
December 08, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


It kinda looks like he didn’t even notice.  Or maybe it fell out yesterday and he just had it Scotch taped up there.

When you lie so much that your teeth run away, that’s a problem.


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0 Comments to “Louie!”

  1. Louie can afford store bought teeth but not the glue to keep them in place ??

  2. 1toughlady says:

    That’s hilarious! Guess his Effergrip failed!

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    All that soap Louie has been spewing has infected his gums.

    Not that Louie has ever looked good, but he does appear to have lingering Covid-19 symptoms.

  4. now tougher to distinguish him from a meth-head

  5. Ewww, gross. I could have gone all day without seeing that.

  6. Rudy, Trump, Louie…
    Are Republicans physically disintegrating right before our eyes? Have they broken so many laws of the universe that their atomic bonds no longer hold together?

    Unfortunately they haven’t given off any measurable energy in some time, so no use lowering them into a nuclear power plant containment vessel in place of uranium rods, where they might at least make some use of themselves.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    His teeth are rotting from the inside (his head) out, even they don’t like what comes out of his foul mouth. Expect more to flee to freedom.

  8. SteveTheReturned says:

    Seriously, now: Isn’t tooth loss one of the symptoms of the Covid virus? Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.

  9. treehugger says:

    I read recently in the New York Times that some people who have had COVID are reporting that their teeth start falling out. No clear connection has yet been substantiated, but … gross. I don’t know about y’all, but I have nightmares sometimes about my teeth falling out. I wonder if this is happening to Loo-ee.

  10. Rick@6 – don’t forget the pics of McConnell looking like he was turning into a zombie.

  11. rudy, trump, louie, and mitch. Living, disintegrating proof that selling your soul always involves a little fine print.

  12. Poor guy. And getting a dentist appointment during COVID is exceedingly difficult…

  13. Marcia in CO says:

    The report was it was NOT a tooth that fell out but a temporary cap!
    In S. CO … dentist appointments aren’t that difficult to get!

  14. I was a dental hygienist for about 20 years and just from the quick glance we get here it looks like it was a permanent crown he lost and not a temporary, based on the metal you can see in the center of it. Temporary crowns don’t have that. At least he didn’t swallow it.

  15. yeah, required says:

    I was really hoping he did swallow it, I like the idea of him searching for it in the toilet in another day or so.

  16. hahaha it sounds like he is saying trump lies

  17. That looks like an implant where the screw is loose! How appropriate!:)
