11. Get a Bucket of Water and Dump It On People’s Heads When They Least Expect It.

July 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In case you were ever wondering what would happen if you got Clarence Thomas’ wife Jenni, John Bolton, Allen West, a top aide to Ted Cruz, and my neighbor Cathy Engelbrecht of True the Vote all together in one room and told them to form a group named Groundswell and make a list of Things To Do … today is your lucky day.

1. “At its weekly meetings, the group aims to strengthen the right’s messaging by crafting Twitter hashtags.”

2. Defeat the nomination of Labor Secretary nominee Thomas Perez by convincing people that he is “is extremely antagonistic toward whites.”

3. Convince Americans that John Kerry cannot be trusted as Secretary of State because “Kerry’s son in law is an Iranian American with extensive family still in Iran.”

4. “If we were all gay illegal aliens, the party likes [sic] us.”

5. Re-brand efforts to restrict access to the polls through voter ID programs and strict scrutiny of minority voters as a “Voter Rights” campaign.

6. Win the hearts and minds of “minorities” by re-positioning themselves as “Fredrick Douglas[sic] Republican[s],” instead of tea partiers or conservatives.

7. Refer to immigration reform as “OBAMAGRATION”

8. Hype the “Fast and the Furious” controversy and the Benghazi embassy attack some more.

9. “A 15 sec internet [YouTube ad] featuring ethnically diverse children on a merry-go-round [soft music]… Nuclear explosion.”

10. “Write articles on [sic] 4th grade level!”

Hey, they’ve got #10 down pat.

Is it just me or is there something kinky going on between Jenni Thomas and John Bolton?  Those two sure concoct a lot of reasons to be in the same room together.

Frederick Douglass Republicans?  Guess who came up with TAT idea?

Thanks to Kyle and many others for the heads up.

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