And We May Have A Winner

January 14, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Congressvarmint Dan Crenshaw of Texas may be the winner of the Grand Prize of Illegal Campaign Contributions.  The FEC just issued ten freekin’ pages of illegal contributions.

And this is the same Dan who voted against impeachment using proxy voting, a practice he called cowardly …. before he used it.


He also Twittered on it —

“America is looking to its representatives to act like LEADERS with courage, not spineless sheep in hiding. We ask our grocers to work, our truckers to drive, and our nurses to risk their lives. Congress can show up to VOTE,” Crenshaw said in the post.

In a real twist of weird, Crenshaw said he “opposed the impeachment because of its rushed nature he fears it might be seen as politically motivated.”

But his voting by proxy was not?


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0 Comments to “And We May Have A Winner”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    We hear about scum like Crenshaw, but not enough has been said about the speech Lizzie Fletcher gave. She is usually quiet and measured, but she stood up and made TX-07 proud!

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    There’s always been liers and hypocrites in politics, but the past 4 years have really accelerated the number of them in the repugnantican party. There are a few repugnanticans in congress that have some respect for truth and are not nearly as repugnant as the mouthpieces that are dominating now, like Mr. Crenshaw. Others like crooze and gohmert have been around a while but some of the new ones like boebert and green must really make reasonable repugnanticans cringe that their party has become infested and over run by them. I could make a very long list of them as you know. I’m not giving any credit to reasonable repugnanticans because they let it happen and frankly deserve each other. Still, must be hard to be proud of their party any more.

  3. Does anyone yet know Dan’s complicity with the insurrectionists ??

  4. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I disagree with Dan Crenshaw about everything…but attacking his courage is a huge public relations mistake. He appears to be the real thing as a combat veteran who lost an eye to an IED in Iraq. Five tours as a Navy Seal. That’s not insignificant, and trying to call him a coward will backfire worse than an old car with unleaded gas.

    I don’t like him; I wouldn’t vote for him; but any campaign to unseat him is going to have to be based on something other than his proxy vote. Get him on the issues.

    (I would however suggest that when looking for foreign contributions…yeah, he’s vulnerable. Born in Aberdeen, Scotland because his dad was in the oil bidness, hauled around to parts of S. America that count as “countries of interest,” well-traveled.)

  5. Does he have COVID?
    And not saying anything?
