Hit The Road, Ted

January 11, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


At all.  Wouldn’t trust him to call the dogs, put your dollar in the love offering plate, or wear clean underwear.

Remember when Ted’s dad told us that he was hand picked by God?

My son Ted and his family spent six months in prayer seeking God’s will for this decision. But the day the final green light came on, the whole family was together. It was a Sunday. We were all at his church, First Baptist Church in Houston, including his senior staff. After the church service, we all gathered at the pastor’s office. We were on our knees for two hours seeking God’s will. At the end of that time, a word came through his wife, Heidi. And the word came, just saying, “Seek God’s face, not God’s hand.” And I’ll tell you, it was as if there was a cloud of the holy spirit filling that place. Some of us were weeping, and Ted just looked up and said, “Lord, here am I, use me. I surrender to you, whatever you want.” And he felt that was a green light to move forward.

Yeah, I don’t trust Ted Cruz’s dad either.


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0 Comments to “Hit The Road, Ted”

  1. Old Tenn Vol says:

    That would gag a maggot. I’m thinking about suing on God’s behalf.

  2. I don’t trust Ted Cruz to count to one.

  3. All Please Note:

    His name is Rafael Edward Cruz. He is not a “Ted.” Don’t call him that. He does not meet our standards.

    Thank you.

    National Union of Ted Standards

    Ted in Olympia
    Ted Kennedy
    Ted(dy) Roosevelt
    Ted Bundy
    Ted Kaczinski

  4. Ted @2;


    I believe you dropped your mic, sir.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Must be pretty easy to be god’s choice if ted (sorry, Rafael Cruz) crooze and donnie Trumpf we’re both god’s chosen one to be president. Wonder which repugnantican will be chosen next? Whoever that is will have some big shoes to fill. Maybe franklin graham knows.

  6. Non evangelical here –

    Just curious – does “speaking in tongues” refer to the fires of Hell?

  7. RepubAnon says:

    I expect Mr Cruz and his Dad worship -money. They prayed to the Great God Dinero, and heard that politics was grifter heaven…

  8. oldymoldy says:

    hmmm, I feel kind’a pukey! think I’ll go take a shower.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Teddie Crooze needs to leave the Senate. He’s incapable of maintaining his most hated person status. Move over, move on detesTed. If Majority Leader Schumer doesn’t shut your mouth down, 51st and deciding vote Vice President Harris will.

  10. oldymoldy says:

    Seems to me that this god dood should’ve known that rafael was a Canadian citizen at the time and maybe would’ve reminded him that running for U.S. president as an alien was and is illegal. He should be in prison.

  11. “Seek God’s face, not God’s hand.” Kinda ambiguous to me. I’d have interpreted that as meaning “Seek to be godly enough to stand in My presence, not to be My hand acting on the world.” But I’m a northern Presbyterian, so what do I know…

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    I think Heidi just wanted it over so she could get back to her Goldman Sachs job and away from the nutty in-laws.

  13. john in denver says:

    With only a few modifications, Sen. Cruz could use the same line again:

    “Lord, here am I, use me. I surrender to you, whatever you want.”


    “Capitol Police, here am I, use me. I surrender to you, whatever you want.”

  14. Harry Eagar says:

    Catholics would criticize that story for bringing god into disrepute

  15. That sounds stoopider in retrospect than it did the first time around. All those sore knees for a sound loss in the primaries and then 4 more years of being detesTed. And still thinking he’s the chosen 1.

  16. Texas Expat in CA says:

    Is there a Recall Ted Cruz movement in Texas yet? If not, why not? If I still lived in Texas, I’d surely join that movement!

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    djw @ 15, indeed. Then again there was never a doubt in the Republicon 2016 primary that detesTed and Donnie were insane. Lordy, when Kasich was the “sane man standing” it should have scared every life long Republicon voter into voting for Hilz.

    By comparison the ‘Cons had no primary in 2020. So while these incel morons are protesting a general election they clearly lost, they are ironically brain dead to the fact they were denied a primary.

    Not that we ever want another GOP pResident evuh, they really blew 2020. Had they thrown the fu king moron aside and embraced Bloomberg, they may have won. Instead Magic Mike ran as a Democrat which fooled no one.

  18. No better example of why the USA must have an absolute hard separation of church and state.
    We don’t need religious whackjobs of any stripe in any government positions of authority or influence.
    Twisted DetesTed is one of the worst possible specimens of the species.
    [I used to ‘live’ [long-term corp apt] a few blocks away from dwtwn Hou1stBap, in the Houston House on Fannin &Pease/Leeland, nice place long ago, good times.]

    BTW, Just watched a very good TV show, it touched on the absolutely disgusting dishonest behavior of another Rethuglikan.
    One of few in the same league as DetesTed: J. Edgar Hoover. That wormy sonuvabitch took credit for, and publicized as his own, the work of a truly great American heroine, Elizabeth Smith Friedman, pioneer in cryptography, during WWI, Prohibition, WWII.
    Wife. Mother. Secret American Hero.

