Archive for January, 2021

Let’s Talk about Insurrection by Retired Military…

January 10, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Insurrection

Earlier, we were talking about retired Air Force Lt. Colonel Larry Rendell Brock, Jr. who was photographed taking part in the paramilitary operation that took over the Capitol on Wednesday.  Members of Oathkeepers and the Three Percenters, as well as othersThere were a lot of others like Brock at the Capitol who were working together as a unit to…wait for it…shut down the US Congress and kidnap or even kill elected officials of the US Government.  That is the very definition insurrection. AND, Ooo; Ooo; here’s the good part – on top of the jail time they get, under several federal laws, a military retiree convicted of certain crimes, INCLUDING INSURRECTION, can be court-martialed, convicted, STRIPPED OF ALL THEIR RETIREMENT and other benefits.  That’s right, folks, and it gets better.  Just last year, the Supreme Court declined to take an appeal of a court-martial of a military retiree for rape that stripped him of his retirement benefits.

I’m hearing that arrests are up to 100 and climbing, and the FBI is looking for a whole bushel basket full of other Trumpists-turned-felons.  Oh, and by the by – The Justice Department announced today that Larry Brock was arrested today in Texas.  Mr. Zip Tie, Eric Gavelek Munchel, was also arrested today in Tennessee.  All these cases are being prosecuted by the Justice Department Anti-Terrorism Division in Washington.  Boom.

Well, Dam. They Were Right About One Thing…

January 10, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Insurrection

Aunt Tifa was in on the attack.

Oathkeepers Filing into the Capitol

January 10, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Insurrection

There are internet sleuths working to identify the insurrectionists who attacked to Capitol last Wednesday.  Here is a video of a paramilitary team of Oathkeepers moving as a unit up the steps on the east side of the Capitol building.  If you can identify any of these terrorists, please contact @jsrailton through Twitter.

Bozo, Attorney at Law

January 09, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas attorney Paul MacNeal Davis was terminated by his employer, Goosehead Insurance, for posting a video of himself inside the Capitol.

He left a picture of it on Instagram.

And then, oh and then, he said.

“I already lost my job because of the Twitter mob. I’m not upset. I’m thankful to be suffering for righteousness and freedom.”


Wanna know the easiest way he could have avoided this?  I mean, beside not going to try to overthrow the United States government? The easiest way to avoid this would be to … wear a damn mask, you ignorant fool. Hell, nobody would have thought anything about it, except that you’re not trying to catch Covid.

Then, not having said so much that people are asking what he did with the money his momma gave him to go to law school, he has to draw a comparison to his life and “MLK-style civil disobedience.”


I swear to God almighty. NO.

First off, Martin Luther King did not break into the Capitol and tear things up.  Civil disobedience by definition is passive, which you would have known if you had been reading law books instead of prancing around the Capitol with some very squirrelly people.


I’m Just Guessing Here But I’m Probably Right

January 09, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This guy has been arrested in Florida and charged with violent entry, disorderly conduct, theft of government property, entering and remaining in a restricted area, and obnoxious headwear. Come to find out, he’s only voted in two elections, 2004 and 2020. I dunno, maybe he’s not real political and thought this is what they meant by taking a stand.




January 09, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Written by Nick Carraway.

Congress really has only one move at this point. If they are waiting around for Mike Pence and the cabinet to do the right thing they are going to be left holding their breath. Articles of impeachment are really the only way to go and there are a few reasons why.

As most know now, Congressional action can bar him from ever holding elected office ever again. So, even if they eventually convict in the Senate after January 20th, the process still has teeth. It will neuter him politically and effectively end his gravy train. There will be no more legal fundraising for possible future campaigns. It also would likely kill any possible political futures for his children.

Secondly, symbolic gestures matter. He already is the third president to be impeached. It says something if he’s the first to be impeached twice. That’s historic on a staggering scale. History matters and when we look back on this period a generation from now, our kids and grandkids will learn about how horrible he was and hopefully we will never have to through it again.

Finally, we need to force the Susan Collins and John Cornyns of the world to pick a side. Trump obviously didn’t learn his lesson. This is a chance for Republicans to stand up for America. We know where Ted Cruz is. We know where Lindsay Graham is. They made their bed. An impeachment vote brings their treachery out into the open. Their final allegiance will be recorded for all of history.”
