Archive for August, 2020

Oh, I Just Can’t Wait

August 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Take a goosey gander at this power line-up:



Hell, half the speakers are being threatened to be left out of his will.  Nikki Haley is running for president and Mike Pence is only showing up because … well, Nikki Haley.

Rumor has it that Rudy Giuliani may also speak.  Oh Lord, I hope so.

Trump is going to speak every night.


Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My

August 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Trump was playing Sim America and just when things got fun …


… he gets up and goes to play golf.

Here’s where I get hurricane information.

I live 35 miles west of Houston.  My family lives in the middle of Houston.


He Just Couldn’t Resist

August 23, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trump

The Narcissist in Chief (you know the name) just couldn’t stand it – four nights of national prime time television during the Trump National Convention?  Irresistible.  Trump has decided to speak all four nights of the prime time convention.  That’s right, every night.  Trump’s advisors are afraid that he’s over exposed, especially after he has resumed his nightly soliloquy’s masquerading as a COVID briefings, so Trump’s solution is MORE exposure.  Add this to nut jobs like the St. Louis gun toting couple and Scott Baio, combined with the banishment of the few Republicans left with a shred of credibility, and it should be a hell of a show.  I won’t be watching, of course, because I don’t want to put my shoe through the screen, but I can’t wait for the video of his gaffs and childish insults the following mornings.

Jerry Falwell and Answered Prayers

August 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal.  Liberty University president, Jerry Falwell, Jr., has been misbehaving and the university is trying to decide what to do with him.

They sent out a message —-

No decision regarding retaining Falwell as President has been made at this time adding, “the Board requested prayer and patience as they seek the Lord’s will and also seek additional information for assessment.

I don’t like getting into the church’s business as I equally don’t like them getting into mine, but I think maybe they should wake the hell up.



We have a plague, California is burning down, there were six waterspouts (read: tornadoes) off the coast of Louisiana all at once last week, the Gulf Coast is fixing to get hit with two hurricanes at the same damn time, and murder hornets.

What the hell are you people waiting for?

It used to be that just one little tornado and you people would holler, “God hates Obama and right there you have proof.”

What’s it gonna take to get your attention?


Oh Melania. Quit digging, Honey.

August 22, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Melania redesigned the Rose Garden at the White House so it would look like it did when Jackie O was there.  She missed. It looks like she fired before she got ready or took aim.

Melania built a putting green.  And she chopped down the cheery trees so Donald could not lie about it.



And just for your curiosity, here’s Jacke O’s summer Rose Garden.



I guess her Christmas decorations weren’t cold and lifeless enough.



So, she went for the full dread monty.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.

A Saturday Read

August 22, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

From our friend Deb T.