Archive for May, 2022

Making A Tragedy of 21 Murders Worse

May 26, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Cruz, Fun With Guns

I turns out that the police response to the Uvalde shooting was a shitshow, and then local authorities lied to the media about it.  Local and state authorities reported that the shooter was engaged by officers on the way in to the school.  FALSE.  Reports were then issued that SWAT took out the shooter.  Looks like that is false, too.  Then it was reported that an off duty border patrol officer shot the shooter.  We don’t know yet. Video has now emerged and witness accounts confirm that police hung back for AN HOUR before going in.

Could lives have been saved if they moved faster? We don’t know yet, but the likely answer is yes.  What we do know is that Abbott and his crew spent the better part of two days grandstanding, giving false information, and spouting bullshit about how gun laws don’t work.  We also know that this catastrophe clearly demonstrates that the “good guy with a gun” myth is bullshit.  This is the logical result of allowing weapons of war into the general populace and there is no ifs ands or buts about that conclusion.

Ted Cruz continues to show his ass to the media spouting nonsense about arming teachers and closing off all but one door to schools.  He’s like a broken record spouting his bullshit and lies, complaining about Democrats proposing legislation he hates, but offering no alternatives of his own.  He’s a useless bag of shit and  I wish he’d go back to Canada and leave Texas to Texans.  We don’t need his “help”.

We’ve been this way before

May 26, 2022 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Yesterday, the leaders of Texas and the GOP held one of their perfunctory press conferences. It was one of those deals where we decry the tragedy, offer our thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims, and tell ourselves there was nothing that we could have done to prevent it. One of these is done by rote. One of these are empty. One is a lie. I’ll leave you to figure out which one is which.


Yesterday, the Democratic contender for the governor of Texas decided to interrupt the proceedings. His message was simple. The performance art on stage was exactly that. We know how to prevent these things. We knew it would happen. We know not the exact time or the exact place, but we knew it would happen. Then, he was given the message we all are given in this moment: you are politicizing a tragedy.

Beto wasn’t taking it and decided to cause a scene. I’m not sure if what he did will help or hurt his election chances. My gut tells me a few things. First, it tells me that 95 percent or more of the voting public has already made up their minds. My gut tells me most Texans agree with Beto and most Texans think Greg Abbott has been a disastrous governor. My gut tells me all of this won’t matter and that Abbott will somehow win the election anyway.

Yesterday morning, our daughter texted us from school. She was hiding in a closet in her Chemistry classroom. She was looking around for items to throw in case a gunman penetrated the classroom and the closet space. It was somewhere between 15 minutes and 30 minutes until the district and/or news organizations finally said everything was okay. Those were the longest 15 to 30 minutes of my life.

Earlier this year, they essentially lost two days to bomb threats. We went through the same cycle of worry, dread, and relief. These two events are cruel reminders that we don’t have the control we think we do. They are cruel reminders that all of this can end in the blink of an eye. They are cruel reminders that we can’t afford to wait until “the time is right” to politicize a mass shooting.

Unfortunately, there is always a mass shooting in the forefront of our brain. Maybe we can politicize Buffalo now. In Texas, maybe we can politicize Santa Fe now. Maybe we can politicize church shootings, mall shootings, theatre shootings, and concert shootings. Maybe someone should send out a rule. Maybe it could be a mandatory waiting period.

I say to hell with that. I am not going to lose my daughter because a right wing politician doesn’t want to somehow suppress the image of 20+ dead Texas children and teachers while they accept a check from the gun lobby. I am not going to lose my daughter because the NRA wants to have their show and advertise their wares on the same week as a mass shooting in their state. If you are going to have the audacity to do that then you will have to stomach all of it. You will have to stand there and tell the world that you care more about someone’s right to own an automatic weapon than about the lives of school children. I’m going to politicize every damn second of it.

Either lives matter or they don’t. Either you care about the safety and security of our children or you don’t. Either you have compassion for all of the people walking this Earth or you don’t. Certainly compassionate and caring adults can differ on policy. We are all adult enough to realize that. Compassionate and caring adults do not have a waiting period to solve a problem. If the floods are coming you don’t make people wait to develop solutions not to drown. When people are freezing to death you don’t tell them that heat is political and shouldn’t be discussed during the crisis. The notion is patently ridiculous. When our children are being blown away at school it is most definitely a crisis and it is most definitely political. We better talk about it right damn now before the next one of these happens again.

Dan Crenshaw is Not as Stupid as He Acts

May 26, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Fun With Guns

Dan Crenshaw has announced that he’s not able to attend the NRA convention in Houston this weekend because of his…wait for it…trip to Ukraine.  His office has confirmed that he will conveniently not be back in time to make his appearance at the convention.  His spokesperson also asserted that his extended trip in Ukraine has nothing to do with the slaughter of 10 people in Buffalo and 21 people (including 19 small children) in Uvalde.  It’s simply pure coincidence.

Sure.  He’s not as stupid as he acts.

John Lewis would be Proud

May 26, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: 2022 Election, Abbott, Fun With Guns

Yesterday, during a political stunt being held by Greg Abbott, Beto O’Rourke showed up, interrupted the scripted event and said what the rest of us are thinking, that these recently murdered children’s blood is on his hands.   Before he was politely escorted out, Beto got in a few shots including, “The time to stop the next shooting is right now and you are doing nothing.”

