Archive for January, 2021

Impeachment Encouragement

January 11, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Written by Elizabeth Moon.


Members of Congress have only one choice: vote for impeachment or…vote for treason; incitement of seditious acts to interfere with and overturn Congress,  incitement of violent invasion of federal property, vandalism of federal property, and theft from federal property, conspiracy to commit violence, conspiracy to murder the Speaker of the House, conspiracy to murder the Vice President, plus all the other crimes Trump has committed (obstruction of justice, corruption in diverting taxpayer money to his own purse, etc.)

A vote against impeachment is a vote for treason.  

A vote against impeachment is a vote for inciting seditious acts by others.

A vote against impeachment is a vote for inciting violent invasions of federal property.  

A vote against impeachment is a vote for vandalism and theft from federal property. 

A vote against impeachment is a vote for conspiring to murder the Speaker of the House and the Vice President, legal successors to the president should he be impeached.  

A vote against impeachment is a vote for inciting a violent riot that has resulted in five deaths so far and many more injuries of those attempting to defend Congress.

A vote against impeachment is a vote for attempting to force Congress by violence to halt or delay a Constitutionally mandated action–reading out the votes of the Electoral College–and thereby overturning the results of the Constitutionally mandated method of electing the next president.  In other words it is a direct attack on the Constitution’s authority, the basis of our rule of law, as well as on the election process.

A vote against impeachment is therefore a vote against each Congress member’s oath of office to uphold and protect the Constitution (not their party, not the president) against all enemies foreign and domestic.  It is proof that whoever votes against impeachment has broken that oath.

It should be pointed out to every member of Congress that a vote against impeachment will be on their permanent record forever and will mark such individuals as oath breakers, as opponents of the Constitution, and as enemies of this nation.  Every single one of those should be ejected from their respective houses.  

Spell it out for them if they don’t get it.  We’re not talking about Clinton’s coercive bouts of oral sex with employees, gross as that may be: we’re talking about active, violent, deadly actions against the Constitution, against Congress, against the American people.  Treason, inciting sedition, inciting violent attacks on the nation’s Capitol and Congress, in order to overturn the results of a legal election.    


Oh, This Story Is Even Better

January 11, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, remember the 55 year old guy you’ve heard about who died by repeatedly tasing his balls at the Capitol riot?

Sorry to say, it didn’t happen.  But maybe what did happen is even better.

First, his picture with his tribute to sweet Jesus in the background keeping Christ in Christmas.



According to his wife and Snopes, he died of a massive heart attack.

But Lady Karma did her due diligence to people who spread false rumors …

“He had no guns. He had no tasers. He had no weapons. The only thing he had was a flagpole,” she said. “Forever and ever, my husband is going to be known as the guy who tasered his balls while stealing a painting and that could not be farther from the truth,” she told us.

Yeah, Hillary Clinton knows how you feel, Mrs. Greeson.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.


Now, THIS is a Great Start to the New Week…

January 10, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Remember Trump whining a few weeks ago about Melania not getting any magazine covers during his infestation of the WH?  Well THIS is going to REALLY piss him off.  I give you the February 2021 cover of Vogue:


Let’s Talk about Insurrection by Retired Military…

January 10, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Insurrection

Earlier, we were talking about retired Air Force Lt. Colonel Larry Rendell Brock, Jr. who was photographed taking part in the paramilitary operation that took over the Capitol on Wednesday.  Members of Oathkeepers and the Three Percenters, as well as othersThere were a lot of others like Brock at the Capitol who were working together as a unit to…wait for it…shut down the US Congress and kidnap or even kill elected officials of the US Government.  That is the very definition insurrection. AND, Ooo; Ooo; here’s the good part – on top of the jail time they get, under several federal laws, a military retiree convicted of certain crimes, INCLUDING INSURRECTION, can be court-martialed, convicted, STRIPPED OF ALL THEIR RETIREMENT and other benefits.  That’s right, folks, and it gets better.  Just last year, the Supreme Court declined to take an appeal of a court-martial of a military retiree for rape that stripped him of his retirement benefits.

I’m hearing that arrests are up to 100 and climbing, and the FBI is looking for a whole bushel basket full of other Trumpists-turned-felons.  Oh, and by the by – The Justice Department announced today that Larry Brock was arrested today in Texas.  Mr. Zip Tie, Eric Gavelek Munchel, was also arrested today in Tennessee.  All these cases are being prosecuted by the Justice Department Anti-Terrorism Division in Washington.  Boom.

Well, Dam. They Were Right About One Thing…

January 10, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Insurrection

Aunt Tifa was in on the attack.

Oathkeepers Filing into the Capitol

January 10, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Insurrection

There are internet sleuths working to identify the insurrectionists who attacked to Capitol last Wednesday.  Here is a video of a paramilitary team of Oathkeepers moving as a unit up the steps on the east side of the Capitol building.  If you can identify any of these terrorists, please contact @jsrailton through Twitter.