    Now for some tech OT that I’ll explain in more detail on another appropriate thread when one pops up:
    I haven’t seen this mentioned hardly at all, while everyone is chasing pics and video of the Capitol assault domestic terrorists. Perhaps the PTB prefer it quiet.
    –Identifying, tracking the DT dts:
    Almost every stinking one of them carried a CELLPHONE. Those cellphones’ status and locations were recorded in great detail every minute [via mobile metadata] as those dts traveled to and around the DC area.
    This data is easily available from all of the cellular companies computers. Almost every last one of those SOBs can be located in space and time, if they were in proximity to or within the Capitol buildings it’s all ‘o tape’. Locations resolved to within feet&inches.

  19. Perhaps Rafael Cruz should have a chat with his soon to be Senate colleague Rev. Raphael Warnock about prayer, God’s will, service to others, humility, and other such matters. Could be enlightening.

  20. “You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.”
    ― Anne Lamott

    And when you hear God telling you that, seek professional help.

  21. Easttxdem says:

    Sounds like a real Joel Osteen moment.

  22. BriGuy, exactly my thought, as a non-religious person who did go to Sunday school. You stated it so well.

  23. Jane & PKM says:

    Finally. Congress has had enough of the racists among them. Censure is the word as well as Cruz and Hawley being placed on no fly lists. That and being super spreader covidiots. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal has tested positive for Covid-19.

    Racism, and those who deny they are racists is not a complex issue. It’s easy to understand that white ‘supremacists’ are racist. But the deniers need a bit more grooming to get the idea through their mouth breathing density. But it really is a simple concept: if you do not vigorously oppose racism you’re racist. The old if you’re not part of the solution then you’re part of the problem paradigm.

    Covidiots. Congresswoman Jayapal has been exposed to Covid-19. Whether this was because covidiots stormed the Capitol or her colleagues refused to wear masks when social distancing became impossible as Congress crowded together for safety. How many ways are there to say: “don’t be so damn selfish as to refuse to wear a mask to protect those around you”? Rep. Jayapal’s announcement didn’t state whether she has had an initial vaccination, both shots, or none. But this is not the way to test the efficacy of vaccines.

    In the next week there are more super spreader rallies planned in all 50 states and the nation’s Capitol. Would someone please at the federal level assist those governors who have been requesting help since the beginning of this pandemic? Is everything “on hold” until the 20th?

  24. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I’m sure my tweets to Carter (the scumbag is my Representative, drat it) will never be seen on his feed, but I hope they rattle at least one staffer…I’ve been hammering him point by point including on the GOP contingent refusing to wear a mask in a situation that was clearly dangerous to their colleagues. I don’t know if he wore a mask or not but I’d bet on his having finagled a vaccine shot just like Abbott and Paxton and Patrick.

    NO Republican in this red state can be considered free of responsibility. Every TX Republican who a) voted against accepting election results and/or b) refused to wear a mask (either in the usual chambers or in that “secure” room) should be ejected from Congress.

  25. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Moon, it’s an observable fact that Congress varmints can be pushed into swaying with the prevailing wind. So, please keep up your great efforts to educate Carter. Latest example is Mace newly elected Congress critter. iirc She was one of those sustaining Donnie’s lunacy that the election was stolen from him. Now she’s in favor of censuring her colleagues. Is she a hypocrite? Or will she self censure and admit her own culpability?

  26. Opinionated Hussy says:

    You know, I have prayed for guidance before (in my restrained Episcopalian way), but the messages I got were a lot clearer than that. I have to agree with BriGuy #11 on that interpretation.

    And in deference to Ted#3, I will now refer to this particular congressvarmint as “Rafish” (pronounced raw-fish) Cruz.

  27. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Every Dem in Congress should be reporting home on which GOP Congresscritters were or were not wearing their masks both in the open chamber and in the secure room. We need the names not only of who voted to overturn the election and who refused to wear a mask.

    Can’t shame ’em w/o the name and ideally a photo.

  28. Ormond Otvos says:

    EMoon@27. I’ve seen video of a Congresswoman trying to give masks to others in the saferoom.

    I’m buying and stocking essentials right now. Things are gonna get UGLY and for a long time.And I’m Tier 1b!

  29. G Foresight says:

    Another poll among *Republicans* only:

    > Only % of Trump voters say they’d rather vote for someone else in 2024.Among the choice of other candidates, Mike Pence currently leads the pack. *Ted Cruz was the next choice after Pence.*

    > “Despite their criticism of his conduct since November 3rd and last week, % of Trump voters say they’d still vote for him if another presidential election were held today.”


  30. G Foresight says:

    > Only 35% of Trump voters say they’d rather vote for someone else in 2024.Among the choice of other candidates, Mike Pence currently leads the pack. *Ted Cruz was the next choice after Pence.*

  31. Jere S Armen says:

    I always thought he/they (deliberately) misinterpreted that message to Heidi: Seek God’s face, not God’s hand.” And here he is, trying to be “God’s hand.” He should go spend his life on his knees seeking “God’s face.”
