Archive for December, 2020

Bigly Bad Winning

December 11, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Written By Elizabeth Moon.

Wednesday, December 9, the United States distinguished itself once more as the World Wide Leader in Covid-19 deaths, by piercing the daily-death ceiling of 3000 in one day. That is, the officially recorded deaths.  3,053.  Three thousand fifty-three individuals who were alive this time last year, last month, and up until they got Covid. 

We have thirty counties in Texas with a smaller population than 3,053* and 236 of our 254 counties have a smaller population than the US Covid-19 deaths overall, 290,000.*  Had the whole weight of this fallen on a single Texas county, only eighteen of them would’ve had survivors left to tell the tale. So much winning.

Meanwhile, in New Zealand, a former member of our church choir came to our weekly Zoom meeting that same evening to report that her new choir (in Nelson, South Island) was about to have a short rehearsal and choir dinner, and would be performing in the city center twelve times during the holidays. Schools, stores, businesses, churches, are all open…no Covid closures because they don’t have Covid cases now.  Personally, I’d call that winning and our government losers.


Here are Texas Politicians in Washington Who Support Paxton’s Lawsuit

December 11, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alternative Facts

Yesterday, over 100 members of Congress signed on to Paxton’s lawsuit seeking to disregard the elections apply for a pardon in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia and hand the WH back to Trump who was soundly defeated in the popular and electoral vote.  In addition to Ted Cruz’s offer to argue the case in the unlikely event that the SCOTUS took up the case, here are the pols from Texas who betrayed their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, deciding to pledge fealty to Trump instead.  These clowns are safely gerrymandered in, so are not the slightest bit interested in upholding the Constitution or serving their constituents; they are only interested in staying in office.  History will not be kind to these guys.

Rep. Kevin Brady

Rep. Michael C. Burgess

Rep. Michael Cloud

Rep. Mike Conaway

Rep. Dan Crenshaw

Rep. Bill Flores

Rep. Louie Gohmert

Rep. Lance Gooden

Rep. Kenny Marchant

Rep. Randy Weber

Rep. Roger Williams

Rep. Ron Wright

Three Reasons Why Texas Has To Crawl Under the Bed and Hide

December 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Reason #1:


Reason #2:  



Reason #3:



If you need ten reasons, I can do that, too.


Most Deadly Days in the United States

December 10, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Deadliest days in the US:
Galveston Hurricane – 8,000
Battle of Antietam – 3,675
Battle of Gettysburg – 3,155
September 11 – 2,977
Last Thursday – 2,861
Last Wednesday – 2,762
Last Tuesday – 2,461
Last Friday – 2,403
Pearl Harbor – 2,403

Ends and Means

December 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Good Morning from Nick Carraway:


“”God wants law

God wants organized crime

God wants crusade

God wants jihad

God wants good

God wants bad

What God wants God gets.” – Roger Waters


Before she got the Covid, Jenna Ellis went to the place most conservatives seem to go to eventually. She was doing God’s work. The direct quote is about as predictable as any you might see. “Ultimately at the end of the day, as long as I know that I’m pursuing truth and I’m doing the right thing for God and my country, That’s all that matters. So that’s what gives me my optimism and my hope.”

I’m not sure if Mr. Waters above believes in God or not. His lyrics are often dripping with sarcasm and he has gotten in hot water recently for some anti-Semitic stances, but this three part song represents how we as people can pervert religion to serve our purposes. No matter what we do we can do it under the assumption that it is what God wants.

I’m not going to go into all the reasons why this particular reasoning is flawed. Everyone here knows the score. The question for Ms. Ellis is whether one can credibly do God’s work while subverting justice and lying. Again, let’s forget about the ultimate goal of giving him a second term and what that would mean. People can believe what they want. Do the ends justify the means?”



Deep Fryer Sid has COVID-19

December 10, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

Texas Ag Commissioner Sid Miller has announced he has COVID and is quarantining at his ranch.  Known for prodigious lying and spreading conspiracy theories on social media, he’s also just another anti-masker and science denier.  Maybe he’ll take another Jesus Shot on the taxpayer dime.