Jimmy Carter’s Prayers

December 06, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I kinda think all those right wingers need to start following President Jimmy Carter’s brand of religion.

Washington (CNN)Jimmy Carter’s cancer is gone, the former president announced on Sunday.

Carter, 91, revealed the news in front of a Sunday School class he was teaching at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia.

He lives what he preaches.  I love this man and completely apologize for thinking he was a goner several months ago.


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0 Comments to “Jimmy Carter’s Prayers”

  1. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I’m so glad. I love that man. And am so glad the treatment gives us more time with him on the planet. He’s one of the truly good people. I’m tearing up.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Fantastic news, Mr. President!

    This is terrific news for those with cancer or family and friends with cancer. The treatments and survival rates are improving. Three cheers for science today!

  3. When Ronald Reagan won the presidency, I knew this country had sold itself to the grifters and hookers. Every shoddy creature on the make bubbled up to the top, like foam at the lip of a tank of sewage. We’ll never rid ourselves of them. but we’ll always shame them, and they know it.

  4. WA Skeptic says:

    Hurrah! One for the good guys!

  5. Great news about Carter! Not that I believe in the power of prayer– Dick Cheney is still alive.

  6. fran seyer says:

    Carter is a saintly man……..

  7. Lunargent says:

    Totally amazing.

  8. @Rhea — heh heh heh.

    I am an atheist, but I have such a mad amount of respect for President Carter, who quietly speaks his Christianity. The only president in the history of the US that never had a bullet fired in a war under his watch. And he is a crazy Christian, but he is one of those rare people who actually live their faith. So rare. Inspirational. I wish more Christians viewed him as a role model. I understand, but hate, that he retired from politics after he left the presidency. His voice would be a welcome salve to today’s foolish political antics.

  9. UmptyDump says:

    Being realistic, old age is a progressive condition, as is often the case when remission is achieved in cancer and cancers become undetectable. With that in mind, and recognizing that all humans eventually reach an expiration date, we can nevertheless take pleasure that this fine man still enjoys a rewarding quality of life and continues to enrich us all by being a public presence. Day by day, Mr. Carter, we’re grateful that you’re with us.

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    Mark J: I’m not an atheist and I have no religion.To me the power of “prayer” is the channeling of positive energy. Mr. Carter’s prayers didn’t help him as much as all of the prayers of everyone else FOR him that did. JMHO

  11. This just warmed my heart to hear that a man I admire will be around for a lot longer!

  12. Good news for a change. Bless that good man.

  13. Remember when Carter made people nervous because he talked about being a born-again Christian? We didn’t know when we had it good.

    As for prayer, a study was done dividing hospital patients, matched by the severity of their condition, into categories: prayed for and not prayed for, and told about the praying and not told. No difference in outcome, except the ones told they were being prayed for got a bit worse, apparently after thinking, Dang, I must be in worse shape than I thought….

  14. Told my kids way long time ago that prayer is actually mindset. There was once a prayer called the Morning Offertory and all it boiled down to was a daily reminder that there were choices to be made that day and it helped to think when making the choice that it might be a good idea to include your Higher Power in the process. Its like having a knife. You could use it to take a life or you could use it to carve a clever toy for a child. Your just had to make up your mind (mindset) and choose the better option.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, as you noted prayer has been debunked as to health outcomes. But what has proven to be useful is a positive attitude. President Carter certainly has a most positive outlook on life. Being the positive man that he is most likely contributed to his excellent outcome from his cancer treatments.

  16. Ya’now, President Carter DID only serve four years, from 1977-1981. He could run again. For POTUS. At 91 yoa. If he had a mind to.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    I love Jimmy Carter. My cancer also disappeared. It has been back in different spots and I know it healed not only because of prayers but also because of visits and phone calls by friends and new books people gave me and flowers they brought by and the all around love and caring I got. Oh, and I got chemo and radiation. Whatever works.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. I’m very thankful that Jimmy Carter is still around, being who he is.

  19. What Mark J said.

  20. Aggieland Liz says:

    He IS a role model! He is a role model for EVERYBODY! He has his faith and he tries his best to live within its parameters; we would all do very well to do the same! Full disclosure: the reason I come here so much is that so many of you that comment (very few exceptions really, and everybody should get a pass once in a while if their corns gets tread on)really do seem to BE those kinds of people! This is a great community, made up of folks that want to make the world better-and that’s been Mr Carter’s goal for as long as I can remember!

  21. Congratulations, Mr. President. The world needs your light.

  22. Never give up, and with God’s good grace anything is possible.

    Thanks Mr. president

  23. Linda Phipps says:

    Optimism does have strong curative value, but cancer is never completely gone, my husband is into chemo for the 3rd time and we had excellent doctors who did everything right.

    ONE BIG THING TO CONSIDER: Jimmy Carter is teaching Sunday School classes, while our republican opposition is teaching gun unsafety.

  24. I would point out that his doctors got him on a new drug that doesn’t attack the cancer as much as it strongly boosts the patient’s immune system which then destroys cancer.
