Thoughts from Nick Carroway —
I talked about this before (“Between a Rock and a Hard place”) but it bears repeating and expanding. We are absolutely rudderless in terms of how we are dealing with this virus. The administration is ignoring it. The incoming administration wants to help, but is powerless. Various states are treating it differently even if the virus is overtaking everyone.
To put this in exact terms, our campus has around 1400 students. Roughly half of them are learning online. Yet, some of them aren’t learning. At least they aren’t producing work to prove they are learning. So, the state has given us the ability to command them to come back. For our campus, that will be up to 200 additional students. In a vacuum it makes perfect sense.
Leaving out the educational aspects of this, this is an interesting microcosm of the current situation. Some people want to move on and some people recognize that we need to be more vigilant than ever before. Which side is going to win? Hospitalizations are at an all-time high. The infection rate and death rate is at an all-time high. In the midst of that we want to bring more students to school? We want to relax restrictions? What in the world are we thinking?
It’s moments like this when we are screaming for leadership. We are begging for leadership. We thirst for it like a week-long bender in the desert. What we get is passing the buck and shirking of responsibility. Focus on the crime, corruption, and grift if you wish, but this is the lasting legacy of the current administration. When we needed leadership we got none. When we needed direction we got fingers pointed in five different directions. When we needed someone to stand up and take charge no one got out of their seat. This is his lasting legacy.