Domestic Terrorists Drove April Protests in Michigan

November 02, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alt-Right Racists, Domestic Terrorists, Trump, Trumpists

The Washington Post is reporting that at least 5 of the terrorists who have been charged with planning the kidnapping and murder of Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer played prominent roles in the April protests where the capital was swarmed by heavily armed gun nuts.  Three of said nuts are in the now famous photo standing menacing people in the capitol building.

At least 5 of those charged played active roles in these protests that shut down the state government and were active in 7 other protests around the state until they were arrested.  It’s also come to light that these terrorists identified themselves with the Boogaloos Bois movement which is spreading a violent ideology.  After we witnessed Trumpists stopping traffic and even threatening Biden campaign busses over the weekend, it’s clear now that Republican leaders, through decades of gross negligence and radical ideology, have unleashed evil forces in the US not see since the Kennedy assassination in the early 60s and the American Nazi movement in the 30s.

We must pull back from the brink shine the light on these criminals.  Enough of this is enough.

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0 Comments to “Domestic Terrorists Drove April Protests in Michigan”

  1. Fred Farklestone says:

    Can’t read link, it’s behind a paywall!

  2. Fred Farkelstone, too bad you can’t see it. It’s picture after picture of these guys armed to the gills at their “rallies,” including some inside and outside of their statehouse. WaPo has gotten confirmation of every identification of them. They need to be nailed to the walls.

    And Texas should be going after the idiots who ran the Biden group off the road. They’ve got license plates….

  3. Opinionated Hussy says:

    @djw – oh, noooo. It was the little white car following the bus that was trying to run that big black SUV off the road by making ‘an illegal lane change’…didn’t you read the comments down from the post?

    Judas Priest on a Ritz, the parallels with 1930’s Germany just keep piling up.

  4. What can we expect when tRump’s top advisor is a neo-Nazi (Steven Miller) who is the only advisor, other than his kids, that the Mafia Don listens to. Miller’s history is well-known and now we see the fruits of his labors. The next few days will see a blossoming of his radical ideology and a disrespect of the US Constitution.

  5. Have been keeping an eye on Miller ever since he popped up in the WH. He needs an in deep psych eval. Even his own family keep him at arms length as they celebrate their immigrant heritage, something Li’l Stevie seems to abhor with all his blood and whatever.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Oh lordy, the fu king moron has been in office too long, when even Dubya seems prescient.

    2002 Dubya at the podium in Nashville before a group of school kids, parents and teachers. “There’s an old saying in Tennessee,” awkward pause “I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says, ‘Fool me once, shame on … shame on you. Fool me… You can’t get fooled again!'”

    Or, what NV learned about LE from the Bundy fiasco. We foolishly thought the FBI and local LE would handle the situation. We were made to be fools. Our first clue should have been what the SPLC had been telling us for years about Republicons in Congress and the mishandling of the growing problems of armed wingnut bands.

    Two. See first clue. Add to it the repeated warning that much of local LE was either sympathetic to those miscreants or actual members of a conspiracy orientated armed group.

    Three. This mess was decades in the making, and from Congress on down a cohesive set of plans to rectify the situation is long overdue.

    We thought President Obama was facing a job to clean up after Dubya & Cheney. The Biden/Harris team will be cleaning up after decades of conservative policies with the added bonus of the Trump infestation.

    Only way to break the repeat & rinse cycle of Republicons destroy, Democrats repair is no more Republicons. NV has been a ground zero petri dish of that. Democratic governors drags us back from being 54th in education and things are looking good, then back to austerity with a Republicon,

    Take heart WI, TX and other states. NV went from purple to blue because people do finally wake up very tired of that cycle that leaves us more black & blue from the bruising Republicons leave in their wake.

    National wake-up call. Win the 2020 election and keep on winning. We cannot sustain the fix and destroy pattern of governance.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Usually when Trumpf comes on the teevee news, I mute and turn away, lest I get nauseous. This morning I was slow on the trigger but heard Trumpf claim the Texas idiots that harassed the Biden bus were “”just protecting” it. His cult probably nodded and clapped their paws. It’s still early as he has 5 more rallies today. Will get worse as the day wears on.

  8. @3, Hussy, does it look to you like the only way that black pick up could have gotten behind the bus was to drive on the shoulder? How can anybody think the white car did anything but get out of the way?
    The trump fans are all over the place saying the driver of the white car was at fault. And they believe it.

  9. Brad in Dallas says:

    Don’t expect much help from the Wall Street-owned news media getting the word out about this issue, they’ve been conspicuously avoiding mentioning the right wing terror threat in the US since the Oklahoma City bombing. They spent billions to own the world’s most powerful megaphone for the purpose of pushing out pro-business happy talk news, and they have no intension of changing course now, Donald F’ing Trump or no.

  10. YELLOWSTONE says:

    The USA is an experiment in democracy that can be snuffed out in a single election cycle. Studies over the last few decades reveal that about 30 percent of our population is willing to give up their freedom and our form of government to a strong man who appears to despise the same people they do.

    Trump is very transparent. He is exactly the narcissist, hateful, vindictive person that he appears to be and these people are buying into it.

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    Why did they bother with masks – weren’t guns enough?

  12. Sam in Superior says:

    It’s no surprise that the DeVos family helped fund and facilitate these “protests”.

  13. Fred Farklestone says:

    Here’s what the Proud Bois and other so-called Momma-boys militant groups believe in!

    They’re so ate up with dumb-ass, that they don’t realize what they support, Fascism!
    The word Antifa’s definition means ‘against Fascism!’ I guess they never knew what the word ‘anti’ means!

  14. Opinionated Hussy says:

    @Crone#8 – Sorry, should have put a sarcasm alert on my post.

    It does, however, look like the Biden bus changed lanes to exit the highway, and the black pickup sped up to cut off the white car, leaving it in real danger once the bus exited. Don’t know what came next, of course, but the whole thing smells of brown-shirt. Or, as we used to say in college in 1969 when some guy was particularly douche-y to a friend of ours…deserving of the “brown hat award”.
