Archive for January, 2021

Friday Toons

January 15, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


























Can’t Wait ‘Till Friday Toon

January 14, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Capitol Tours? UPDATE

January 14, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, some Democrats are claiming that there was a highly unusual event the day before the assault on congress.

There may well have been reconnaissance tours of the capitol arranged by members of congress.  Nobody is releasing or even suggesting names.  Oh, that’s not true.  There are some suggestions and the same names appear on all the guess lists – Our Louie holds a prominent place, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert, Majorie Taylor Green, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs … you know, the people you would suspect.

I’m trying to think of the appropriate punishment for a congress person who did something like that.  I’m thinking of putting them all in a prison cell together and let us watch them eat eat other.




And We May Have A Winner

January 14, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Congressvarmint Dan Crenshaw of Texas may be the winner of the Grand Prize of Illegal Campaign Contributions.  The FEC just issued ten freekin’ pages of illegal contributions.

And this is the same Dan who voted against impeachment using proxy voting, a practice he called cowardly …. before he used it.


He also Twittered on it —

“America is looking to its representatives to act like LEADERS with courage, not spineless sheep in hiding. We ask our grocers to work, our truckers to drive, and our nurses to risk their lives. Congress can show up to VOTE,” Crenshaw said in the post.

In a real twist of weird, Crenshaw said he “opposed the impeachment because of its rushed nature he fears it might be seen as politically motivated.”

But his voting by proxy was not?


The Shame of It All

January 14, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Written by Nick Carraway


“I am working on the assumption that most of you are familiar with the story of my namesake. He reacted the same way that many are reacting now. What’s hilarious is watching all the ways that the rats are fleeing the ship. It is a fascinating study in psychology.

Following the harrowing experience with Jay, I ran back to Minnesota never to be heard from again. The movie tried to make me look like a drunk in an insane asylum. Things are rarely ever that melodramatic. I just retreated into an anonymous life like most others.

For all of the folks complaining about Twitter and censorship I’m seeing a different phenemonom. A number of “friends” from high school and other acquaintances are quitting Facebook. Things have just gotten too political they say. I know exactly what they are saying because I was that person too.

People have accused me of being a bystander when all that sordid business happened to Jay. Maybe if I had stood up things would have turned out differently.Shame is a powerful force. It can lead people to blame the victim. It can lead people to disconnect. It can lead them to run away. Running away from Facebook and other social media only delays what needs to be done. We need a reckoning and a lot of people need to explore their own role in this mess. Maybe they actively participated. Maybe they played along and didn’t step up. Maybe they just remained silent while the hate rose up around them. Either way, we really can’t run away anymore.”


Trump Impeached Bigly. Again.

January 13, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Impeachment, Trump

Trump has made a hallmark of his presidency bombastic bloviating and boasting that he’s accomplished what no other president has ever accomplished.  Well, he’s finally right.  By inciting insurrection where the Capitol was attack and sacked, a Capitol Hill police officer was beaten to death, 4 other people died and hundreds of members of Congress and their staff were terrorized, Trump has most certainly accomplished what no other president has done – getting impeached.  TWICE.  In a bipartisan vote where 10 Republicans joined the Democrats, Nancy Pelosi led the race to remove him before he does more damage or gets more people killed.  The Senate, of course, is foot dragging, but with Repubs joining the Dems, the pressure is on for McConnell to do something.  Ball’s in your court again, Mitch.