Just Because They Can
I was at an State Democratic Executive Committee meeting this weekend where we discussed ballot referenda for our primary ballot, including criminal justice reform, economic security, campus carry, climate change, and other stuff to make our lives better.
The Republicans, who were meeting at the same time across town, decided to take a different approach. They decided to vote on wherever or not they want to be Americans.
A proposal to put Texas secession to a non-binding vote in March passed a state GOP committee vote in Austin on Friday afternoon, clearing the way for a vote Saturday by the Party’s full executive assembly, party officials reported.
I was really disappointed that it failed on the floor. I want those sumbitches to secede. Hell, I’ll even give them Waco and include a huuuuge wall around it with no way out.
The referendum was worded …
“If the federal government continues to disregard the constitution and the sovereignty of the State of Texas, the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation.”
They could have shortened it by stating, “Yes, we still have a black President.”