Archive for May, 2020

Thank You, Houston Chronicle (New Email Address Added)

May 31, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is the front page of the Houston Chronicle Sports section this morning. It’s not a paid ad. It’s a Chronicle editorial.



Please call the Chronicle at 713-362-6303 or email them at and thank them for the front page of the Sport’s section.  Or, you can submit a Letter to the Editor here.

Thank you for encouraging courageous journalism.


Trump Ruins a Great Day for America

May 30, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Well, he just couldn’t stand it.  Unable to control his congenital obsession with jumping in front of any television camera he can reach, Trump came to the Kennedy Space Center for the second time this week to watch the first launch of Americans from American soil in 9 years.  He posed with Pence and Mother to watch the launch, and then did what Trump does.  He opened his mouth, taking credit for what GWB started in 2006 and Obama continued throughout his two terms – to retire the super expensive space shuttle and replace it with more commercial spaceflight alternatives.  Characteristically, Trump actually didn’t do shit to get us to what we, as the United States accomplished except for maybe not screwing it up before SpaceX and Nasa could get it off the ground.

The live feed of the launch was inspiring.  From the countdown to orbit was perfect, all live beamed to 10 million homes around the world.  The entire operation was flawless, that is, until Trumpian NASA administrator, Jim Bridenstine, did a live interview after the Crew Dragon had made orbit.  It made me want to puke.  He went on and on about how Trump was committed to space and how the last 3 1/2 years was so important to building back the manned space program.  He even said that Trump “took a big risk” to even be there to watch the launch.  The ass kissing was disgusting, but especially disappointing as Bridenstine had actually morphed over the last couple of years from climate denying mouth breathing congressman from Oklahoma to actual human being after being exposed to undeniable science after being named Trump’s overseer at the agency.  That transformation went right down the drain today pandering to his spray painted boss.

Then it happened.  Both Pence AND Trump spoke at the famous vehicle assembly building taking full credit for the last 15 years of  planning and development of a commercial manned space program.  In full Blatant Lie Mode, Trump declared that HE saved the space program by simply not shipwrecking what Bush II and Obama had put in motion.  Yes, I turned it off.

The conclusion from today?  You can’t get away from the cretin anywhere, not even in space.

Fox News Gets Top FBI Lawyer Fired

May 30, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Russians, Trump

Dana Boente, 38 year veteran of the FBI and its top lawyer was fired yesterday after he was criticized by Trump Toad Lou Dobbs on Fox News.  The order to fire him came from a “high level”, and not FBI director Christopher Wray.  Boente led the investigation of Russian colluder Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI  about his role with the Russians.

The firing happened on the same day that a new transcript of Flynn’s conversation with Sergey Kislyak was released by the White House that showed he actually WAS colluding with the Russians.

You just can’t make this up.


Meet the Republican Party

May 30, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As y’all have heard more times than you care to think about, my county turned from bright red to total blue in 2018.  Every Republican candidate who had a Democratic opponent got beat so badly that their grandchildren will be born shaking.  One of the reasons for that is because of diversity.  My county – Fort Bend, a suburb of Houston – is now equally split four ways between white, black, Asians, and Hispanics.

A little bit of explaining.  Our congressman Pete Olson has resigned. The open seat attracted about 15 Republicans and we’re fixing to go into a run-off election between Troy Nehls, the current sheriff of the county who’s slicker than a greased tadpole, and Kathleen Wall, who is on the other side where the wall of conservatism ends, but if you stand on a box and get a pair of binoculars you can see her jumping up and down waving her arms.

So the sheriff is frettin’ and sweatin’.  I kinda want you to back away from the computer a bit to see the mailer that arrived in Republican mailboxes the day after a white police officer tortured and murdered a black man in Minnesota.

Deep breath, now.  Here’s the front and back of Troy’s mailer to elect him to congress.





No mention of health care, education, the economy, jobs, or anything that concerns real Americans.  He’s campaigning on more guns for Republicans (read: white people), hating on immigrants, and supporting Donald Trump even if he shoots a guy on Main Street.

Holy crap.  That’s what he thinks is wrong with America?  White people need more military weapons to mow down whole crowds, churches, schools, and concerts, we need to deport men and women working hard in construction, harvesting crops, and cleaning houses, and Donald Trump is like God and family.

Did you notice how all of a sudden, he’s all for those mail-in ballots.  Maybe that’s how he got elected sheriff?

And, oh, by the way, he’s a graduate of Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University and we all know the great academic standards and welcoming to independent thought they are.

Okay, but it doesn’t stop there.

On Thursday night, one of Troy’s deputies shot and killed a deputy constable while checking out a house that was reportedly being vandalized.  Troy’s twin brother, Trevor, is a constable in the county and is currently running to replace Troy as sheriff.  Yeah, incest is common is Texas politics.

The story is kinda weird since both agencies use the same radio frequencies.

The constable was wearing a body camera, the deputies were not.



May 29, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Tell me, Trump, what was it that George Floyd died for? Please be specific. I’m sure it was something honorable or you wouldn’t have suggested it was.  He already died in vain, you enormous prick, and there’s no fixing that. That is what everybody is rageful about.  You didn’t respect his life and you sure the hell have no business telling us how to respect his brutal death.

Sending our sons and daughters to shoot our sons and daughters is a Civil War. So, this is where you want to start it? This is the hill you want to die on?  You want the American military shooting American civilians?  The police are already arresting CNN reporters.  Isn’t that enough fun for you? Do you have to see blood?


Minnesota State Police Arrest CNN Crew Live on National Televison

May 29, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists

In one of the most remarkable scenes ever on live television, the Minnesota state police arrested a CNN television crew and the reporter as he was covering them closing off a street.  Oh, and did I mention that the reporter is black?  I’m sure it’s a coinkydink.