Popcorn, Check. Coffee, Check. Bad Girl Attitude, Check. [Snide comments at the bottom.]

September 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I’m ready.  Plus, it’s a rainy day so I’m totally ready for this pathetic replica of a “hearing.”

Please feel free to cuss Chuck Grassley here.



Son of a motherless goat Grassley and his damn bullyism.  That twit is so defensive. Nobody gets that defensive without trying to hide something.  He ended up yelling before the break and contending that Dr. Ford interrupted his precious ram-it-through timeline.

It seems like to me that it was dumber than dog dump to limit the questioning to five minutes and then turning over the Republican questioning to a prosecutor.  The Republican prosecutor isn’t able to build rhythm or a case.  Not that she could even if she had all day.

Heads Up below.


I guess they couldn’t find
an anatomically correct one.


Lindsey Graham can kiss my big blue butt.  For him to call her “a nice lady,” but that Kavanaugh wins by default because she can’t collaborate her case, is the most crazy, patronizing, and incorrect piece of crap I’ve seen in a long time.

Okay, somebody tell me who the hell wants this sneeringly angry, viciously attacking, hate-filled, self-victimized man on television to be a supreme court judge?  You know, he’d be a lot more believable if he wasn’t yelling and sobbing.

If Dr. Ford had testified by yelling, screaming, shooting dirty looks, and then breaking down into sobbing uncontrollable tears, she would have been called unbelievable and hysterical.  They are calling him defiant.  There you have it.


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