Here It Is Right Here

December 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, the next time you need to make an every vote counts speech, here ya go.

Thank you, Virginia!


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0 Comments to “Here It Is Right Here”

  1. Thanks for the link. That was great.

  2. If your vote doesn’t mean that much, why do the republic*nts work so hard to suppress it.

  3. Oh those grinches of the Washington Post won’t let me read it.

  4. @Papa: The balance of power in Virginia’s legislature turned on a single vote in a recount Tuesday that flipped a seat in the House of Delegates from Republican to Democratic, leaving control of the lower chamber evenly split.

    The outcome, which reverberated across Virginia, ends 17 years of GOP control of the House and forces Republicans into a rare episode of power sharing with Democrats that will refashion the political landscape in Richmond.

    It was the culmination of last month’s Democratic wave that had diminished Republican power in purple Virginia….

    Power sharing in the House of Delegates is an awkward exercise; the last such arrangement was in 1998. Committee chairs have to be negotiated, as does the person who will serve as speaker. With the parties split 50-50, there is no mechanism to break ties, and any legislation short of 51 votes does not advance.

    Republicans hold a slight 21-to-19 edge in the state Senate, but with a Democratic lieutenant governor to break ties and a Democratic governor with veto power, Republicans may be forced to advance a more bipartisan agenda.

    It’s a dramatic shift that caught even top Democrats by surprise. Republicans have controlled the 100-seat House since 2000; even outgoing Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D), a cheerleader for his party, had thought the Republican edge was insurmountable.

    But Democrats fired up by the election of Donald Trump as president turned out in big numbers on Election Day and ran as candidates in districts that hadn’t seen Democratic challengers in years.

  5. Tilphousia says:

    Have been doing my happy dance, with ruffled red knickers, since yesterday. I contributed to the recounts and we have one more left. In fact, the judge may demand that one district revote. Ballots were screwed up and the mess in that rethuglicans held seat may be too great to fix. But here in the Commonwealth there are happy dances all around. Now with a Democratic Gov who has a house that will work with him not against, Virginia can move ahead on issues that the rethugs ran from. Now all Virginians have a better chance for things to give them a better life. Please, people, VOTE. See you count!

  6. Rhea:

    Thank You!

  7. Pollytiques says:

    NC is so gerrymandered and almost all the politicians are from other states…I always look em up when I see a name doing something really nasty..or just a new name..and ALWAYS ALWAYS when i get my ballet to mark before elections.
    I have seen my vote mean very little..but I will drag my fat ole self to the polling place as near to early opening day to vote as long as I have a breath left and my last four brain cells haven’t dried up. It makes me furious that it doesn’t have much of a chance. But I know. And maybe one day it will be the one that counts most.

  8. This is close enough for a Christmas miracle! the 2018 mid term elections are gonna be amazing!

  9. Papa, I have found that other papers will pick up the story, and you can read them that way. I have been very frustrated with WaPo in that respect too. I am not interested in a monthly subscription just to read an article once in awhile. Google the headline, and you can pick from other newspapers whenever you want to read something they have printed.

  10. @Tilphousia, this Virginian is also doing her happy dance! Now, instead of worrying about who uses what bathroom, we can FIX the feeder roads to I66 and expand Medicaid so more people have access to insurance.

    For once, I don’t think the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train!

  11. Crud muffins!

    Just heard on NPR that the Republican got a ballot counted for him that was previously not. All tied up again! 🙁


    Every rethuglican vote counts but if the paid for hacks on a partisan bench decide they don’t like the result they will manufactor a reason to nullify it. Just like twit v. gore where scotus awarded the presidentcy to the loser of the popular vote.
    Just show there is always a reason to surrender to the thuglicans.
    Meanwhile the d’s are quiet since the result is unimportant when compared to protecting the “system” and “institions” no matter how corrupt they have been proven to be.
    Considering the thugs literally own the voting machines I am amazed they allowed this to happen. Just goes to show that, like goverance, the thugs are inept and the only thing protecting them is the gutless d’s who are entranced by the sacredness of “institutions” no matter how tarnished, corrupted and partisan they have become.
    That and republicrats like jones who doesn’t believe sexual harassment is worth discussing, his comment about demented donnies history or northam, who is seeking a bi-partisan way to betray his supporters on health care.

  13. They are now going to throw suffrage out the window, and decide the election with a coin toss.

  14. Well the Senate d’s showed that their vacation is more important then the Dreamers, Puerta Rico, ACA fix, CHIP funding or any number of other items by rubberstamping thuglicans short term financeing and heading home to their comfortable well padded homes.
    Maybe in transit fiensteins plane will cross paths with a plane deporting the dreamers to countries they never knew. Or pass over a home where a child will die over the holidays because of the lack health care or maybe they can take a holiday in the tropics as Puerta Rico and Virgen Islands suffer from lack of everything.
    But don’t worry after they are rested and have enjoyed the company of friends, family, and, most importantly, donors they will return and engage in more kabuki while selling out the country.
    Then they can wonder why no they will never get that last vote needed. And they never will because if the elected d’s are unwilling to vote for their constitiuents why should they vote for them.
    Wasn’t even close 14 d’s decided that the reward they will get from selling out the country, yet again, is greater then that they would get from fulfilling their sworn duty.
    The thuglicans are a write off. There is no hope for any sense of humanity from them. But the d’s who claim to care are being revealed as being even more heartless scammers since they pretend to care but when push comes to shove being home with a drink celebrating holidays is more important then deporting dreamers, health care or the rebuilding of part of the country which has suffered a natural disaster.
    So between partisan judges, corrupt voting machines, voter suppression and abodonment of their constituency it will be a wonder if the d’s ever win another race.
    Basically if they won’t vote for us why should we vote for them?
    Only arguement seems to be that they will not be as foul as the thuglicans. But with their willingness to rubberstamp thuglican budgets and priorities it is hard to beleive they mean it.
    So for all those dreamers getting deported from the only country they have ever know and the citizens who are going onto the 3rd month without power or water and those who’s sick children are at risk for lack of basic care Good luck because its obvious we are on our own with both of the political parties using us as talking points as long as it doesn’t cost their donors anything, even minor inconvience.
