Archive for November, 2020
Win / Win
When a filthy rich Republican – the kind who can write million dollar checks to try to screw an election – hires a money grubbing political machine masquerading as a non-profit, non-partisan all-American seeker of honesty and truth, and then the rich guy has his millions disappear with no results, that’s kinda fun.
But, when he turns around and publicly sues the non-profit political machine for scamming him out of money, oh Honey, that’s the kind of Republican fight where there are no winners.
Those kinds of fights are a Democrat’s dream, especially if you personally know one of the people involved and have had fights with them before.
The day before Thanksgiving, Fred Eshelman, founder of a venture capital firm, sued True the Vote Inc. in Houston federal court. True the Vote is a firm run by the greasy Catherine E. Engelbrecht of Houston, formerly of Richmond, Texas.
On November 5th, Eshelman wired $2 million to Cathy Engelbrecht to investigate claims of voter fraud against his candidate, Donald J. Trump. Even though she did not come up anything solid, he wired her $500,000 more on November 17th, even after a meeting that did not go well.
So, this rich Republican pays $2.5 million and gets nothing. Well, I couldn’t be happier about that.
Then, he sues Engelbrecht. Oh, this is my early Christmas present.
Engelbrecht used to be my neighbor. In our county elections, she would hold meetings all over the county with mostly old people at churches and fleece them for money explaining how we Democrats cheat in elections. Then she got volunteers from her rich Republican friends with clipboard to go “monitor” voting places in black and Hispanic precincts. I know this for a fact because I went to “monitor” them. And she called this action “True the Vote.”
I fixed the name of it, and she was intensively peeved about that.
And the most fun part was in 2013, when one of her favorite candidates was running to unseat a Democratic county commissioner in our mutual commissioners precinct. Through the miracle of modern journalism and Democratic contacts all over the country, I was able to discover that her favorite candidate and his wife had been voting in both Texas in person and in their former home of Pennsylvania by mail in the same elections.
I was working for the local newspaper at the time and I wrote a front page story about it. (It’s no longer online, which is a whole ‘other story.) but the Juanita Jean column I wrote about it is right here.
And there were some other things she did that bothered me. Anytime she saw me, she’d glare. I’d snicker and she hated that.
I kinda miss her since she moved to Houston. Maybe I’ll send her a postcard and let her know I know a good lawyer and he only costs $2.5 million.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.
Fun With Trump
I am fond of saying that Trump won Georgia three times. Maybe next time he’ll have them count while drunk and naked and somebody might pay attention.
In other news, this morning Trump canceled a trip to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania organized by Rudy Giuliani. The event was expected be about supposed voting irregularities in the 2020 presidential election. Trump had been bantam roostering the trip for a couple of days but suddenly canceled.
Question: does this mean that Biden won Pennsylvania again?
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.
Well, This Will Help
It has come to be that we have some partners in the Georgia senate race.
Both Roger Stone and Bill Kristol are urging Georgia Republicans to write-in Donald Trump in the senate race.
Roger Stone enters the fray with a Super PAC he helped form.
The Committee for American Sovereignty, a group tied to Stone which raised millions pushing disinformation during the 2016 election, launched a new website urging Republican voters to “crush” the “plot to destroy America” by “writing in Trump for the Georgia Senate runoffs.”
Apparently, this is being chatted up over on Parler.
Bill Kristol is chest pounding on Twitter.
Georgia Republicans!
Only you Georgians get a chance, on January 5, to vote AGAIN for Trump-Pence! To show true loyalty!
In the Special Senate election runoff, write in Donald Trump (he's special!).
In the Regular Senate election runoff, write in Mike Pence (he's regular!).
MAGA!— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) November 24, 2020
Kristol is mad because Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue didn’t fight hard enough after the election to give Georgia to Trump. He’s trying to burn it to the ground. Hell, somebody hand him some more matches.
Thanks to SGray for the heads up.