Republican Women

December 03, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Houston Republican Lacey Hull won the District 138 Texas House race by 2,000 votes out of 65,000.

Lacey Hull

When voters in District 138 went to the polls, what they did not know is that on the morning of November 3rd, Lacey’s husband filed for divorce, citing “Respondent has committed adultery” as one of the causes of the divorce.  Texas has no-fault divorce so it was unnecessary to list the cause.  But, there it is.

Lacey was endorsed by the Katy Christian Magazine and the president of the Eagle Forum.

The alleged partner in this broken vows is Cole Hefner, an East Texas state representative with seven children and a proud member of the South Jefferson Baptist Church.

Cole Hefner

Apparently it was known but kept quiet among some Republicans that this was coming.  A few of her endorsers had their names removed from her endorsement list.  Others didn’t know or didn’t care.

My friends over at Living Blue Texas have the whole story and all the paperwork.  Job well done, guys.

To be honest, I am fed to my head with holier-than-thou stories coming from Republicans so when one shows their true colors and then hides it from voters to boot, I’m ready to call names.

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0 Comments to “Republican Women”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Go fer it, Ms. JJ. But if the fu king moron is any example those hypocrites do not care. Their only ‘standard’ is the double standard. They issue salvation points as a transactional remedy like Donnie issues pardons. Go out and sow those wild oats Saturday night and pray for forgiveness and a crop failure on Sunday. repeatedly. Not much on religion, but whatever happened to “mend thy ways”? Guess that gave way to “hallelujah I’ve been saved and issued a stack of get out of jail free cards.”

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Many (most) repugnantican politicians take a hypocritical oath when they join the club. That goes for evangelical repugnanticans as well. That’s a big reason why they fell head over heals for orange donnie because he fit right in.

  3. The problem as I see it is that there’s not a Christian denomination with an ala carte Commandment menu. Like an all-you-can-eat buffet, 10 Commandments are available but it’s ala carte, you don’t have to obey every one. 8 or 9 would be plenty.

    It would cut down on the religious hypocrisy, and I’ll bet there’d be plenty of takers. Probably fill up football stadiums with worshipers.

  4. Rethug/Christian hypocrites? Unpossible!

  5. WA Skeptic says:

    “Jesus Cheaters”– they arrive at the assignation already forgiven. Sure makes it convenient.

  6. The GOP should rename itself “Hypocrites’R’Us”
    Then they would finally be telling the truth about themselves.

  7. Harry Eagar says:

    If you don’t sin on Saturday you have nothing to ask forgiveness for on Sunday. That’s just Baptst arithmetic.

    Didn’t an unmarried Democratic congresswoman get chased out of office for an escapade?

  8. But if they weren’t hypocrites they wouldn’t be Republicans.

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    I know, it’s low-class and slimey to focus on appearances. But that woman has the same fake smile and crazy eyes that Michelle Bachman does. In my younger days when someone like that zeroed in on me at a party, I found a way to disappear quickly.

    The linked article about the fake name (uh, “mispelled” name) on the divorce papers is especially interesting. I’m sure that the Texas AG is going to launch an investigation right away.

  10. Elizabeth Moon says:

    A gold star to anyone who remembers the original song

    Republican wimmin,
    Republican meh-in
    Go together like a cock and hen
    Let me tell, you, brother,
    You can’t have one without the other.

    ‘Sposed to be strict so and careful
    No room in a marriage for the wild and dare-full,
    Yet there is this mystery…
    Republicans have a lot of… history…

    Of sex and vi’lence
    Cheat’n and silence
    ‘Scuses out kazoos and whinin’ “why” since
    They can’t stop at one
    Nope can’t stop at one,
    Nothing is enough…
    Without another.

    Blame the Verse Daemon. Or the ear-worm.

  11. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Lord help us all, the Verse Daemon has taken over my fingers AGAIN.

    Different music, waltz rhythm.

    Republican women can’t stick to one man
    Or Republican men to one wife…
    Their needs are so great, and their lives are so hard
    In a world full of hatred and strife.

    They’re daily beset by the Democrat hordes
    That hassle and bother them so
    That ask them to think about someone else,
    And that is why they must go.o.o.oh <—4 rising notes

    Chorus…a 2verse chorus, so this is either vaudeville, operetta, or maybe an early Broadway musical

    O, give me a man who with a big jutting chin
    White teeth and elegant hair…
    Begs Republican woman who settled for one
    Who never gets out of his chair….

    O, give me a girl with pretty gold locks
    Big eyes and bazingas and such
    I married a girl whose daddy was rich
    And she doesn't look like much.

    I need something better to help my career
    You're pretty (You're handsome), come right over here…

    (Enough, enough, Verse Daemon. Go AWAY.)

  12. I’ve known enough of these washed in the blood of the Lamb, always wagging their fingers at the rest of us types to realize their own sins are perfectly understandable and their tickets are punched for heaven no matter what they do on earth. Plus, there are two types of deodorant for Republican adulterers and adulteresses: rehab and marrying the new partner.

    It’s just the sins they’re not tempted to commit that are the unforgivable ones.

    Fortunately, a lot more people are also starting to notice.

  13. Well now! How about that! How does this sound like a totally probable scenario? She drops out of her job any way due to the stress of the publicity her own behavior is creating. Why do I start with her? The lothario in sheep’s clothing (Blood of the Lamb brand) won’t, at least not as quick as she pulls back. Anyone remember California Congressman Gary Condit? A very well known “player” and married to the daughter of a minister. After one of his staffers disappeared, he finally had to drop out of public life. Her remains were eventually found in a park in Washington, D.C.

  14. Harry Eagar says:

    If you want to know about Republican morals check out how many times Scott Des Jarlais has been re-elected since being exposed as a serial adulterer and rapist who forced women to have abortions.

  15. Wooo. Appreciate the shout-out. We have more coming. Just wait. 😀
