Archive for May, 2020

I’ve Got All Kinds Of Problems With This

May 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, once it was announced that the New and Corroded Justice Department was going after Richard Burr, he quickly stepped down as fast as a snake with legs as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee.

I hear my fiends clapping, but I’m terrified by it. It’s more proof that the DOJ is being used to target or reward Trump’s enemies or friends.

As head of the Intelligence Committee, Burr just released a rather damning preliminary report on Russian interference in our elections. The final report is due out later this year. Trump is no fan of Burr.

On the other hand, Georgia’s Republican Senator, Kelly Loeffler, who is Trump’s new fangirl, also sold stock after the warnings and bought stock in PPE. Her husband is also Chair of the New York Stock Exchange. She has not been raided by the FBI. Burr has. The DOJ is targeting Trump’s political enemies while letting his friends get off “stock free.”

I am not defending Burr.  Lord knows he’s so crooked that they’ll have to screw him into the ground when he dies.  But, damn, the DOJ is scaring the hell outta me.

Thanks to my friend Alice for the heads up.

Fascinating TeeVee

May 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Bright’s calm and frightened voice has ben answered with histrionics on Fox News while he is still testifying.

Kayleigh McEnany had this to offer …

“It sounds like Mr. Bright really hasn’t been paying much attention at all. In fact, when he talks about the pandemic playbook, we actually put into place a pandemic preparedness document with recommendations long before the pandemic ever came. It sounds like he hasn’t been paying attention when he suggests that Americans should social distance and wash their hands. These are all things we’ve said millions of times,” she said during an appearance on Fox News.

Where is this document? Why haven’t we seen it? Trump said there wasn’t one. Is he lying? Are his lips moving?


The “Oh, Really?” Could Be Heard Five States Away

May 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guess what John Cornyn suddenly decided was a damn fine idea? The Affordable Care Act. Obamacare.

Pick your chin up off the floor, Honey.

When asked what Texans are going to do without employer based health insurance, Cornyn replied …

Well, the good news is that if you lose your employer-provided coverage, which covers about 180 million Americans, that is a significant life event, which makes you then eligible to sign up for the Affordable Care Act — and as you know, it has a sliding scale of subsidies up to 400% of poverty. So that’s an option for people…. [T]he good news is people can find, get coverage under the Affordable Care Act or via Medicaid based on their income.”

Oh yeah, that same horrible Obamacare he fought like hell for the past 10 years is suddenly the best thing he’s ever seen since sliced bread.

The Texas Democratic Party put together a list of the times he voted against it or tried to destroy it. It ain’t no damn short list. They had to buy extra ink just to write it all down.

Will wonders never cease? I can’t wait until he has to say “Obamacare good.”

Thanks to Brad and Steven for the heads up.

Thank You, Landlord Betsy DeVoss

May 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, remember the CARES Act that says salaries cannot be garnished to pay off delinquent student loans right now?

Betsy DeVoss doesn’t.

In a court filing today, the Department of Education disclosed that a staggering 54,000 borrowers continue to have their wages garnished despite the mandate of the CARES Act. One out of every eight student loan borrowers whose wages were being garnished prior to the effective date of the CARES Act continues to have their wages garnished today.

It’s been 8 weeks, Betsy. Your homework is late.



May 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you go to Republican Senator Mike Braun’s wiki page, it lists him as a “businessman” before they say he’s a Unites States Senator.

And now we know why.GOP Sen. Mike Braun (Ind.) on Wednesday blocked a resolution calling for the release of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidance on reopening businesses.

Braun is not a doctor. He is not a scientist. And I seriously doubt they even let him play one at home. He is a businessman and this, my friends, is why you should never vote for anyone who says that government should be run like a business.

Do you want to know why he blocked the release? When Chuck Schumer said they were trying to hide something, Braun retorted with …

Braun maintained Wednesday that Schumer was making a “faux argument” and characterized the CDC recommendations as “overly prescriptive.”

You know, I am a grown up American citizen woman. I can read and write on a high school level.  I can read scientific information and make my own decisions. Just because Braun’s supporters are knuckle-dragging imbeciles who read on a Trump level does not in any way, shape, or form disqualify me from reading the facts behind a report I damn paid for.

A businessman does mind you dying to make him some money. There’s another one behind you willing to die to make the man rich, and that is how the coal industry works.

I’m sick of these people.  I want to see the CDC report.

And while we’re at it, I want Mitch McConnell to know that lying does not make it so.  He said that President Obama did not leave Trump a game plan on dealing with a pandemic.  Not true.  Obama left a book that’s indexed, color coded, and covered in fine corinthian leather. It’s a complete cookbook and even mentions coronavirus by name as a possibility.

In addition to the playbook, outgoing senior Obama officials also led an in-person pandemic response exercise for senior incoming Trump officials in January 2017 — as required by a new law on improving presidential transitions that Obama signed in 2016. Politico reported this March that the meeting, attended by current Trump Cabinet officials including Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, addressed how to deal with a hypothetical flu crisis, among other scenarios.

Good Lord, Mitch. Your wife was there. Does she not speak to you?

I also want Mitch to apologize.


Judge Sullivan

May 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There could not be a more even-handed judge hearing the Flynn case.  Judge Emmett Sullivan has a bi-partisan rise to the seat he now holds.

He was appointed to the bench of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan, to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals as an Associate Judge in 1992 by President George H. W. Bush and to the federal bench in 1994 by President Bill Clinton.

Reagan, Daddy Bush, and Clinton – both sides but leaning Republican.

He made it very clear that he was not going to accept the government’s plea recommendation during the first plea hearing where they wanted him to go free, because from what he saw Flynn was guilty of treason.

Now he has asked for amicus briefs allowing former Justice Department prosecutors (and others) to argue against dropping the Flynn case.

Maybe, just maybe, this could lead to a hearing where evidence could be rehashed.

The Rule of Law is at stake here and I’ll be damned if some two-bit butt-kisser writ-twit like Barr is going to roll over it without a fight.

Today, I am proud to be an America and proud of Judge Emmett Sullivan.