White Privilege
There were over 1,000 cars in a Trump Train in Houston yesterday that shut down traffic on the 610 Loop. The Loop surrounds downtown Houston. At some points, the trainees (isn’t that what you call people who form trains?) got out and danced on the freeway. That’s not a big deal, you can do that on most workdays.
You haven’t seen that much blonde hair bleach and Aqua Net outside of Las Vegas since the 1950’s.
It doesn’t bother me because I was doing a phone bank yesterday and making walk lists. And my friends were doing canvassing so we didn’t have time to make life uncomfortable and difficult for everyone else who was trying to do stuff. We spent our time getting voters. And come Wednesday, they will wonder why they lost. Emma Sue will say, “But there were a thousand of us at the parade and that’s a lot of people.” Yeah, Emma Sue, but there were 2,000 of us getting voters for Tuesday.
But here’s the serious part. I am sick of Trump’s butt. I am also sick of his supporter’s butts. But, they keep waving their ample asses in my face. They insist on it.
For just a minute, pretend that was black people doing a train and shutting down a major freeway.
All the white people would be up in arms, clutching their pearls and running around their front yards waving loaded guns with mustard on their shirts.
Oh, or say it was Muslims. Oh be still my heart! A thousand Muslims shutting down a major freeway on a Sunday afternoon? All the Trump supporters wud be checking their bunker supplies.
That, that right there, that is white privilege.