Can’t Wait Until Next Friday Toon

October 31, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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0 Comments to “Can’t Wait Until Next Friday Toon”

  1. Best one I’ve seen.
    “Adding another hour to 2020 is like getting a bonus track on a Yoko Ono album.”

  2. AND it’s a leap year. It’s like getting 25 bonus tracks. My ears are bleeding.

  3. Thanks, Mike. That was a great laugh to begin my day.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    And the polls aren’t open on Sunday!

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Another hour that repugnanticans can run their awful last minute campaign attack ads. So ready for this torture to be over (hopefully).

  6. Ormond Otvos says:

    So glad Rethugs write off California…but the Prop 22 ads for Non-regulated ride-hailing and Prop 23, unregulated Dialysis clinics, are stacked up 3 deep every five minutes.

    A pox upon them!

  7. Be happy for the extra hour of sleep.

    Remember at the end of 2019 when cartoons and commentators were so glad 2019 was over and they were looking forward to a better year? Har, har, har.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    Yeah, Mike. You may not have created it, but you brought it here to the salon and so get full credit for it!

    This year now brings an extra dollop of schadenfreude fuel. Jerry Falwell Jr. is suing Liberty U. for defamation. ‘Mr. Nasser referred to “the things that led to” Mr. Falwell’s resignation as “sinful behavior” and “shameful,” and the suit characterizes the talk as defamatory.’ If that’s the case, damn near every sermon his father spewed was also defamatory.

    And the quote I remember about his firing: He’s resigning to spend more time watching his family.

  9. fenway fran says:

    Just saw in the WaPo this morning that Tom Toles is retiring. Today was his last cartoon. I will miss his humor. Dang, 2020 keeps on rolling with bad news (for us, not for Tom, hope he has a fun filled retirement, once Covid is done messing with us).

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    “Can’t Wait Until Next Friday Toon” – Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, we, as many of you, can’t wait until next Friday. Hoping for certain those Friday toons will be rife with Donnie packing, or committing metaphoric hara-kiri. Long walk off short pier at Merde-duh-Blowhole would work.

    Drawing a ‘picture’ of military person assigned to the “football” burying it on the WH lawn safe from tiny little hands. Deep. Beyond the reach of a backhoe deep.

  11. The tRump campaign ads in my area seem to come from another world and describe yet another world that is supposed to be the one we are living in. One of them also includes a damn good laugh. Apparently it was filmed and distributed BEFORE certain things became public. Thanks to the pandemic, there is precious little fresh TV shows on the air. We are now getting reruns of stuff done 30 years ago. West Wing is running again. As much as I liked it, I simply feel sad when I see something that good showing a President (fictional) that is galaxies better than what we are currently stuck with – until Nov. 3rd, at least.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Glad to see Dr. Fauci finally called out the WH national response to the coronavirus pandemic in the WaPo. He said it has put us in the worst possible position now and specifically called out Dr Mr Atlas as providing dangerous directions. Of course the WH promptly said he betrayed the “pandemic team.” They said his role is to give his advice as to the direction the team should be going. I’ve heard him try to do that so they’ve obviously not been listening. Well, this is an October surprise to them I guess. Assuming Trumpf loses, I expect they’ll do even less so they can turn the country over in the worse possible condition. Can’t wait for them to all be gone.

  13. Glad you brought up West Wing, Maggie. Nothing wrong with escaping into a well run, smart, witty and effective White House
    run with integrity and the well-being of the American people
    the goal of its administration. Wait, that just might become a reality if the Dems win the Senate and the Presidency.
    And Aaron Sorkin already wrote the script. Dare we hope?
