So Here’s the Deal
A new truth: if I shoot somebody, you better not punish me because that’ll just make me mad enough to shoot somebody else.
Texas Republican Rep. Kevin Brady (R) put it this way: “Those calling for impeachment or invoking the 25th Amendment in response to President Trump’s rhetoric this week are themselves engaging in intemperate and inflammatory language and calling for action that is equally irresponsible and could well incite further violence.”
Okay, so Brady isn’t known for being smart, but up until now he wasn’t known for being a wife beater either. So now responsibility, rule of law, duty and accountability are intemperate and inflammatory language?
Lindsey Graham said, “If Speaker Pelosi pushes impeachment in the last days of the Trump presidency it will do more harm than good.” He’s obviously not weighing harm and good on the scales of justice. And it vaguely sounds to me like Lindsey is threatening.
And Trump, who refuses to shut the hell up, had this to say …
“This impeachment is causing tremendous anger,” he said. “I think it’s causing tremendous danger to this country. … I want no violence.”
So if there’s violence, it’s our fault.
It must get mighty tiresome and weighty for Republicans to carry around that load of caca del toro everywhere they go.
Thanks to Epp for the heads up.