What The Actual Hell?
Senator John Kennedy, a Republican from Louisiana, has been doing some thinking. He has decided that …
So now he says he was kidding, but dammit it’s still weird.
And this came from the party that sold the country to the Russians to win and keeps a maniac in the White House just to keep the win. His mother suckled him on hypocrisy and hate.
By the way, I will give him this: he has a soul. It’s in Donald Trump’s back pocket.
That’s supposed to be a joke, isn’t it? I have noticed, especially lately–Republicans are very, very bad at making jokes. Insults, yes; jokes, no.
1In many cases, this one in particular, it’s probably easier to see the soul of a Democrat than the brain of a Republican.
2I hop the d’s remember this when they take power and fulfill it.
3No mercy. No consideration. Nothing but a political bulldozer razing everything, and every one, in its path.
No “well he meant well” tripe. As chris Rock pointed out everyone “meant well” even the concentration camp guards etc. The devil is what an individual means in what is “good” and “meaning well”.
No “they served their country” no they trashed their country.
No respect for thuglicans on any level. Send them all to Coventry.
Criminal prosecutions for all. Reveal every misdeed and scam to the public.
Turnabout is fair play.
If D’s get the senate not one more judge for any seat at all unless the judge has been selected by a panel of the Southern law, Greenpeace, PETA, Bernie Sanders and Chomsky.
Declare the federalist society as being an anti american group and rescind the law license of any member of it.
Same thing with ALEC, Declare it a subversive group on AG’s list along with the NRA rip open their books and gut em.
No mercy.
Make fun of a survivor indeed see how they like it.
For awhile there this Southern Kennedy looked like he had a really good future, but hey. I don’t know a single man in the south that I have met or from the South that I have met who can really sling a joke. Their humor is hamstrung.
4This is the inspired genius who finished the Republican examination of Judge Kavanaugh by making him re-swear to god. Prosecutor Mitchell was making cut her own wrists movements at this moment.
5As usual, a clear case of projection. BTW, this guy is of the party that tries to shame women from breast-feeding. Ironic, huh?
6Raw meat? I thought we were all tofu eating arugala chomping sissy pants vegans?
7I’d put money on this repugnant, as one who would publicly and loudly berate a woman sitting on a park bench breastfeeding, and would then sponsor legislation against such a heinous act.
8I am on board with you K. I worry about the dystopia my 4 year old grandson will have to weather.
9Here’s another one of his quotes: “As an old friend of mine once told me, ‘Just be yourself, unless you suck,’ ” Kennedy said. “And none of us think we suck, so you’re just better off being yourself, and you know, that’s the way I’ve always been, frankly.”
He’s just being himself; no matter what he thinks of himself, he still sucks.
10One point the thuglicans pushed was “investigation” of D senators and rep.’s
11If the d’s get power start investigation with as partisan a group of investigators one can get.
Rip open all financial records of not just the individuals but their spouses, children, parents, siblings etc.
Just look judge drumpf has been shown to be just as corrupt as her misbegotten brother so no mercy.
Look for anything and everything. Ask as inappropiate questions about their sex lives ( assuming they have one) drinking and shady acquatiences as anyone can imagine.
bankrupt the entire thuglican caucaus. Tear mcconnels life apart on investigation of treason and subversion.
Ban any foriegn pass port holders from owning any media outlet at all no matter the size. Give murdock and moon 72 hours to remove their management from any media outlet.
Rip faux news apart as an agent of foriegn influences. Anyone who worked for criminal faux news programs are enjoined from ever going public with any thing ever again.
I have no sympathy. It is about time the D’s got a head of the thuglicans and made them cry for mercy as they confessed their crimes.
A South African style truth commission to review all thuglican officials and/or enablers with no immunity rewarded for finally telling the truth.
The only jokes here are the Republicans themselves! Very UNFUNNY jokes, at that!!
12Can we please require drug testing for elected officials? And DNA tests to make sure they are actually human? Please!!!
13Katherine, that would have kept Ted Cruz out. Pretty sure he is reptilian.
14Cheryl, you are not being fair to reptiles.
15This is just an elected official trying to legitimize the worst lies about liberals that have been pushed by right wing talking heads for decades, starting in earnest with Rush Limbaugh IMO. They’ve played the long game. Accusing us of incrementally worse things over time to demonize us.
16For one goal.
So folks won’t listen to anybody perceived as liberal.
You know like the mainstream media, who try to tell actual truth.
For a long time, most politicians only tacitly approved of this kinda crap by not denouncing it.
But here in the age of Donnie Douchebag, it’s whole new ballgame.
Compassionate conservatism is for RINOs.
We’re gonna see more and more of these douchebags trying to out trump trump. Until enough of us vote them out.
The problem of who folks listen to though is still a massive problem, that I don’t have an answer for. But somebody needs to find one.
Because the damage to the fourth estate may be the worst thing that’s happened in all this clusterf**k, and the hardest thing to fix in a society that supposedly values free speech so much that the founding fathers made it the first thing they mentioned in the Bill of Rights.
It’s part of the republican plan to retaint the senate.
Oops, RETAIN, not RETAINT, although that works as well.
17Rumblings on TV by talking heads that if the FBI “investigation” comes out either way, it will inspire an uptick in R’s voting int he mid-term. Wow. I’m so impressed. NOT! These talking heads conveniently forget just how pissed off women voters are. there has been a real uptick among that cohort. Right now i have always felt sorry for the 3 women on the bench having to serve with Thomas the Untruthful. If Kav makes it, I am going to be just outright fearful for them. I wouldn’t trust that man in a locked room with a female T. Rex.
18Said by a man who has made some of the most painfully stupid comments about the current president and that president’s Russian involvement. A graduate of UVa Law from which UVa Law should seriously consider retrieving their degree.
And a speaker whose voice, like that of some electric teevee talking heads, sends me urgently to find the teevee remote.
And finally, a lifelong DEMOCRAT until seeing the writing on the wall and becoming a NACILBUPER in order to win a local election in Louisiana. In other words, his ethics, such as they are, are entirely situational.
19I swear to heaven [see? I do, too, have a soul] that I have resided in the 5 worst states in the union.
They were, in chronological order:
My former and current states just KEEP ON embarrassing me.
20I’m with K. When the Democrats regain their rightful place in Washington, they should show no mercy. Indict, indict, indict.
21Revisiting: yes I was bottle fed, and i am looking for a good gorge on red meat to stay battle ready. These nasty loudmouths don’t realize yet they are unleashing a formidable backlash. I am 74, and really IDGAF.
22I’ve been trying to figure out if Kennedy has any teeth or if his have just been worn down. He certainly uses his mouth a lot but I have yet to hear him say anything funny, intelligent or interesting.