Gobble Until You Waddle

November 26, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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0 Comments to “Gobble Until You Waddle”

  1. Back at you! Grateful for your dedication and humor. Stay well.

  2. Bob Boland says:

    The toilet paper is a nice touch.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving everybody.
    Stay safe.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to Ms. Juanita Jean and fellow customers of her wonderful salon!

    Stay safe, y’all!

  5. What Malarkey says @4

  6. And the same to you!
    (Love the toilet paper!)

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Yes, Malarkey, couldn’t have said it better and second all the other comments!

    And yes on the TP as it’s certainly appropriate this year. Costco was out again last trip. So here’s wishing you are all able to find some safely near you after Turkey day!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
    We can do this!

  9. For those of you who are interested….
    Amazon makes a great toilet bowl brush with Trump face on it.
    And toilet paper
    And for those with Instant Pots they have a Trump steam diverter.
    The steam comes out of his open mouth….

    I think they are a perfect gift to celebrate a Biden victory and a nice remembrance of a POTUS who did s**t for this country during the last year.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Grandma Ada says:

    Happy T-day! And remember only seven more weeks and we can breathe a tiny bit easier!

  11. And now for something completely different.
    A pretty good interpretation of trump’s acceptance of election results.

  12. My first place to check in on everyday is Juanita Jeans….a good time to have a laugh to start my day. Thanks….

  13. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
    Perhaps this Thanksgiving is in some ways like earlier gatherings in the 1620’s. We can be grateful for our survival through difficult times.
    When compared with the way many of us felt in March and April, there’s optimism now for a promising future. Today I’m not only thankful, but encouraged for what’s to come.

  14. Sam in Superior says:

    Being home safely with my loved ones (especially including furry ones), makes this a time to be truly thankful.

    All of the wonderful writing and comments make my life richer and fuller.

  15. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I am also thankful that we have a President elect that shared a real heartfelt Thanksgiving message. It’s been 4 years since we’ve heard one.

  16. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Lacking guests this year, I ate way too much of the turkey, dressing, gravy, and even added a piece of pie on top of it. I don’t think I’ll eat again until sometime tomorrow. But it was good.

  17. Only Republicans squeeze the Charmin.

  18. We had a nice, quiet, respectful SANE Thanksgiving here. Managed to make very little look like a lot by putting everything in a large rectangular casserole dish. It even tasted better! Truly appreciated the peace and quiet on the air waves. Four years of tRumpian belching were four years too much! May the happiness of this day clothe us all, and when our grandchildren and great grandchildren ask us about the tRumpian era, get ready! They are likely to say “Do you remember when everybody bought toilet paper all at once?”
