Trump Impeached Bigly. Again.

January 13, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Impeachment, Trump

Trump has made a hallmark of his presidency bombastic bloviating and boasting that he’s accomplished what no other president has ever accomplished.  Well, he’s finally right.  By inciting insurrection where the Capitol was attack and sacked, a Capitol Hill police officer was beaten to death, 4 other people died and hundreds of members of Congress and their staff were terrorized, Trump has most certainly accomplished what no other president has done – getting impeached.  TWICE.  In a bipartisan vote where 10 Republicans joined the Democrats, Nancy Pelosi led the race to remove him before he does more damage or gets more people killed.  The Senate, of course, is foot dragging, but with Repubs joining the Dems, the pressure is on for McConnell to do something.  Ball’s in your court again, Mitch.

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0 Comments to “Trump Impeached Bigly. Again.”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Mitch already punted the ball. Who will repugnanticans follow now- ted crooze, josh hawley, lindsey, Mitt, Mitch?

  2. Ted from the left coast says:

    The Republictards did not have to admit to what they saw last week was wwwwrrroooooonnng. And still Ted Cruz and Gym Jorden and many others are still in denial

  3. Elizabeth Moon says:

    C’mon, MoscowMitch….you said you were glad the Dems in the House were impeaching him…did you mean it or were you lying again or is Putin’s phone busy so you can’t reach him for orders?

  4. donnie is not having a good week. PGA cancels any ties with his golf courses. NY businesses deciding the brand is too toxic and abandoning him. Impeached twice. I heard he may lose his presidential pension, the post-presidential travel budget, and secret service protection (which means he can’t charge them for staying in his resorts anymore). Iran re-issued the warrant for his arrest for killing their general. Saudi too afraid to take him in because of the US relations. Putie having no more use for him. Melania ditching him, once she realizes that pre-nup is now an IOU. $420 million coming due. NY Ag Letitia James ready to open indictments right after inaugural for Biden. Good times for America – bad times for donnie.

  5. Perhaps it’s better the Senate portion is delayed until after inauguration?

    I don’t understand the Byzantine procedures in the Senate, but as El Jefe noted, there will be foot dragging. Hypothetically, what if Mitch were to start proceedings, then Republicans like Cruz engage in delay tactics. Then after inauguration Mitch steps down and hands it off to Democrats.

    Would they be shackled by McConnell, like when he didn’t allow witness testimony the first time? Can Dems change the rules of the trial in midstream? Or would it be better for Dems to set the ground rules right from the start?

  6. McConnell has said that an impeachment trial would take over 80 days, which we know is bogus. He’s just going to use this to delay approving Biden’s appointees or to drag out the impeachment trial, or both. He may try to whitewash over his stripes, but he’ll be Mitch McConnell till the day he dies.

  7. Mitch, balls in your court? Presuming facts not in evidence. He doesn’t have any.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Remember Carnac the magnificent? I think he’d be saying he sees the senate repugnanticans doing everything they can to obstruct impeachment, obstruct cabinet and other Biden nominees, and any additional Covid legislation. Carnac was funny, this is not. The Mitch McConnell way. Repugnanticans are still wanting to punish democrats for the first impeachment and now this. They can’t wait to cause chaos and blame Biden for everything he inherited. Campaigning has already started for 2022 and 2024.

  9. Steve @ 8:
    Totally right about today being campaigning for 2022 & 2024. And I think even sooner. Repugnantcans’ gaslighting accusations of Democrats’ non-existent “approval” of the “carnage” over the summer serves no purpose but a means to paint Dems as hypocrites, and enemies of the people. They’ll start utilizing that immediately. I mean that was coordinated talking points that they’ll make repugnantly effective use of. It actually makes sense. The party notorious for disaster capitolism used today’s proceedings that they knew they’d lose to gain political ammunition.
    Hell, if they could’ve, they would’ve set up a presentation of riots and mayhem to augment their talking points, complete with a surroundsound soundtrack heavy on gangster rap and 3D video.

  10. The Democrat’s Impeachment plan, as hinted at by Speaker Pelosi, and sketched out by Rep. Clyburn [sp?] on the last Sunday program ‘This Week’, is to —slow-walk— the impeachment process past this point today.
    There’s a very good chance that the impeachment will not even be forwarded to the Senate until well after Biden/Harris are inaugurated and the two new Georgia Senators, Ossoff and Warnock, are sworn in and seated.
    Then it will be prioritized/deprioritized to suit the Biden agenda.
    This impeachment process and trial does -not- have to proceed at a rapid pace henceforth. I’ve read the term ‘twist in the wind’ a few times recently…
    There is no rule defining an impeachment time schedule from now on, neither when it’s forwarded for Senate presentation, nor how fast the Senate handles the trial phase.
    So all this handwringing is pointless.

    The mega-loser Repulsive Rufous Ratbastard is going to be slowly slowly grilled, like a juicy fajita slab.

    Ratbastard is radioactive now, by the time his creditors and controllers [Putin et al] get done flaying him out and hanging his sorry ass like a filleted salmon to smoke and dry, his entire Trump Crime Family Org will be burned to the ground.

  11. I can see it now.
    A Democratic staff member handing out face masks.
    Followed by a repugnantcan staff member handing out those white cardboard shades with the red and green lenses.

  12. Wow. Trump impeached TWICE!! I wonder how long it will take for the pain to leave his wrists. Of course, he “learned his lesson” and he “won’t touch the stove again”.

  13. Donald Trump & Richard Nixon yukking it up. And now the student becomes the master.

  14. Impeached twice, and bipartisanly. Unique.

  15. Wyatt_Earl says:

    I support Mitch dragging this out.

    As the FBI uncovers which congressman was guiding reconnaissance and what Roger Stone and Manafort’s involvement were, the case for conviction can only get stronger. I believe the story of how organized this thing was, and how the involved His Orangeness was can only grow deeper. A rush to judgment only serves the right wing. Let this tumor grow, to where denial becomes more and more impossible.

  16. Cannot fathom those who think tRump has been punished enough by losing the race, that everything else is overreaction.
    Puh-leeze! People are dead because he opened his big mouth and used code words to aid and abet a crowd that showed up armed, carrying Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs and directions and a map of the building!!!!!!! These were outlaws and so is he! As a taxpayer I am not at all fond of paying for his retirement and Secret Service coverage etc. etc. Over reacting? Really? I would say that bringing back firing squads to punish traitors is no where near over reacting.

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    Overreaction, maggie @ 16? Oh, we’re way past that. “Hate” a word I was raised not to use has entered the picture along with a heavy dose of vengeance. I want my money back. Every grifted dime this crime family and maladministration have stolen. Then when they are cleaned out financially, send them the bill for the clean up that will be necessary upon their departure to destination prison. And trials, many many trials. The Freedumb caucus and the newly elected Quack-a-Non caucus all belong behind bars along with their nimrod insurrectionist mobs. Hell, I want my money back for all those crazy House hearing on Benghazi, e-mails, and attacks on Planned Parenthood, too. All that money collected from the rubes for Donnie’s* defense, campaign, and the RNC based on fraudulent claims? All of it returned to the US Treasury under RICO.

  18. The Surly Professor says:

    For your amusement/horror, someone has organized a youtube playlist of videos dealing with the insurrection. There’s about 200, arranged in roughly chronological order.
