Wednesday Toon

December 20, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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0 Comments to “Wednesday Toon”

  1. May there be cooked goose with a side of crow for every Republican in Novemeber of 2018.

  2. That Other Jean says:

    @Papa: Hear, hear!

  3. SteveTheReturned says:

    Absolute perfection. Thanks once again, Mr. Luckovich.

  4. Well the band of thieves will be celebrating their blatant heist of the American economy, but come next year methinks the tables will turn. They really think the American electorate believes their nonsense about tax cuts for all, but polls show a much different story.
    Wait ’til they start in on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid;
    the 2018 election should be a doozy. Down with Thieves and Traitors!

  5. In keeping with the Star Wars ‘toon:
    Vader and his Imperial Stormtroopers are celebrating their apparent defeat of the Resistance now, but The Death Star is doomed!
    In 2018, Luke, Yoda and Han will return the Jedi to their rightful command of the Galaxy. The Force is with us!

  6. fierywoman says:

    Expecto patronum!

  7. If I recall correctly, Luke’s response was, “I’ll *never* join you! *Never*!”

  8. Should we make anything of the fact that Emperor Palpatine and the previous Pope looked like they’d been separated at birth?

  9. Keen observation,Rhea.

  10. Well said all.
    BTW, Mark Hamill really trounced Pai, who posted a picture of himself with a lightsaber. He told Pai that he was unworthy to use the lightsaber. Jedi take care of wrongs to the common man, they don’t fight for big companies. True words for all rethuglicans. You love money, well when you are out of office, your wealthy owners won’t get squat for all their money!

  11. Christmas comes early! Donnie may not get his grand stand bill signing moment at his Pay-As-We-Go swamp. Seems the ever inept Cans (Cans, short for Republicans, because they are such colossal _____) stumbled on their own rules. Again. So in a choice between fixing their tax bill, or slipping something into the CR to keep the govt open they went with slip it to the CR. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer gave that a big nyet. Fun times in the House, too, as Speaker Pelosi schools Lyin’ Ryan on the art of vote counting.

  12. Meanwhile pregnant moms on CHIP in CO need to deliver before the end of January or have a do-it-yourself home birth.

    I think my PA granddaughter (whose parents are self employed) loses her coverage about the same time.

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    Maryelle, I believe that the worst depredations on our way of life won’t take place until after the 2018 elections. They engineered it that way because they knew we would come for them with torches and pitchforks … but it would be too late by then.


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