John Lewis would have been proud.  In a lifetime of activism Lewis always spoke of getting into “good trouble” protesting injustice and inequality.  He was arrested and beaten several times during his protests for civil rights in the ’60s, and always coached those coming behind to continue getting into “good trouble” using non-violent presence and words.  Beto did that yesterday, and I have to say it was remarkably effective.  The stage was packed with rightwing blowhards including radio talk show host Dan Patrick, felony indicted for 7 years Ken Paxton, Cancun Ted Cruz and others and they were caught completely flatfooted as O’Rourke gave Abbott a piece of his mind.  The mayor of Uvalde, who was participating in this political stunt, called Beto a “sick son of a bitch” for “politicizing” this political event.  Observers of Abbott have noted that when caught lying, bullshitting, and politicizing, Abbott starts talking really fast and stuttering.  Let’s just say he did both after being called out for his lying, bullshitting, and politicizing.

I’ve never been a big fan of O’Rourke, especially when he blundered by running for president at the precisely wrong time in 2016.  He squandered his political strength with that mistep; however, you can watch him maturing live on television, and he is becoming a forminable figure in Texas politics. If nothing else you can say one thing about him…he’s a hell of a lot better and stronger than the clown sitting in the governor’s mansion today.

Rapid Response Section

May 26, 2022 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Whenever these things come up, there are go to responses on the right. Sometimes it can be hard to penetrate those responses because they have been designed to shut down debate on gun control. These people get placed into two baskets. The first ones are the incendiary ones. They are a part of the leadership cult. They are purposefully trying to derail debate. The rest are just parroting what they hear. Many of them mean well, but they are helping the other side just the same. So, you will get a slight variance of these as you discuss this with friends and family.

1. The school’s security measures either failed them or they were not properly used. If they had been then the tragedy would have never occurred.

Usually, all it takes is to game this one out. Someone shows up with an automatic weapon, body armor, and numerous clips of ammunition then what is likely to happen? Of course, our response should vary slightly based on the person making this statement. Again, many are not in a psychological place to admit that they are not in control of their own destiny here. As the thinking goes, THEY did not use proper security, so THEY were not safe. WE use proper security, so WE will be safe. Understand that they need a reason to feel like it won’t happen to them.

2. If the teachers were armed then this wouldn’t have happened.

Okay, since I am in the classroom let me also game this situation out. Let’s pretend that we have a handful of professionals that are also trained and experienced in using a firearm. After all, we wouldn’t want old Ms. Jones to have to carry a weapon she’s never fired before. However, during one of these events you would have your two or three heroes going across campus in a matter of seconds and forced to make a split second decision to shoot someone that might be a student without hurting those around him (assuming it’s a male shooter).

Then, a few minutes later the SWAT team enters the building. They see what appears to be two, three, or four grown people holding guns and pointing it at each other. Who do they shoot exactly? How do they know who the good guys are with the guns and which one is the bad guy? You’d be looking at multiple dead bodies at that point.

3. We can’t enact X law because in this shooting Y occurred.

Remember this phrase: perfect is the enemy of good. There will be no perfect solutions. There will be no laws that prevent every single scenario. The goal is better and not perfect. We capture as many different scenarios as possible and realize there will be a new scenario. My sister (a head volleyball coach) has had to add to her rulebook every year. There are new scenarios to consider. This is like any other law and any other rule. People are creative and they dream up new ways to get what they want. We keep us as best we can. Remember the mantra: perfect is the enemy of good.

4. The kid was a disturbed kid and there was no telling that this would happen.

You will notice that a lot of these start to melt together. The best defense is to marry these together to make a response difficult. So, I repeat my response from the last one. If you think it’s a mental health problem then step up and make some suggestions. In a lot of these cases you had parents and neighbors that knew something was wrong. They were just powerless to stop it. We can be angry at the mother in the Sandy Hook case for instance. Her son was autistic and she introduced him to guns as a way to connect with him. We can lambast her all we want. She paid the ultimate price and we have to remember that she begged for help along the way because she knew her son was in trouble, There has to be a way for family, friends, and neighbors to alert authorities and actually get assistance and not be turned away. We need to figure this out AND we need common sense gun control legislation. This is not an either/or situation. It is both.

We have the smartest readers on the known internet here. Please feel free to add your own responses to these things in the comments. We need to help each other get through this and debate the friends, family members, and trolls they will encounter in our lives.


Abbott Misinformed about Weapon Used in School Shooting

May 25, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Fun With Guns

One thing Abbott said right after the shooting yesterday caught my attention and I’ve looked into it since.  In his first update, Abbott said the shooter, who shall remain unnamed, entered Robb Elementary School with a handgun and “may have had a rifle”.  It later came out that he didn’t use a handgun, but an AR-15 that shoots a 5.56 MM round, a standard caliber for an assault rifle, of which he had just bought 375 rounds.  He carried a bag with 7-30 round magazines which totaled 210 rounds, not counting what was already loaded.  He had another AR-15 in his truck.  There is no report that I’ve seen that he had a handgun.

I doubt seriously that Abbott doesn’t know the difference between a handgun and an assault rifle, so I can only assume that Abbott was trying to misinform/play down the fact that the weapon of choice for mass shooters was also used in this shooting.  You certainly call AR-15s rifles, but there is little resemblance between this rifle and the .22 bolt action rifle I pinged tin cans with when I was a kid being taught to shoot by my uncle.

Abbott leads Texas in gun nut insanity where it’s beyond comprehension that at age 18 you can buy an AR-15 and whatever amount of ammo you want, but you can’t buy a handgun.  This is the stupidity causing the deaths we endure in Texas today.