I’ve Got All Kinds Of Problems With This

May 14, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, once it was announced that the New and Corroded Justice Department was going after Richard Burr, he quickly stepped down as fast as a snake with legs as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee.

I hear my fiends clapping, but I’m terrified by it. It’s more proof that the DOJ is being used to target or reward Trump’s enemies or friends.

As head of the Intelligence Committee, Burr just released a rather damning preliminary report on Russian interference in our elections. The final report is due out later this year. Trump is no fan of Burr.

On the other hand, Georgia’s Republican Senator, Kelly Loeffler, who is Trump’s new fangirl, also sold stock after the warnings and bought stock in PPE. Her husband is also Chair of the New York Stock Exchange. She has not been raided by the FBI. Burr has. The DOJ is targeting Trump’s political enemies while letting his friends get off “stock free.”

I am not defending Burr.  Lord knows he’s so crooked that they’ll have to screw him into the ground when he dies.  But, damn, the DOJ is scaring the hell outta me.

Thanks to my friend Alice for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I’ve Got All Kinds Of Problems With This”

  1. Ormond Otvos says:

    Germany 1932.
    Joe McCarthy 1953
    History warns, but does not compel a fool.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Billy Bob Barr is the ***king moron’s* Roy Cohn with additional crazy to add to that pot. Barr’s history with the George H. W. Bush administration should have disqualified him from Senate confirmation, but we know how the Senate has gone under Moscow Mitch …

    Judge Emmett Sullivan vs. Billy Bob, round one.

    2021 with a Democratic US AG might dampen Billy’s spirits, or not. He does have some serious pig headed chops.

  3. Suspect the worst. You’ll be right most of the time.

  4. thatotherjean says:

    I join in your worry–not because Richard Burr doesn’t have an investigation into his stock trades coming, but because AG Barr’s “Justice Department” has become a not-all-that-legal arm of Donald Trump’s presidency. He seems perfectly willing to carry out whatever Trump’s vengeance demands. EVERYBODY VOTE BLUE in November, so we can start digging out way of this disaster.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    The coming encyclopedia on the reign of his majesty just gets longer!

  6. TedinAustin says:

    I fear you may be right that Barr’s DOU (Unjustice) has morphed into Drumph’s Hit Squad. Kelley also has that husband in high places to offer additional protection from unwelcome meddling into “personal financial” decisions. Somehow I find solace in my memories of AG John Mitchell.

  7. treehugger says:

    The DOJ is no more. It and all the other departments are lumped together into the Department of Trump.

  8. maryelle says:

    Another loathsome effect of Burr stepping down is which nutjob will replace him. At least Burr was willing to acknowledge Russia’s interference, the new Chairman of the Intelligence Committee May be cut from the Nunez mold.

  9. Very troubling. Barr’s Department of Injustice, or at least Justice for friends of trump (Flynn, Manafort), punishment for enemies (Cohen, Burr). Of course the latter two deserve whatever they got/will get, but Manafort was let out way ahead of schedule and with no Covid in his prison. Flynn may not get any jail time. Both deserved to have the book thrown at them. Disgusting.

  10. Last comment for now. Twitter threads to read – I copied samples but you should check them out for more.


    Seth Abramson (@House building)
    (THREAD) This thread summarizes the major-media investigative reporting on the TRUMP-CHINA SCANDAL, a bribery scandal involving Trump’s hunt for dirt on Joe Biden in China, his debts to the Chinese government, and his decision to ignore life-saving COVID-19 intel.
    Apr 24, 2020
    (Lots more follows)

    Lincoln’s Bible
    I’d venture out again on the very strong limb & say… Anyone in EDNY Justice from 1985-1994, who prosecuted Gambino & Genovese crime families, knows that donald was their business front, & one of the biggest rats ever to have squealed & cried his way out of his own indictments.
    6:34 PM · May 13, 2020

    Miss *STAY AT HOME* Construed
    · May 13
    Everyone remembers this story from @gregolear, right?

    If Trump was a confidential informant against John Gotti, you know who knows all about it?



  11. Maryelle @ 8:
    Ain’t it the truth? Anybody with credibility will be a libtard, devil-worshipin’ socialist. The only credentials his replacement will need is a total abdication of their oath of office to uphold the Constitution by swearing allegiance to f**king trump.
    treehugger @ 7:
    Ain’t it the truth? Every other cabinet secretary has taken a baseball bat to the departments they’re activly dismantling.
    And nobody’s noticing because the news cycle is constantly jam-packed with f*cking trump. But the D.O.J.
    Subversion is what puts us in the same category as dictatorships worldwide.
    Ormond Otvos @ 1: I’m
    gonna say something now that I never envisioned me saying out loud.
    I agree with you totally.

  12. elise from CA says:

    I’m proud to be one of Juanita Jean’s fiends.

  13. Clint Harris says:

    Unfortunately, I agree fully and I am afraid!
