit like betrayous and snowden comparison. As long as it is done to make a buck it is ok but do it anything for fun or to reveal political crimes and the sky is falling.
    We have to find a word beyond hypocrisy to adequetely describe thuglicans attitudes.

  26. Lunargent says:

    Had a nice long post ready to go, hit the wrong spot, and it pooped. I hate trying to edit in this stupid little box that won’t scroll.

    Short version: The chica is sexy.

    Not in a provocative or derogatory way. She’s young, smart, passionate, attractive, and moves like a dancer. Despite belonging to an ethnic group that is often denigrated, she is not apologetic or deferential.

    No wonder all the right wing pale, stale males – and women – don’t know how to act. So they attack her. And she claps back, or ignores them. We should do the same.

    No wonder all the

  27. Lunargent says:

    Aarrgghh – poofed.

    Not pooped – POOFED!

    Damned autocorrect.
    Also please disregard the sentence fragment at the end.

  28. Charles R Phillips says:

    In case none of you got my point, none of the antics of AOC, nor the previous actions WHILE EMPLOYED of Melania tRump are anything to get angry about. Not for the RWNJs, not for Progressives.

    Sure, Melania isn’t the ideal FLOTUS, but SHE’S NOT THE PRESIDENT. Save your anger for her husband, and your “whataboutism” needs to go in the sh!tcan where it belongs. THEY DID IT FIRST doesn’t justify Progressive doing it in return.

  29. Brian Crowder says:

    I just can’t take the hypocrisy from my own family anymore.. the next time my mom posts a picture of the illegal Slovenia gold-digger exclaiming how beautiful and classy she is I’m responding with one of the nudes… I’ve resisted that impulse so far but I just can’t take it anymore…

  30. @Charles R Phillips

    I think a lot of us got your point. I’m just not in the mood to be anything on the magnanimous continuum regarding our nacilbupeR brothers and sisters. I’m stuck in “they did it first” mode and will be for some time. Maybe after 2018, 2020, and 2024 Dems can return America to the almost Pax American we enjoyed under the two Barack Obama terms. At that point I may find magnanimous again. Of course I will never vote for a conservative again. Or I might die by then and it won’t matter anyway.

  31. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, the track I’m stuck in is until elected snacilbupeR throw a leash and muzzle on Dotard45’s misogynistic and racist remarks, they have no reason to throw shade on AOC for clean college fun or go all fainting couch pearl clutching over a well-placed MoFo in a sentence. Basically if they want to throw sand, they need to be prepared for an avalanche in return. And that would be “returns” from just this week. Apparently Matt Gaetz was being ‘subtle’ calling Senator Warren “Sacagawea” instead of Donnie’s usual opprobrium for her. Will be calling the balls and strikes as I see them.

  32. Charles R Phillips says:

    Well, I see your point, but to me, taking it out on Melania instead of her fat toad husband makes me want a shower, a long, long shower.

  33. @ Charles R Phillips #29,

    JMHO, Melania is not a role as a first lady that I’d ever want for any young girl.

  34. Add the word “model” after role.

  35. Dene Grigar says:

    The reason why the sexually provocative image of Melania Trump is acceptable to GOP partisans is because she is making her body available to men and so subjugating herself to them––as they think women should behave. It falls in line with the thinking that women are here on this earth solely for men’s pleasure and to fulfill their needs.

    On the other hand, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not posing for men and is expressing herself as an independent being in the world with her own agency––which in direct conflict with how GOP partisans think women should behave.

  36. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. Phillips, largely agreed to a point. While I wouldn’t attack Messy or Kremlin Barbie personally, playing “knight in shining armor” for them will be delayed until the former takes her anti-bullying campaign where it will do the most good and the latter takes a load of hypocrisy out of her repertoire. To borrow from the Reverend Niemoller quote, they are part of the discussion “I did not speak out—” Silence can be both condoning and enabling, when they bury their heads in the polluted sand around Donnie.

    But no doubt about it Mr. Phillips, you are a gentleman.

  37. @Charles R. Phillips: I can understand your point and don’t object to your magnanimity; however, I can’t bring myself to see things your way. Not after how the Rethugs treated Michelle Obama–who, I might add, never put a step wrong in her entire life. Melania married for money and she has no idea how to act as FLOTUS. And, we already know about the Orange Moron’s taste in women.

    BTW: AOC is making those old, white-guy Rethugs look extremely stupid. They keep thinking she’s a ditz and she keeps shoving carefully aimed shivs into them. I think I love her. I especially love her remark about taxing mysogyny. Keep it up, guys. She’s way ahead on points already.

  38. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Beautiful, vibrant, female future member of Congress dancing to Prince song: disgraceful.

    Middle-aged member of Congress sharing picture of his genitals: come on, libtards, everybody does it, no big deal, where’s your sense of humor?

    I hope this clarifies the issue.

  39. Beststash says:

    Make America White Again! The thin veil has been removed by the white evangelical voter. No Shame.

  40. @Buttermilk Sky # 38
    glad you agree that naming nude model scott brown as ambassdor to NZ was an insult to NZ and a disgrace for the US.

  41. Random fear
    somebody tells doddering don about wilson ( a “progressive” hero) sending pershing across the mexican border and decides, like his delusion about firing comey, that progressives will embrace a “border security excursion”.
    why not if US agents feel free to shoot into mexico with bullets, tear gas and whatever how much different is it to make a “police” raid by US military?
    Question becomes as to whether the military will live up to its traditions and oath and refuse to obey or submits like a beaten cur and obeys.

  42. @K #40
    It looks like scott brown is representing the administration quite well. The rest of us – not so much.

  43. @K #41,

    IDK, but couldn’t firing bullets, gas and killing innocent people in Mexico be considered an illegal act or perhaps an act of war by Mexico?
