Ends and Means

December 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Good Morning from Nick Carraway:


“”God wants law

God wants organized crime

God wants crusade

God wants jihad

God wants good

God wants bad

What God wants God gets.” – Roger Waters


Before she got the Covid, Jenna Ellis went to the place most conservatives seem to go to eventually. She was doing God’s work. The direct quote is about as predictable as any you might see. “Ultimately at the end of the day, as long as I know that I’m pursuing truth and I’m doing the right thing for God and my country, That’s all that matters. So that’s what gives me my optimism and my hope.”

I’m not sure if Mr. Waters above believes in God or not. His lyrics are often dripping with sarcasm and he has gotten in hot water recently for some anti-Semitic stances, but this three part song represents how we as people can pervert religion to serve our purposes. No matter what we do we can do it under the assumption that it is what God wants.

I’m not going to go into all the reasons why this particular reasoning is flawed. Everyone here knows the score. The question for Ms. Ellis is whether one can credibly do God’s work while subverting justice and lying. Again, let’s forget about the ultimate goal of giving him a second term and what that would mean. People can believe what they want. Do the ends justify the means?”



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0 Comments to “Ends and Means”

  1. Never.

  2. Harry Eagar says:

    It wasn’t that god wanted this or that. It was that Ellis wanted a paycheck.

    Look at her record. Fired from prosecuting jaywalkers, then spent short amounts of time with small practices.

    That tells us she did not make rain or did unacceptable work, or both.

    So she moved on to the god-racket.

    It is a common progression of the incompetent.

  3. Nick Carroway says:

    Yeah, I suppose I entered this post on two levels. The first level is the literal Jenna Ellis level. Her statements are more funny than anything coming from a constitutional law professor that neither knows the constitution well nor serves as a constitutional law instructor.

    The second level is the broader subject at hand. Even if one were to subscribe to a Judeo-Christian ethic, can said person accurately decipher the will of God? How do we know what God really wants?

    Right and wrong often get blurred. My answer to my own question is to flip the script. I often judge someone’s ends by the means they are willing to use to get there. If I purport myself with honesty and integrity then chances are my ends are pretty good. If I’m willing to cheat, lie, and steal my way to anything then what I’m after can’t be all that virtuous. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t see it that way.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    KayLIE Mcenany also just said that “god “ directed her to be Trumpf’s press secretary. She is the official taxpayer funded mouthpiece of Christian bullshit and trumpfism lies. They are proving that they have no moral compass- and they’ve been living a lie for probably their entire lives.

  5. Nations have fought and lost wars with God on their side, or so they claimed.
    Priests have performed ungodly acts while proclaiming or pretending they were on the side of a God. And other priests covered for them.

    In the end we discovered they pursued their own goals and desires, far from God’s work.

  6. And ‘God wants you to know that I am the chosen one’ (so listen to me and give me money and praise!!!)

    And now a word from Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s other Best Christian …

    Hark! America’s Best Christian, Mrs. Betty Bowers, Disses My New Book (VIDEO)

  7. [Full Southern accent] “Well, bless their hearts.”

    I always feel skeptical about people convinced that God directed them to do something. However, since there was the period of Donny Dummkopf saying things like that he should be “God” or was on par with God, then they may feel directions from him are as if God said it. Lord help them and enlighten them to get out of the sheepbrain.

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    If you are in a church that follows a lectionary, you will hear from Isaiah 61 on Sunday: I, God, love fair dealing and hate thievery and crime. I think folks in the GOP must overlook verses like that.

  9. Jenna Ellis is nothing more than a self righteous, self serving little twit. Roger Waters is a bit more complicated. While he at times tends to sound like a conspiracy theorist, he is vehemently opposed to Israel’s apartheid policies. Those that say opposing Israeli policy is anti-Semitic are just plain wrong.

  10. Ormond Otvos says:

    Believing in gods is a failure of the intellect.

    You know the rest.

    Is this comment section going to devolve into apologetics for just ONE religion, or can we discuss the more wide-ranging foolishness of ideology itself?

  11. Nick Carroway says:


    You are free to go down any road you wish. I think those that know me here know I’m a believer, but I’m a pretty open-minded guy and will let any criticism of religion roll off my back. I might even join you in some instances.

    I don’t think belief is a failure of intellect. The failure comes when that belief is used to subjugate others or justify bad behavior.

  12. john in denver says:

    I’m always a bit dubious when God wants whatever I do. Or when someone tells me that God spoke to them and wants them to do what they want to do.

    And when whatever someone says goes beyond some basics … I’m skeptical, too: “what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

  13. I have a Wehrmacht belt buckle which was one of my father’s war souvenirs. Above the nazi eagle and swastika are the words “Gott Mit Uns” — German for “God With Us.”

  14. Tom Cosgrove @13, Straight from the pen of the Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels [phrase was actually around much longer, but he used it heavily, ‘Opiat des Volkes’ and all that].

    Today we have a whole panoply of Rethuglikan PR flacks, media ravers, and twisted bible-thumping preachers loudly singing the “Gott Mit Uns Und Trumpff” hymnal.

    Here y’all go, pic and all:
