Archive for December, 2020

Maybe The Most Publicity Shy Of All Scam PACs

December 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a couple of guys who kinda hide out who have scammed tens millions of dollars from people who thought they were giving to political PAC with precious names like American Wounded Veterans PAC, Wounded American Veterans PAC, Security in America PAC, and Law Enforcement for a Safer America PAC.  I guess they forgot Poor Little Homeless Puppies With Guns To Their Heads PAC.

Alan Bohms and his lawyer, Matthew Fisher, have stayed in the shadows with putting together intricate schemes where people send them money that goes into advertising for more money and their pockets. Generally less than 1% of the money goes to politicians. Salon did a great job tracking down all the subsidiary companies these guys have set up to funnel the money.

Years ago, I was filing the financial papers with the Texas Ethics Commission for a Democratic Club in my county. We had raised and spent about $35,000, which was a whole lot in a Republican County.  I worked for hours trying to find $3.48 that I could not account for.  The numbers just didn’t match. I went back through all the receipts and I found $1.37 of it in an expenditure I mis-entered. The next night, deadline, I was still $2.11 short. I worked on it for another couple of hours and then I did what any self-respecting woman would do – I cried like a little girl. That was years ago, and those numbers still occupy a large space in my brain which I could really use for remembering something like my niece’s husband’s name.

For the treasurer of every legitimate political organization and every donor who trusts an organization to do right by their money, these guys should rot in hell.

If you get a chance today to tell somebody that Alan Bohms and lawyer Matthew Fisher are a couple of punks, do so.  Let’s make them famous.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.



December 08, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


It kinda looks like he didn’t even notice.  Or maybe it fell out yesterday and he just had it Scotch taped up there.

When you lie so much that your teeth run away, that’s a problem.


Well, There’s One Explanation

December 08, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump just walked out of a Medal of Freedom Ceremony today leaving everyone baffled.


One possible explanation from a friend of a friend —

He crapped his pants.  Look at the faces of the kids around him.  They all have “I smell poop” look on their face. When he walked out, he clutched his tummy for a second, as if it hurt.  President craps a Lot.

Yeah, he is full of it and kids’ faces never lie.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

Hi Donald! It’s Me, Ken. I Need a Pardon. UPDATED

December 08, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, this is a cute one.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton just filed all the proper papers with the United States Supreme Court to overturn the 2020 election.

Paxton, an outspoken advocate of President Donald Trump, claims the states “flooded their people with unlawful ballot applications and ballots” and ignored rules for how such ballots need to be counted, according to a press release announcing the litigation.

“Trust in the integrity of our election processes is sacrosanct and binds our citizenry and the States in this Union together,” Paxton said in the statement. “Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin destroyed that trust and compromised the security and integrity of the 2020 election.”

Now what Texas has to do with this, I dunno.  But, I known for a damn guaranteed fact what Ken Paxton, Attorney General of Texas, has to do with it.  He needs a pardon, in fact a couple of them and a blank form he can use in the future, and what better way to get Trump’s attention.

Paxton is currently under indictment for stock fraud and is currently being investigated by the FBI for bribery and abuse of office.

The bureau is probing allegations that Paxton broke the law by using the attorney general’s office to serve the interests of a political donor, two unnamed sources told the Associated Press.

All the top staff of his office has resigned, not because they were guilty but because he is.

It’s a cheap trick and it will probably work.  Paxton is so slick he can’t keep his socks up.


Trump took note by retweeting it.


And here’s the video of him stealing another lawyer’s fountain pen that was an anniversary gift from his wife.



He returned it after the video showed up several months later and said he must have “accidentally” picked it up.


Last Words: “We Messed Up”

December 08, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

A retired Alabama state senator and former head of the state medical board of examiners has died of COVID.  His last words:

“We messed up. We let our guard down.  Please tell everybody to be careful. This is real, and if you get diagnosed, get help immediately.”

The senator, Larry Dixon, aged 78, contracted the disease at a social gathering, even held outside.  Several people were infected at that gathering.  Dixon’s wife is now also infected.  You can bet that no one at that gathering wore a mask.

History will not be kind to guys like Dixon and other Republicans who sided with politics and science denial rather than common sense and critical thinking.  Rudy Giuliani is paying that price right now as are many others who have chosen the religion of Trumpism and turned their back on science.

You. Son. Of. A. Motherless. Goat.

December 07, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I don’t have any words.  Words are what I have done for a living my whole life. I just want to be very quiet and ponder if there’s every been a bigger goofball on this planet. And with the level of respect Newt Gingrich has given women in his life, my respect for Stacey Abrams just went up another level.