Yeah, Beto Rocks!

August 29, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is very fond of saying that Robert Francis O’Rourke only uses the name Beto so people will think he’s Hispanic. Irony is dead, y’all, because Rafael Edward Cruz uses Ted because he doesn’t want people to think he is Hispanic.

And now Cruz is making much of O’Rourke for having been a punk rock band in the 90’s, where he made two albums, toured the US and Canada, and probably smoked dope and got laid.  Beto even got arrested for DUI once but the case was later dismissed.

Unlike Cruz, who still gets teased to this day for walking the halls of his coed dorm at Princeton wearing nothing but a paisley silk housecoat, which the girls found to be “creepy.”



Yeah, Beto is very well rounded and well liked, and that’s gotta drive Cruz nuts.  But mostly, Beto is a man of courage who would never sacrifice his father and his wife on the alter of Trump.

And since we’re speaking of winning Texas elections, don’t forget that the Juanita Jean PAC is accepting donations to pay block walkers for Beto and the entire Democratic ticket., including the young man running to be my congressman, Sri Preston Kulkarni.

By the way, here’s a recent picture of Beto taking the stage and holding his own with The Poet of Texas, Willie Nelson.


Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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