Well, This Will Help

November 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It has come to be that we have some partners in the Georgia senate race.

Both Roger Stone and Bill Kristol are urging Georgia Republicans to write-in Donald Trump in the senate race.

Roger Stone enters the fray with a Super PAC he helped form.

The Committee for American Sovereignty, a group tied to Stone which raised millions pushing disinformation during the 2016 election, launched a new website urging Republican voters to “crush” the “plot to destroy America” by “writing in Trump for the Georgia Senate runoffs.”

Apparently, this is being chatted up over on Parler.

Bill Kristol is chest pounding on Twitter.


Kristol is mad because Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue didn’t fight hard enough after the election to give Georgia to Trump.  He’s trying to burn it to the ground.  Hell, somebody hand him some more matches.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well, This Will Help”

  1. publius bolonius says:

    Kristol’s message seems somewhat less enthusiastic bordering on mockery. ‘He’s special!’ Stone is, of course, deadly serious.

  2. Huh?!

  3. To paraphrase: with enemies like these, who needs friends?

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Since Kristol was a part of a never Trumpf movement, it’s hard to believe he’s serious. I think he’s mocking repugnanticans in general. Not sure Trumpf is smart enough to understand what’s going on. As for no stones stone, he is delusional enough to think Trumpf could get into the senate. I’m wondering if he’s suggesting Trumpf be written in for one candidate in particular, otherwise his write-in campaign would simply split the votes. Keep it up stony.

  5. The latest right wing hangout, Parler, sponsored by none other than Bekah Mercer is rocking with write-in Trump/Pence comments. Best circular firing squad platform ever!

  6. Really American is raising funds for billboards that say just that https://twitter.com/ReallyAmerican1/status/1331342992783785986?s=20

  7. Wow, I didn’t know Bloody Bill Kristol needed a pardon also!

    More libertarian corporate fascism promoting Freedumb!!!
    ‘The Mercer Family Is Funding the Right-Wing Social Network Parler: WSJ’

  8. No, y’all, Bill Kristol is temporarily one of the good guys. I’ve been following him on Twitter for quite a while. He despises Trump and all his enablers, so I’m 100% sure this is an attempt on his part to mess with Loeffler and Perdue. I support it! Strange bedfellows & all, but Kristol is on our side (for now)
    Roger Stone, on the other hand, I have no idea what he’s up to.

  9. As many others have noted, there’s no surer way to “own the libs” and make us cry than for Republicans to boycott the Georgia runoff, or try to write in Trump/Pence.

    I’ll certainly be very sad if only Democrats show up to vote.

  10. Bill Kristol is one of the founders of Republican Voters Against Trump, so I think this is meant as sarcasm here.

  11. I’m betting that there will be enough Flat Earthers who will do exactly as he says and their votes will be worthless, thereby whittling away at a Republican’s chance to win. Well, well! Who da thunk it!

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    Interesting that a candidate in Ga (or FL, MS, etc) can try to pin socialism on a Dem but nobody tries to pin oligarchy on the GOP.

  13. I’m sure Bloody Bill Kristol is just stoking the Rethug civil war that seems to be breaking out in Georgia. Fine by me. The Dems will vote for Ossoff/Warnock in any event, while the GOPpers will vote/not bother for whom???

  14. This is pretty much a great way to guarantee a win for Warnock and Ossoff. Go, Bloody Bill!

  15. Trump argues the presidential election was rife with voter fraud, by Tweeting the claim without an example or proof or mathematics.

    This was the perfect setup for Republicans in Georgia who can’t count, add, or subtract that a vote for Trump and/or Pence in their Senate race is a vote the Republican candidate(s) won’t get.

    It’s the setup for a perfect lose-lose scenario. Trump loses the write-in, the Republican candidates for Senate lose too. Or as supporters of the Democrats in the race might call it… Winning!

  16. Agree with some of the other posters. Bill has been trashing trump – so this is mockery. It confused me at first, then read what he wrote. Definitely mockery, on his part

  17. The Surly Professor says:

    When I first heard about this effort last week, I asked a friend in academia in Georgia about it. Is it a progressive effort to cut down on Republican votes in the run-off, or a genuine initiative on the part of rabid Trumpoids? Her answer: yes, some of both. No one seems to know where it started but JJ’s inclusion of Stone and Kristol encapsulates the two extremes.

    My friend also suggested we watch for in-real-life demonstrations. While progressives (especially students) will stir up all they can on-line, when it comes to actually buying Trump flags and MAGA hats to blend in with the Looney Tunes gang, they’ll balk. No one wants their money going to Trump even indirectly, and no self-respecting young one wants to risk being seen as part of a Trumpoid rally.

    So watch for boat parades and jacked-up pickup trucks with Trump flags in Georgia touting the write-in effort. Lacking those, just enjoy it as a bit of pay-back for the misinformation Republicans have been flooding the zone with since 1980.

  18. Harry Eagar says:

    You do have to reside in a state to be its senator although apparently the amount of time of residence and starting point are undefined.

    I lived in Georgia 1953-63. If you had bet me that a Jew and an African-American could run for, let alone win, contests for Senate, I’d have bet my gonads against you.

    Strange doin’s.

  19. Betty Bowers, the World’s Best Christian, suggests that we all join Parler and root enthusiastically for Trump votes in Georgia.

    On the other hand, if you do, be careful not to fall for the “verified” category where they require your social security number, and other ID like your passport number, etc. Never mind that it’s been hacked twice already, and all that info has been exposed to the hackers.

  20. The Bill Kristol tweet is trying to confuse and get Republicans NOT to vote. First there is no write-ins and second The Constitution sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election. The details of these qualifications were hammered out by the Constitution’s framers during the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

  21. Sharon Greiff @21, I read your comment with a different eye. Kristol may be trolling the trumpsters to get less than knowledgeable voters to the polls to vote for trump by write in. Only once there they find no write in slots and go ahead and vote for the odious incumbents. Hence a possible win for the bad guys after all.

    Personally, I support the threatened boycott of the Georgia runoff by any trumpster who feels that he should join that effort. We can only hope that they are truly that stupid.

  22. mikey @ 22, that’s a good point. Another 1 that concerns me is that if they *did* show up and write in Orange Foolius, the total number of MAGA votes (real candidate + write-ins) could exceed 50%, which would send it into yet another run-off. I don’t like it, even if Kristol is pretending to be on the blue side.

  23. Others are encouraging people to write in Doug Collins since there’s some sort of conspiracy going around that Loeffler rigged the 11/3 election.

    Even if there’s no write in line, people could write in a name anyway, which would spoil the ballot. No vote.

  24. VeeGee in VT says:

    Yes, this is tRumpster trolling from Bill Kristol. I do hope the MAGA hats go for it.

  25. Wow! That was fantastic! We see a lot of Cristol around here from time to time. But I am all snickered out after Election Day. And it was worth it!!!
