Archive for November, 2020

Oh Damn

November 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just the kind of headline that doesn’t need to be hidden away on a local station.



Okay, so the Trump supporters who got arrested for a plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer, hold a trial for her and then execute her, also had a B and C plan.

New filings claim there was a Plan B the militiamen had drawn up, that involved a takeover of the Michigan capitol building by 200 combatants who would stage a week-long series of televised executions of public officials.

And, according to government documents now on file in lower Michigan court, there was also a Plan C — burning down the state house, leaving no survivors.

These militia threats have carried over into Wisconsin and Illinois.

Now I’m sitting here thinking that while our rightwing Texas Governor has been silent about the spread of Covid in Texas, our big cities are run by Democratic mayors and county judges.  I worry for them.

Meanwhile, some of the militia guys in Michigan are already out of jail on bond.  And Trump’s egging them on about stealing elections.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

Somebody Get This Man a Musket

November 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, Louie wants us to have a revolution.  You know, like the founding fathers did from England or, more recently, the Egyptian uprising.

Louie’s begging for a fight. Why the hell else did you guys buy all the prepper stuff with the end date on the MRE’s fixing to expire?

“They rose up though all over Egypt, and as a result of the people rising up in the greatest numbers in history, ever anywhere, they turned the country around …. If they can do that there, think of what we can do here,” he told thousands of cheering Trump supporters in downtown Washington at Saturday’s “Million MAGA March.”

What’s up, Louie?  You guys done spent all your ammo money on Trump flags for those big ole pickups you can’t afford?

I’ve seen Louie and his gang. They are going to have to uprise from their walkers first.

Have you ever noticed that Ole Louie just goes around looking for something he can holler about?  I’m thinking that hollering has replaced mattress trashing in the Gohmert household.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Space, The Final Frontier

November 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Nick Carraway has thoughts — 


When you are worried about the health of the republic, some issues end up taking a backseat. Space exploration happens to be one of those. However, since Ms. Carroway is one of those rocket scientists at NASA, space exploration and the politics around it are very important. For instance, I’m sure you heard about the successful launch for SpaceX this past week. Did you know that the Russians used to charge 70 million round trip per astronaut? That fact and the fact that they are crazier than a bed bug is great incentive for making our own way.

The two interesting questions with the transition will be what happens with Space Force and what happens with Moon 2024. Forgive a humble school teacher for pontificating on this, but the usual course is for agencies and military branches to remain once they are created. Ronald Reagan talked about killing the department of education back in 1981. Somehow, it survived the purge. Space Force might as well even though most people in the industry chuckle every time it’s mentioned.

Moon 2024 is another of what we call the unfunded mandate. They were already robbing Peter to pay Paul on that one, so it would be easy for Biden to scrap it and move on. However, you have a group of scientists without a clear direction. Where are you headed? Do we want people to walk on Mars? Do we want a colony on the moon? Do we want to focus on more unmanned exploration in the solar system and beyond? Should we make more Tang and Velcro?

Even small government decisions effect the lives of millions of people. Upwards of half of the Clear Lake area where we live make their bones through the space industry working on site or working as a contractor or sub-contractor. Who knows if a Biden administration will be good for the space business or not. It’s been a pretty tough go for over a decade now.


Texas Wins Dirtiest Attorney General

November 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think all of you know that the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, is a damn crook.  He was indicted for felony securities fraud in 2015 and still hasn’t gone to trial.  The man even got his Super DeLux Brand Christian wife elected to the state legislature to change the law he violated. Even the other Republicans in the lege, who all are lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon wheel rut, couldn’t swallow that one.

Now we’re adding more crimes and the FBI is involved. I’m here to tell you that this one is gonna stick.  Wanna know why? Simple. There’s sex involved.

Seven top members of Paxton’s staff at the AG’s office all resigned and accused Paxton of bribery, abuse of office, and holy cow – sex.

Federal agents are looking into claims by former members of Paxton’s staff that the high-profile Republican committed bribery, abuse of office and other crimes to help Austin real estate developer Nate Paul, the people told The Associated Press. They insisted on anonymity to discuss the investigation because it is ongoing.

And here’s the sex part.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had an extramarital affair with a woman whom he later recommended for a job with the wealthy donor now at the center of criminal allegations against him, according to two people who said Paxton told them about the relationship.

Paxton says everybody on the planet is lying about him and he’s used to it. Yeah, like that time when he picked up a Mont Blanc fountain pen that another lawyer had accidentally left in the security scan basket, denied he knew anything about it and then suddenly “found it!” in the back of his brief case when security cameras saw him take it.

The guy would steal the fillings out of his grandmother’s teeth.

Thanks to everybody for the heads ip. 

Teeing It Up

November 18, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am damn near certain that there will be many suggestions for the Trump Presidential Library.

It’s been kicked off with a pretty high standard.

Have a look.

Thanks to Scott for the heads up.


Trump Careens Toward a Constitutional Crisis

November 17, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trump

Trump’s doing exactly what we predicted – lying, rage tweeting, threatening his “allies” to not get out of line, denying all access of the incoming president to briefings and transition documents.  And tonight, he made good on his threats, firing Chris Krebs, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of DHS.  Krebs crime?  He spoke truth that this election was the most secure in US history and that there was no question as to outcome.  In a rage and abject denial, Trump canned him tonight.

Trump has no path to legal occupation of the WH, so what we’re facing in a few short weeks is a Constitutional crisis.  Trump has no regard for the American people and is totally self absorbed in his own sulking and scheming to steal the election from the American people.  Every hour he doesn’t step aside should be a month added to his prison sentence after all this is over.  What he doesn’t realize?  He’s guaranteeing criminal prosecution every day he continues his charade of Truth Decay.