
May 13, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you go to Republican Senator Mike Braun’s wiki page, it lists him as a “businessman” before they say he’s a Unites States Senator.

And now we know why.GOP Sen. Mike Braun (Ind.) on Wednesday blocked a resolution calling for the release of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidance on reopening businesses.

Braun is not a doctor. He is not a scientist. And I seriously doubt they even let him play one at home. He is a businessman and this, my friends, is why you should never vote for anyone who says that government should be run like a business.

Do you want to know why he blocked the release? When Chuck Schumer said they were trying to hide something, Braun retorted with …

Braun maintained Wednesday that Schumer was making a “faux argument” and characterized the CDC recommendations as “overly prescriptive.”

You know, I am a grown up American citizen woman. I can read and write on a high school level.  I can read scientific information and make my own decisions. Just because Braun’s supporters are knuckle-dragging imbeciles who read on a Trump level does not in any way, shape, or form disqualify me from reading the facts behind a report I damn paid for.

A businessman does mind you dying to make him some money. There’s another one behind you willing to die to make the man rich, and that is how the coal industry works.

I’m sick of these people.  I want to see the CDC report.

And while we’re at it, I want Mitch McConnell to know that lying does not make it so.  He said that President Obama did not leave Trump a game plan on dealing with a pandemic.  Not true.  Obama left a book that’s indexed, color coded, and covered in fine corinthian leather. It’s a complete cookbook and even mentions coronavirus by name as a possibility.

In addition to the playbook, outgoing senior Obama officials also led an in-person pandemic response exercise for senior incoming Trump officials in January 2017 — as required by a new law on improving presidential transitions that Obama signed in 2016. Politico reported this March that the meeting, attended by current Trump Cabinet officials including Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, addressed how to deal with a hypothetical flu crisis, among other scenarios.

Good Lord, Mitch. Your wife was there. Does she not speak to you?

I also want Mitch to apologize.


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0 Comments to “Businessman”

  1. I want trump’s faithful hound dog to go away and that other fool Young away too. Mitch should be forever gone and his wifey who is making tons of money from China and the US……..out dammed spots!

  2. megasoid says:

    The search engine is quicker than the lie…

    Indiana candidate’s rhetoric, business record don’t line up

    May 2, 2018

    Edit: Oklahoma truck driver Timothy Jackson was recovering from emergency heart surgery when he learned he’d lost his job — and his health insurance along with it — because managers at the company’s Indiana headquarters decided he wasn’t healthy enough to work.

    The multimillionaire who owns that business and several others, former Indiana state Rep. Mike Braun, is locked in a bitter Republican primary with two congressmen for the right to challenge Democrat Joe Donnelly in one of the nation’s most closely watched Senate races.

    Braun has blamed “career politicians” for outsourcing good-paying jobs overseas, while pledging he’ll help bring them back. Yet when it comes to his own business empire, which includes a handful of interrelated companies, Braun’s record falls far short of his campaign rhetoric, a review by The Associated Press found.

    full article:

  3. lumpkin says:

    Even on its own terms Mcconnell’s statement is a harsh indictment of trump. According to McConnell, not only did trump do nothing despite repeated warnings but he’s incapable of doing anything and needed Obama to do it for him.

    Of course we know that trump actually did do something about pandemic preparedness: he sabotaged all the good work his predecessors had done.

  4. Jon Fleming says:

    “A businessman does mind you dying to make him some money”


  5. SOB was a Democrat before he got rich.

  6. When a business person is in office, citizens are merely customers/consumers/employees. It’ all about maximizing financial return for the “shareholders”.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    And in the meantime, we in Texas are at the top – in the uninsured rate with 18%. And our esteemed ( by no one) Governor Refused to expand Medicaid and the cherry on top is our felony indicted AG who has a case in SCOTUS to kill the ACA. Senator Braun’s just jealous he doesn’t live here!

  8. “A businessman does mind you dying to make him some money.”

    A bad businessman will make that presumption.
    However, even Bill Murray as Carl Spackler in Caddyshack understood that if you kill the golfers, in the long run it’s not in the best interest of the golf course.

  9. Laurel in California says:

    Hey, I want to see the CDC recommendations, though I can probably make a pretty good guess as to what they are. My official title, for what it’s worth, is “Distinguished Professor Emerita, Public Health Sciences.” I think I could understand it just fine. And I’d really like to know if any of my surmises about policy are not in line with what the CDC is currently thinking. Not Redfield, who is not an epidemiologist, but the true viral pandemic experts there! Yep, and I’d like an uncensored conversation with Tony Fauci, too. I worked on HIV clinical trials years ago, when he was leading that effort through NIAID.
